“It’s nothing, you are lucky, if there is no Kapu Diedie, Shanaido can’t cure it
… 0
If it’s just petrification, Shanaido can still be lifted.
But if they are all broken, there is no way.
Fortunately, there is now Kapu O Diedie with strong healing power.
“There have been some small episodes, and the two sides are now continuing the game!”
The narrator shouted:
“Who will the third elf of the champion of Dandi send?”
“I’ll change her.”
Da Muxiu smiled lightly, took Xanadu back, and raised his finger at Kapu Diedie.
Kapu and Diedie dangled above Da Muxiu’s head as if dancing.
With the cocoon-like carapace under her body, it looks like a little girl riding a baby carriage.
“The legendary elf, like Xanadu, is of the elf + super power department, right?”
Dan Di pondered for a few seconds, then threw the third poke ball, “Then, I’ll leave it to you!”
The moment Dandi’s third elf landed, the exaggerated weight made the whole arena tremble
It’s a super-armored rhinoceros!
Both offensive and defensive, but 4 times weaker than water and grass elves.
Combinations of attributes like Xanadu and Kapu-Diedie basically can’t learn water or grass-type tricks.
Dandi made a good plan.
Fifteen minutes later.
Opposite Da Muxiu Miao Frog Flower, Dandi’s second trump card quasi-god Duolong Baruto fell.
On the big screen, Emperor Dan’s fifth elf head dimmed.
On the other hand, Da Muxiu, Lie Kongza, Shanaido, Kapu Diedie, Long-eared Rabbit, and Miaowahua all remained bright.
157 Do You Dare to Underestimate the Pink Devil?
“Thank you, Duolong Baruto.”
Dandi took out the elf ball and took back Duolong Baruto and let out a heavy breath.
I remember that in the very distant past, I once suffered such a hardship at the hands of my master Ma Shide, other than that, it seems that he has never been forced to this level.
“Okay, that’s amazing, to beat Emperor Dan like this!”
Caroline exclaimed.
She compared her combat strength, even if she took her ace Xanadu, she couldn’t guarantee that she could take down one of the elves of Dandi.
But Da Muxiu defeated them all.
Although he used legends, that’s all right, the key is that even if he sent Xanadu, Miao Frog Flower and other non-legendary elves that everyone has, they still won the victory.
This is scary.
If Kaluna goes up to fight Oki Xiu.
She felt that she was afraid that she would be worn six by one…
“It’s amazing! Brother Xiu!”
“May 10” Serena waved her small fists with a look of admiration.
Xiao Ju’er cast a defensive look at Serena, who was still young, but had begun to take shape in terms of figure and temperament.
Although at first glance, Serena seems to be inferior to Xiao Ju’er, a top beauty like Lulina.
But anyone who has studied many beauties will know that this girl is not fully opened yet.
Just wait another two years, it is absolutely impossible to be worse than the first two.
“Although Emperor Dan seems to be in a mess, every fight is still going back and forth, not a disastrous defeat.”
Xiao Ju’er said in a calm manner.
If the person who turned on the TV halfway through saw the battle in front of him, all five spirits of Dandi would be wiped out, and Damu Xiu would be all tall.
Seems like Dandi was a fiasco.
But there is also the reason why Da Muxiu changes the elves every game.
If it is stipulated that the two sides are not allowed to change the elves midway, then it is still no problem for Dan Di to grind the two of Omaki and end up.
“Come on! Emperor Dan!”
“We trust you!”
“Don’t be underestimated by that scumbag trainer!”
“Go! Invincible champion!”
However, Dandi has lost five elves, but the cheering cheers of the audience on Galar’s side are louder and louder.
Visitors from other regions watched dumbfounded.
“My God, this Dandi is in Galar’sPopularity is scary, right? ”
On the seat a little higher, Ji Ke couldn’t help but gasp.
All five elves have been lost, and the audience in the Galar region is still so enthusiastic.
I feel that even if the popularity of Yulongdu in Kanto is compared with Dandi’s popularity in Galar, it is far behind.
It’s no wonder, after all, Yulongdu’s character doesn’t attract many fans.
Moreover, Yu Longying, the president of the Chengdu Alliance, doesn’t like Yu Longdu, a nephew, and won’t try his best to build momentum for Emperor Dan like Luoz did.
And there is another reason why the audience in the Galar region is still so enthusiastic, that is, they know that Dandi’s last elf is “Go! My partner!”
Dandi put on a champion posture, raised the enthusiasm of the scene to a new height, and threw out his original, most trusted, and strongest partner heavily.
Galar’s most respected elf, the Charizard!
The cheers from the Galar audience shook the arena’s ceiling.
Viewers from other regions trembled in fright.
Ji Ke was stunned, “Is the Charizard so popular in the Galar region?”
As Ji Ke, the current fire-breathing dragon valley, he feels as if he has discovered a business opportunity.
If I open a branch in Galar, won’t I make a lot of money?
However, Ji Ke thought too much, it wasn’t that the fire-breathing dragon was popular in Galar, but Dandi’s fire-breathing dragon was popular.
“Red, look! On the neck of the Dandi fire-breathing dragon!”
At this time, Qinglu realized the problem and pointed at the neck of Dandi’s fire-breathing dragon.
Everyone in the audience sees it too.
Dandi’s fire-breathing dragon has a silver ring hanging from its neck, and a MEGA evolution stone is inlaid in the center!
“So that’s it! No wonder Emperor Dan took out Giganta from the very beginning.”
Qibana and others suddenly realized.
No wonder Dandi didn’t leave Gigamax to Charizard like he did against them in the past.
It was because he had already found a substitute.
Scarlet stared at Emperor Dan’s fire-breathing dragon, and his ace fire-breathing dragon was still slightly behind.
But we must be able to catch up!
As the best friend next to Ji Ke, Yu Longrong sat next to her and fixed her eyes on Da Muxiu, thinking inwardly:
“Likongzuo, Xanadu, Kapu Diedie, Long-eared Rabbit, Miaowahua… Oki Xiu only has the energy left
Da Muxiu also threw out the last poke ball.
Just when everyone thought that the legendary dragon was about to appear.
A pink jelly fell in front of the fire-breathing dragon like a joke.
99.9% of the audience who have never seen the power of Da Muxiu are instantly turned over by Lei’s men..
What is this?
what! ?
“Is he underestimating Dandi’s fire-breathing dragon?”
The owner of the Galar Grass Department, Yaluo, who has a baby face but a muscular figure like a cow, was dumbfounded.
Ji Ke also opened her mouth, and said to Yulongrong:
“That guy, Axiu, isn’t he letting Emperor Dan go?”
Yulongchun rolled his best friend’s eyes angrily, and said in a deep voice:
“Underestimate that Diversified Monster, you will suffer a lot!”
Whether it’s Yulongchun and Carunai at the scene, or Yulongdu, Kona, Sirona, and Cattleya in front of the TV.
When they saw this ever-changing monster, they all frowned fiercely.
They have all witnessed and even experienced the horror of this pink devil.
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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