In the soft remarks, the teacher also simply praised Liu Zimo instead of the above.


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo just touched his nose in embarrassment.

  He's not used to this.

  "These are all my duties."

  In the simple description, Liu Zimo also turned around directly, ready to devote himself to cultivation again.

  However, without waiting for him to practice for too long, the task is assigned again.

  Cover some of the people and return to Hangzhou.

  A task that is difficult or not, is not easy.

  The difficulty is because there are many mutant beasts running rampant along the way.

  Might meet some great guys.

  As for simplicity, it is also because this task should not be a big problem as long as you are careful.

  After all, Liu Zimo is in charge of Thunder, and the speed is very fast.

  Fully able to take care of the convoy...

  And in this regard, Liu Zimo did not refuse, and readily accepted the task.

  Accompanied by a group of extraordinary people, they were dispatched.

  However, Liu Zimo was also stunned when he looked at the two young girls who were standing at the front, not far away, with hot eyes.

  It looks like...

  like twins.

  They are all short black hair, youthful and bright, and a pair of eyes like black gems...

  And fair skin.

  But now, the two girls looked a little excited when they looked at Liu Zimo, and the smiles on their faces overflowed.

  "Last time, thank you Thunderbird-sama..."

  While speaking in unison, the two girls also bowed respectfully to Liu Zimo.

  "You are..."

  In a daze, Liu Zimo also thought of the identities of these two girls.

  The two he met when he just arrived in Pau.

  At that time, the whole body was covered in blood, which was very miserable.

  But now, after recovering from the wound and washing it, Liu Zimo almost didn't recognize it.

  "I remembered... You are the two people from before. Has the injury recovered so quickly?"

  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo was also surprised.

  He remembered these two girls, who couldn't even stand at the time.

  "Our talents are shared. Although we are two people, we are more like one person. Our respective resilience, healing power, and even physical strength are far superior to ordinary people...equivalent to twice that of ordinary people..."

  With a chuckle, elder sister Lingyu also briefly introduced her abilities.

  Although before, she was in a coma.

  But after waking up, her sister shared the memory, which also impressed her deeply about the savior.


  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo was also a little surprised.

  Really strange ability.

  Sure enough, talent, there are no surprises.

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also asked:

  "Are you covering the retreat with me this time?"


  Nodding together, the two twins said in unison:

  "Now Pau is paralyzed. After covering the crowd to leave, we will also join Hangcheng... At that time, please take care of Thunderbird."

  "it is good."

  Smiling, Liu Zimo did not refuse.

  Such a thing, simple.

  Just say hi.

  Moreover, these two girls have strange talents, and their strength must not be weak. It is estimated that Huang Lao will like them.

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also looked at the instructor's scar not far away:

  "Are you almost leaving, Instructor?"


  Nodding his head, the instructor Scar also said bluntly:

  "This time, there are more than [-] buses... You will take care of it when the time comes..."

  "It's not a big problem."

  In response, Liu Zimo also jumped to the top of a bus very decisively, and then sat up directly.

  "Crack, click..."

  Threads of thunder light, constantly overflowing,

  An extremely astonishing power spread unexpectedly.

  "Crack, click..."

  Hearing a crisp sound one after another, the streets and buildings within a radius of several hundred meters trembled without warning.

  It can cause discoloration and even tingling of the scalp.

  And that's not scary.

  What's really terrifying is... There is purple lightning in the air, constantly interweaving...

  The surroundings were filled with an unimaginable sense of oppression, and the atmosphere seemed to freeze, making people suffocated.

  "what is this?"

  "So scary, this breath?"

  "Is this the breath of a strong man? What are you kidding?"

  "I wipe, I feel like I'm suffocating..."

  In the repeated exclamations, countless people around were shaken, and even the expressions of the extraordinary people couldn't help but change greatly, looking at Liu Zimo with a look of astonishment.

  In the distance, Luo Hu and Nian Shi seemed to have noticed something, and their gazes towards Liu Zimo were even more incredible.

  "This is?"

  When Qi Qi was shocked, they also noticed Liu Zimo's terrifying aura that was different from ordinary people.

  "This is the overlord color..."

  While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo was also satisfied with this ability.

  Overlord, this is the "ability" of the chosen person among millions of people, and it is a very powerful aura.

  A person with an overlord color can rely on his own "spirit" to intimidate, shock and stun the enemy without taking a shot, and can also make an opponent who is much weaker than himself stunned.

  Simply put, it is the substantiation of the momentum, which shocks others.

  This is the ability to use momentum.

  And Liu Zimo also consumed millions of Dao points to deduce this ability.

  Escort convoy, what ability is more reliable than this?

  Immediately shocked, countless mutant beasts retreated.

  This is like the body of the legendary tiger shook, exuding the aura of dominance, causing the enemies to retreat as much as possible.

  And Liu Zimo has this plan.

  It looks good now.

  Raising his eyes, he glanced at the surrounding masses and extraordinary people whose complexions had changed drastically. Liu Zimo did not make any extra explanations, and slowly restrained his momentum.

  This ability of his is only a preliminary development.

  Not too strong.

  If he can go further, develop, and push this ability to the extreme...

  Then countless purple lightning will pour out from his body, like a storm, sweeping everything around him.

  It is accompanied by the fact that countless people will be captured by their minds.

  Individuals may even faint directly.

  This is a very scary ability.

  If Liu Zimo can really reach the peak one day, perhaps relying on this ability, he can deter the beast tide.

  When the time face the tide of millions of beasts.

  He is alone, one step at a time, walking slowly...

  Even if it is a horde of millions of beasts, they would not dare to get close.

  And that, how domineering.

  How terrifying.

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