
  During the repeated remarks, there was also a worried look on the ice girl's face.

  "There are still people fighting, and my most powerful group of people last night can't fall."

  With a smile, Liu Zimo also passed by the Ice Girl.

  "Don't worry, I know what to do, I'll be fine."

  While speaking softly, a smile appeared on Liu Zimo's face.

  Nothing will really happen.

  His killing is different from others.

  Every time he kills, a large number of evolution points will be credited to the account.

  Up to now, he has three million points.

  And these points can make Liu Zimo stronger capital.

  Therefore, the more killing, the stronger Liu Zimo will become.

  "I'm not just for the city, but for myself."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo also firmly believed that he was not a person who sacrificed himself for others.

  Now, everything he does is more for himself.

  But what he didn't know was that he rushed to the front again and again,

  Time and time again, regardless of the depletion of spiritual power, he killed the sea beast tide, but it gave too many people an unforgettable scene.

  Until now, many people still remember the figure standing in the sky holding a thunder spear.

  But who would have thought that such a domineering figure almost fell from the sky.

  And that is Liu Zimo.

  In the true sense, fight until the spiritual power is exhausted.

  You know, he has a lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer, which can recharge during battle, restore physical strength, and replenish spiritual power.

  But even so, he couldn't bear it.

  This shows how much he fought.

  Of course, this can also be seen from the three million Dao points he has.

  A mutant sea beast, an average of two or three hundred...

  One hundred, two or three thousand.

  Three million points...

  That's tens of thousands of mutant sea beasts.

  In other words, there were nearly tens of thousands of mutant sea beasts who died in Liu Zimo's hands.

  Such numbers are shocking.

  Killing one is a crime, killing a million is a hero, killing a million is a hero among heroes!

  Today's Liu Zimo is really on the road of killing, going further and further! ! !

  If it really continues like this, a generation of killing gods may also reappear in the world.

  However, this is a good thing for humans.

  Today's human beings need such a killing god.

  Someone needs to lead them up again.

  Someone needs to lead them to the top of the food chain again.

  Such a person is not only Liu Zimo...

  There are one after another innumerable strong.

  For example, the mutant leader of the land of freedom...

  Another example is the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, the King of the Knights of the Round Table with a long sword... the King of Magic...

  There is also Sakura Country, a kendo successor who walked out of the deepest part of the kendo hall. . . .

Chapter 83

  The human race has never been a race that can be underestimated.

  When the human race is in crisis,

  There will always be someone who will help the building turn the tide.

  And for this, many people are convinced.

  like now...

  The dazzling thunder light gathered between the heavens and the earth, and a purple meteor ripped apart the sky and even the earth once again, and fell towards a beast tide in the entire city.

  "Lord Thunderbird, it's Lord Thunderbird, here again."

  In the repeated exclamations, countless superhumans and humans who were fighting were excited.

  At this time, after a simple demonstration of strength, Liu Zimo rode the thunder and flew towards the tallest building in Pau.

  This is a skyscraper.

  up to meters.

  However, fortunately, in the raging beast tide, this building has not collapsed.

  Otherwise, the city will lose another iconic building.

  And now, at the top of this tall building, Liu Zimo also took a deep breath.

  The wind is howling,

  Thunder is neighing...

  The distant sunset, gradually falling, illuminates the outline of the entire city...

  The bustling city of last night,

  Today is actually a ruin,

  Flames and smoke all around.

  And now... quietly standing on the top of the tall building, Liu Zimo is alone.

  But his thoughts kept flying.

  "Just here."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also decided to show the limits of human beings to the entire city and to all mutant beasts.

  Show, that does not belong to the forbidden power of mortals.

  "Three million points, enough to deduce..."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo thought of two very terrifying skills.

  One is Lei Ying, the god of thunder, which stimulates the thunder cloud to turn it into a huge spherical black cloud, similar in appearance to ball lightning, and its interior is full of amazing airflow and electric current.Finally, the black ball thundercloud falls from the sky, and the moment it falls, a powerful thunder and lightning will erupt to destroy all the targets within the attack range, and an island can be turned into dust in the blink of an eye.

  And the second is the forbidden magic of the lost magic thunder and dragon slayer school - Shenming Temple, 300 magic crystals full of thunder and lightning magic power are suspended in a ring above the target, if the magic crystals are not all at once before activation Destruction produces a massive amount of lightning strikes powerful enough to destroy a city.

  Both of these are extremely terrifying skills.

  If Liu Zimo can activate it, then it will not only shock humans, but also countless mutant beasts.

  Just, it's not possible.

  Not to mention Liu Zimo's point, it's not enough to deduce.

  Even his spiritual power is not enough to support him.

  These two very terrifying skills, at least one million spiritual power, or even tens of thousands of spiritual power.

  Therefore, Liu Zimo can only take second place...

  Deduce another A-level skill instead.

  This skill is - Thunder Suppression, which gathers a large amount of thunder and lightning on the top of the enemy's head to form a thunder and lightning cloud, and then calls out a thunderbolt from the thunder and lightning cloud, which falls from the sky and turns everything into ashes.

  Simply put, this trick is mainly carried out in "weather" mode.

  Gather the huge power of lightning over the enemy's head to form a huge cloud of lightning. With the addition of atmospheric power, the attributes of this lightning have been greatly enhanced, and then guided by Liu Zimo's lightning, a single strike " Thunderbolt from the sky is enough to inflict devastating lethality on the enemy.

  very scary skill

  The reason why Liu Zimo wants to deduce this skill is because Liu Zimo wants everyone to see that it is possible for humans to master the power of gods.

  Master the real thunderbolt.

  Of course, the power of this skill itself is amazing.

  A lightning-type long-range skill, the Railgun, obviously can't meet Liu Zimo's needs.

  And the thunder spear he just perfected on the basis of the Qiandori sharp spear was not enough.

  Therefore, he still needs to deduce a skill that is very oppressive, and whose destructive power is also extremely terrifying.

  And this, the most suitable is the thunder and angry waves.

  Gathering dark clouds, summoning a thunder, falling from the sky, turning everything into ashes.

  This skill can be said to show Thunder's domineering to the extreme.

  Just like the legendary catastrophe.

  Terrifying and appalling.

  Liu Zimo had a feeling that this skill might become his signature skill.


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