"Fear must exist..."

  "Every newcomer will be afraid when faced with these ferocious mutant beasts."

  "But being able to overcome your fears is what really counts as qualified."

  While speaking softly, Huang Lao, the director of the Spirit Power Branch Headquarters, also looked at the screen calmly.

  He is looking forward to... Liu Zimo's performance.

  After all, this is a thunder attribute talent, able to control thunder,

  It is one of the few elemental talent controllers.

  Worthy of attention.

  And now, it's time to test him.

  "Being able to overcome the fear is enough. I don't expect him to defeat this mutant mouse... The rest will be the Ice Maiden."

  In the sudden remarks, a middle-aged man also confessed.


  Nodding, Director Huang Lao also looked forward to it.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know the attention of these people.

  Now he, looking at this very ferocious mutant mouse not far away, also clenched his fists.


  During the sudden neighing, this mutant mouse suddenly launched an attack.


  Incredibly fast.

  Looking from a distance, it looks like a black sword, attacking straight.

  However, at this moment, if you pay attention to Liu Zimo's surroundings, you will definitely be able to see that the slightest chill is spreading.

  There are more ice stains, which keep condensing.

  This is the ice girl from the Spiritual Power Bureau, ready to take action.

  They never expected Liu Zimo to defeat this mutant beast.

  After all, he was just an intern.

  No real training.

  And they want Liu Zimo to see the horror of mutant beasts more.

  However, I have to say that mutant beasts are indeed terrifying.

  The sharp teeth are already sticking out.

  Full of fishy smell, instantly sprayed...

  Incredibly disgusting...

  This is the mutant mouse, the mutant beast that came out of the sewers.


  However, at this time,


  A sudden roar sounded in silence.

  Xunsheng looked around, and it was Liu Zimo's right arm that burst out with a very dazzling thunder.

  This thunder light is several meters in size.

  Like a bucket of lightning.


  With another roar, Liu Zimo raised his arm abruptly.


  Hearing a loud shout, all his spiritual energy was output, Liu Zimo's entire right arm turned into a thunderbolt, facing the rushing mutant mouse...


  During the sudden scream, blood splashed, and the smell of electric burn filled the air.

  At this time, if you look at Liu Zimo not far away, you will definitely be able to see the hideous bones looming in the thunder...

  The strands of blue electric arcs scurried in the sky like a silver snake.

  This is Chidori.

  The thunder gathered in the palm, and the right hand was turned into an invincible blade that penetrated everything.

  Even if Liu Zimo's cultivation is not enough now, this skill is not ordinary horror.

  Just because, the entire mutant mouse was penetrated under Liu Zimo Qianniao.

  From beginning to end, Liu Zimo's arm seemed to have turned into a thunder spear, tearing it apart deeply.

  However, at this moment, what shocked Liu Zimo was that something happened.

  Just because, at the next moment, an icy prompt sounded in Liu Zimo's ear.

  "Ding, you have killed a mutated fourth-level mouse, plus 400 points..."


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

  Road point?

  Could it be said that killing mutant beasts can increase Dao points.

  His heart was ecstatic, and Liu Zimo was also excited.

  You know, the point is very important to him.

  With Dao points, he can deduce various skills.

  With Dao points, he can master one magic trick after another.

  And this period of time, he has been suffering from no point increase.

  But I didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

  "In this way... I guess in the future, I will embark on the road of killing mutant beasts."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo did not reject him at all.

  Just because the mutant beasts are terrifying,

  But he is even more eager for that one magic trick after another.

  The Ice Age that froze everything...

  An infinity spell known as ''never approachable''...

  Also, the legendary infinite sword system...

  One after another, if he was allowed to master all of these magical skills, he was afraid that he would be able to set foot on the road of true invincibility.

  And that's not to mention, all kinds of magical powers that only exist in legends.

  Yes, magical powers.

  More than these skills, magical skills.

  Even the so-called supernatural powers, he can deduce.

  And what is magic?

  That is a big means that can only be mastered by immortals and Buddhas.

  Inhumans can take over.

  But he actually has the possibility of taking charge of divine powers.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to it.

  Next, he decided to kill all kinds of mutant beasts.

  Kill all the way.

  In the sea of ​​blood and the mountain of corpses, he unleashed all of his magical skills.


  However, at this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that the people watching him were dumbfounded.

  Even the ice girl not far away, the girl with long blue hair, her beautiful eyes widened.

  "What are you kidding?"

  Unimaginably horrified, the Ice Maiden stared at the earth not far away.

  Thunder with a full tens of meters, tearing everything...

  Even the air was left with strands of blue arcs.

  However, the most terrifying thing was that young man who, like a sharp blade with one hand, actually pierced through this mutant beast.

  You know, this is a mutant beast.

  The defense is terrifying.

  Especially the evolved fur, ordinary sharp blades are difficult to tear.

  But now...

  "I understand a little...why, thunder is known as the most terrifying kind of elements...this destructive power is too amazing...".

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