Frost arrows kept shooting out, and the whole street was icy.

  Countless people were shivering in the cold air.


  With a cold snort, Liu Zimo's face also clenched his fists.

  These mutant sea beasts are really courting death.

  While his mind was turning, Liu Zimo flew down into the sky.

  Countless purple electric arcs intertwined under his feet, holding up his entire body and suspending him in mid-air.

  That is Liu Zimo's skill - Thunderbolt.

  Thunderbolt is a very comprehensive skill. It can make Liu Zimo float into the air, and it also fully enhances the power of Liu Zimo's thunder attribute skills.

  At the same time, it can also condense five thunderballs behind Liu Zimo.

  This thunderball gathers amazing thunder and can continuously shoot lightning.

  However, Liu Zimo was not interested in these.

  All he really cares about is two things.

  One is Yukong, and the second is to enhance Liu Zimo's thunder attribute skills.

  Just like now, flying across the sky at a high altitude, Liu Zimo feels that his perception of thunder attribute elements is constantly rising.

  At this moment, he seems to have transformed into the King of Thunder and merged with Thunder...


  He doesn't fly fast.

  Compared to some wind attribute capable people, Liu Zimo's speed can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

  However, there is no way.

  He rarely uses this skill.

  And now, he chose Yukong only to rush through the city.

  "The time of Yukong can't be too long, and the consumption of spiritual power is somewhat unbearable."

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo also put his hands in his pockets, very calmly flying towards the distant mutant crab king.

  And shortly after this...

  "Look, what is that?"

  "I wipe, what is that, how can there be a person?"

  "Wait, don't scare me."

  "What are you kidding? That man is flying in the sky,"

  Exclamation after exclamation, countless people are shaken.

  There are countless extraordinary people stunned.

  Just because, looking from their perspective, I can see a figure hidden in the purple lightning, slowly flying under the interweaving of countless purple lightnings.

  He seemed to be stepping on a purple thunderball.

  Hanging high in nine days.

  Threads of purple electric light are constantly intertwined in the air.

  There is an indefinite electric light flashing in the depths of his eyes.

  From a distance, it looks like a king of thunder walking in the world.

  And this time.

  "Squeak, squeak..."

  It seems that he noticed the existence of Liu Zimo, and the mutant crab king who was rampant on the ground also stopped.

  A pair of big copper bell eyes propped up like an antenna stared at this figure flying from a high altitude.

  For some reason, an indescribable sense of crisis emerged in his heart.


  His feet landed, dissipating the thunder balls under his feet. Liu Zimo also raised his eyes slowly, looking calmly at the mutant crab king not far away.

  It's just that a ray of electric light flashing from time to time in the depths of the eyes is actually chilling.

  It was like looking at a dead man.

  As always, cold and horrified.

  "Squeak, squeak..."

  Suddenly, an astonishing roar resounded in the night sky.

  Accompanied by it, this mutant crab king suddenly raised its huge pincers and slammed into the air.

  "Boom, boom..."

  Just listening to the roar of one after another, in the air, there are actually countless ice arrows converging.

  These ice arrows are about one meter long.

  It exudes a terribly cold air.

  But now, with a roar, these ice arrows actually ripped apart the air and suddenly pierced towards Liu Zimo.



  Even more frightening was the freezing cold.

  "Be careful..."

  In the sudden exclamation, an extraordinary person also reminded in time.

  However, at this moment,

  "Crack, click..."

  In the sudden roar, the sky and the ground, each has its own thunder.

  With thunder, it came from the sky and shot down the Frostbolt.

  There is also lightning, rising from the earth, melting the ice arrows.

  So terrifying, the Frostbolt enough to tear through the armored vehicle, could not even get close to this figure...  

  I can't help holding my breath...

  One figure after another couldn't help suffocating.

  Some extraordinary people, looking at Liu Zimo's eyes, even showed an incredible look.

  Is this guy a monster?

  However, without waiting for them to think about it, Liu Zimo moved again.

  The right hand is slowly raised,

  A long spear transformed by thunder actually appeared in his hand.

  This is a chidori sharp spear with astonishing penetrating power.

  However, in his repeated improvement, the Chidori sharp spear has been transformed into the legendary thunder spear, which can be thrown from a long distance.

  Just like now, when he tightened the Thunder Spear in his hand, Liu Zimo also exerted force.


  Hearing a roar, the spear broke through the air, carrying an astonishing arc, and pierced towards the mutant crab king.


  An astonishing neigh suddenly sounded in the night sky.

  Looking at Xunsheng, it was actually this two- or three-meter long spear that penetrated the small half of the [-]-meter-large mutant crab king.

  A bottomless black hole appeared.

  This mutant crab king also kept shaking his body and made a very startling neigh.


  Among the regretful voices, Liu Zimo was also helpless.

  Chidori sharp spear, very scary.

  But in the long distance, it lost a bit of power.

  Otherwise, a close-range thrust should be enough to completely penetrate this mutant crab king.

  However, it doesn't matter.

  He was in the mood to try.

  I didn't see it, he gave up the melee method.

  Next, he will stage a long-range attack.

  Similar to the legendary magician.

  It is even more terrifying than a magician.

  It's just because Liu Zimo doesn't need to chant the mantra, and it looks like the clouds are light.

  Until now, his other hand has not been taken out of his trouser pocket.

  However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo also smiled.

  He almost forgot his skill - Thunderbolt could increase the power of his thunder attribute skills.

  Then the skill is thunderous, and with the skill of Qiandiao sharp gun,

  Is it possible to reproduce the 'real thunder spear' and penetrate everything?

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