But now, he actually felt that the figure in the picture was somewhat familiar.

  Yes, familiar.

  "The screen is zoomed, I need to see that figure clearly."

  "Yes, Lord Luo Hu."

  With a response, the picture is also pulled closer, until the next moment,


  Seemingly unbelievable, Luo Hu couldn't help roaring out.

  "Thunder Dragon? What?"

  "Wait, Lord Luo Hu won't say this is Lord Thunder Dragon? How is this possible?"

  "I feel it too."

  In the repeated exclamations, the entire crowd was in an uproar.

  However, at this moment, the corners of many people's eyes began to twitch uncontrollably.

  Just because the screen keeps zooming and zooming. They are also the people who perceive the screen, and they are somewhat familiar.

  "It seems that it is really Lord Thunder Dragon."


  And at this time,


  A sudden roar came from the depths of the night sky.

  An unimaginable oppression also erupted in an instant.

  The body can't help shaking, and the eyes of countless soldiers are not eager to focus on the depths of the night sky...

  It can be seen to the naked eye, far away... There is actually a black shadow that jumps dozens of meters high and jumps straight towards the direction of Hangcheng.


  With a loud shout, countless soldiers swallowed their saliva and raised their weapons.

  There are also several machine guns, and even rocket launchers, aimed at the black shadow in the air.

  "Wait... don't fire."

  A sudden violent drink came from behind,

  And that is, Luo Hu, who came from behind with extreme speed.

  He realized something and ran out in a hurry.

  However, compared to his reminder, a more powerful voice echoed in the night sky.

  "Everyone welcomes me at the ceremony, which is a little grand."

  A chuckle spread over thousands of meters.

  Accompanied by it, a dazzling thunder light emerged from the extraordinary black robe.

  Immediately afterwards, holding Wang Yuyan's body in both hands, Liu Zimo jumped up abruptly on the transcendent black panther,

  "Crack, click..."

  Under the interweaving of purple electric light, countless soldiers and even extraordinary people have seen...

  I saw... a young man hugged a girl and jumped off the extraordinary black panther in the sky...

  Bright electric light shines in the night sky,

  The eyes of one soldier after another and even the extraordinary are frozen.

  In the faint, they felt that there was a thunderbolt passing through their minds, and they were dazed...

  Yes, dumbfounded.


  Everyone was stunned.

  Lord Thunder Dragon, even riding an extraordinary-level mutant black robe, returned to Hangcheng.


  Not to mention other people, even Luo Hu, who recognized Liu Zimo's figure from the video, had a complicated expression.

  How did this guy do it? .

Chapter 106


  Everyone was shaken.

  Thunder Dragon actually returned riding an extraordinary black panther.

  One after another, everyone, including the extraordinary, stared blankly at the end of the street.

  There, Lord Thunder Dragon, holding a girl who seemed to be sleeping in his arms.

  And just behind him, an extraordinary black panther a lap or two bigger than the average black panther followed slowly.

  It's just that this extraordinary black panther seems a little nervous.

  His face was actually humanized fear and panic.

  "Am I blinded? Lord Thunder Dragon, did he really subdue the extraordinary black panther?"

  "Damn it, is this our first professional beastmaster?"

  "Tsk tsk, look at this extraordinary black panther, it's very human, and it looks extremely intelligent."

  "She seemed nervous, really, seemed nervous."

  During the repeated exclamations, countless people were shocked, even professional powerhouses like Luo Hu were shocked.

  An extraordinary level mutant black panther,

  This is a force that no one can ignore.

  It is rude to say that this extraordinary black panther is enough to easily defeat the most elite team among humans.

  But now, she was following Thunder Dragon carefully.

  "Thunder Dragon, is this really an extraordinary black panther?"

  "And, can you really make sure it doesn't threaten the safety of the people?"

  While speaking softly, Luo Hu also took a step forward.

  As a soldier, he thinks more.


  Smiling, Liu Zimo also said to the extraordinary black panther behind him:

  "Say hello to everyone."


  In the sudden roar, the extraordinary black panther also nodded humanely.

  Then, she actually took two steps forward and let out an extremely terrifying roar at many soldiers and extraordinary people.


  In the roar again, the sound shook the night sky, and the terrifying sound waves were rolled up round and round.

  However, many people understand that...

  This extraordinary black panther understands humanity...

  He also listened to the words of Lord Thunder Dragon.

  Nice guy, really nice guy.

  Lord Thunder Dragon actually tamed an extraordinary black panther?

  However, Liu Zimo did not explain.

  No explanation needed either.

  As the trump card of the Thunder Hall of the firm, how could Liu Zimo be able to penetrate to outsiders.

  However, he really needs to report to the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also glanced at the extraordinary black panther and chuckled:

  "Let's go."


  With a low roar, the extraordinary black panther was also stunned by countless people, and slowly fell down.

  Turn over and get on the leopard.



  Among the roars that were enough to shake the night sky, an extraordinary black panther was already carrying a figure and flew towards the end of the street.



  However, countless people still feel incredible.

  Moreover, this piece of news is rapidly fermenting on the Internet.

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