And now, there are dozens of people around him.

  There are extraordinary people, there are ordinary people, and there is even a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old. She hid in the cellar and was not poisoned.

  But now, this one after another is following behind Liu Zimo, looking at Liu Zimo with amazed eyes.

  Individually, it is turned into worship.

  Comes like a thunder god.

  Wherever he passed, thunder raged on the ground.

  Dozens of meters were all turned into charred black... Countless purple arcs flickered in the air.

  This kind of power is really terrifying.

  "This must be the savior sent by God."

  In the shock of their hearts, some ordinary people also made such a sigh.

  However, at this time, few people noticed that Liu Zimo's face turned pale.

  Excessive energy consumption...

  It has been such a large-scale discharge that it consumes too much for him.

  Even if he sets foot on the extraordinary first-order, the spiritual power will continue to flow, and he will not be able to support it.

  Still, it's fine.

  He has the lost magic - the breath of thunder, which is a trump card.

  But now, it is time to turn it over.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo's eyes also fell on the ruins of the city.

  Wire after wire, flashing arcs.

  Most of the high-voltage wires have been damaged due to the invasion of the mutant sea beasts.

  But still has amazing power.

  And these electricity is Liu Zimo's excellent tonic.

  like now...

  Looking at these wires, Liu Zimo suddenly let out a roar.


  The roar like a dragon roar shook the sky.

  The naked eye can see that countless broken wires are slowly floating in the air.

  There is even an amazing blue electric light, constantly spewing towards him.

  Dozens of meters, hundreds of meters...

  Wire after wire, all appeared in the air, dancing like crazy snakes.

  Staring blankly, the figures following Liu Zimo's side were silent.

  His eyes kept widening, and there was a flash of disbelief.

  This is...

  Suddenly, they noticed that this professional, the breath of some decline, actually skyrocketed again.

  And the dim purple thunder light once again bloomed brightly.

  "Lost Magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer..."

  In a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also revealed the name of this skill.

  [Lost Magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer: Relying on the ability to devour the same attribute, restore physical strength and replenish spiritual power, but in exchange, the meridians will suffer a certain stinging pain, the more absorbed, the more stinging... If it is short time, If a large amount of thunder is devoured to restore itself, then the meridians are likely to be unbearable and completely shattered. 】

  In a simple introduction, the side effects of this magic are revealed.

  No ability is perfect.

  If there is a perfect ability, it must be the method that only exists in the legendary fairy family.

  And the lost magic - thunder dragon slaying, swallowing the ability of the same attribute and restoring oneself, will cause a certain load on the body.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  As the load continued to accumulate, even Liu Zimo couldn't bear it.

  Still, it's fine.

  This is the first time.

  With a recovery like this, Liu Zimo should have seven or eight chances.

  Enough to support Liu Zimo to fight for a long time.

  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than half an hour had passed.

  And at this time,

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  At the far end of the street, a convoy appeared.

  That was the extraordinary team from Hangtown.

  A full hundred vehicles.

  In addition to the extraordinary people who came to support, there are also fully armed soldiers.

  And now, with the extraordinary people and the people behind him, Liu Zimo also joined the team.

  "They handed you over."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also handed over the girl on his shoulder to the teacher.

  She is in charge of the team this time, presiding over the overall situation.

  And Liu Zimo, who is also a professional, can act alone.

  This is the privilege granted to Liu Zimo by the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Just because they understand that an existence like a thunderbird can only soar by spreading its wings.


  Nodding slightly, Nian Shi looked at the figure behind Liu Zimo, and he couldn't bear it.

  Many figures, their bodies are covered in blood,

  Individual bodies are no longer complete.

  It is hard to imagine that last night, they still lived peacefully in the city, living and working in peace and contentment.

  And after handing over the people behind him and the supernatural being to the supporting convoy, Liu Zimo exhaled a sigh of relief.

.. . 0


  Then, he slowly raised his eyes and looked into the depths of the city.

  In the flames and smoke, among the engulfed ruins, there are terrifying monsters rampant.

  They wantonly vent their malice and trample on human life and even dignity.

  Clenching his fists tightly, Liu Zimo also chose to leave after replenishing his stamina for a short time, and went deep into the city alone.

  As for the convoy, it is responsible for exterminating the beast tide around the city and collecting survivors at the same time.


  At this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that not long after he left,

  "Sister, who is that one?"

  Staring blankly at the back of Liu Zimo's departure, her sister Lingyin also looked at the teacher and asked Liu Zimo's name.

  Until now, she didn't know Liu Zimo's name.

  "Thunderbird, Hangcheng is currently proud of the first day..."

  Having said that, Nian Shi paused and added:

  "Also the number one strong..."


  After a while of silence, Suzune also remembered the name in her heart.

  "If you have a chance, pay attention to the Internet. Thunderbird is quite famous on the Internet recently."

  In the simple narration, there was a smile on the corner of Nian Shi's mouth.

  Another girl has fallen.

  Now, Thunderbird really has a fatal attraction for little girls.

  People are handsome, not to mention.

  The strength is also very strong.

  The key is the moves, and one is more gorgeous and scary than the other.

  And now, he has a life-saving grace for these little girls, and it is no wonder that the eyes of these little girls looking at Thunderbird can't stop flickering.

  However, I have to say that the Thunderbird is really good.

  If she was a few years younger, she might be...

  Wait, she doesn't seem old...

  With a raised eyebrow, the teacher also pressed some inexplicable thoughts in his heart.


  At this time, no one knew that Pau, the center of the city, was a real terror, raging.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

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