At the same time, countless cities of human beings...the cities made of steel bars and cement roads, there are also nine-colored spiritual energy constantly pouring out.

  Just a little to start,

  But later, like fog, it gradually filled the city.


  With the guidance of the Spiritual Energy Bureau, most people realize that this is Spiritual Qi, and realize that this is Spiritual Energy Tide.

  But the rest of the countries were not so lucky.

  Without the Spiritual Power Bureau, their cognition of transcendence is extremely limited.

  Confused, confused...

  Gradually flooded the city.

  It's just that it doesn't matter.

  What is really important is that there are many people who have awakened their abilities.

  "What is this, what is this?"

  With an incredible scream, a pair of blood-colored wings grew out of a young man's back...

  His whole person is under the wings, flying to the sky...

  And he was at a loss, his face full of disbelief.

  "My God? What is that?"

  "My God, God..."

  "what on earth is it."

  Among the incredible screams, countless people noticed this scene.

  However, at this moment, an old man who looked to be in his [-]s or [-]s suddenly changed his face.

  The body is expanding,

  Pain also struck.

  ".〃no no..."

  Among the repeated screams, there was a loud bang in the next moment.


  Blood splattered everywhere, shocking countless figures around him.

  Until shortly after...


  A heart-piercing scream resounded throughout the night sky, and the entire city was in chaos.

  At this moment, above the tallest building in the city, there were several figures shrouded in black robes, standing quietly.

  Their eyes were calm, looking at the city that was already submerged in noise and chaos, but they didn't mean to stop it in the slightest.

  "The best time has come."

  In the soft remarks, this figure hidden under the brim of the hat had a blood-red color in his eyes.

  That's not a color that belongs to the human eye.

  "The worst of times has come."

  It was another narration, and behind the other figure, a tail that did not belong to a human was protruding.

  And this is the dark council with some reputation.

  A force established by a group of extraordinary people.

  Active in various cities, constantly absorbing one extraordinary person after another.

  And now, looking at the boy who spread his wings in the sky, very flustered and even a little desperate, a girl's voice echoed in the night sky:

  "Adopt him, the flying ability is not bad."


  Nodding slightly, another figure said bluntly:

  "I heard that in the city next door, there is a person who has the ability to control the air, and was born..."

  "Manipulating the's scary."

  "It's really terrifying. At the moment of his birth, five hundred meters in a circle turned into a vacuum, and countless people died of suffocation."


 (Pauses Zhao) During a period of silence, many figures were silent.

  This blood-colored awakening is really...

  At this time, another person added:

  "In that forest, a mutant beast with an extraordinary second-order was born, and there is more than one."

  "Um... can we stop it?"

  "No, if we take action, we will die."


  The brief conversation revealed powerlessness.

  Humans today are too weak.

  Facing the mutant beasts one step ahead of them, it is difficult for them to have room to play.

  "Now, I can only hope that their wisdom will not be turned on prematurely."

  "This is the only hope..."

  With a sigh, these figures also slowly turned around.

  Now they are going to receive these extraordinary people.

  At this time, not only these unfamiliar countries and cities, but even the ** familiar to Liu Zimo had changed., Liu Zimo, who was polishing his abilities in the wild, also stopped.

  "This is?"

  In a daze, Liu Zimo noticed the extremely terrifying spiritual power fluctuations, rising from the ground.

  Immediately afterwards, what was printed into Liu Zimo's eyes was actually countless nine-color auras that overflowed arrogantly like mist.

  "The tide of spiritual power..."

  In some stunned voices, Liu Zimo realized something.

  Just, at this moment,

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  Repeated roars came from the depths of the mountain.

  More terrifying spiritual power fluctuations erupted violently.

  That's a mutant beast.

  One mutant beast after another in the first round of spiritual power tide, finally transformed......

Chapter 112

  "The first wave of spiritual power has finally come..."

  With a sigh, the person in charge of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau also stared blankly at the nine-colored color rising from the ground of this purple city.

  The spiritual power index keeps rising.

  One after another, ordinary human beings are constantly transforming in the recovery of spiritual energy.

  Of course, most are just body strengthening...

  If you want to awaken the ability, you still need difficulty.

  The extraordinary, after all, is the existence of no one in ten thousand.

  Just this time,

  As if thinking of something, the person in charge of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau also took the initiative to ask:

  "At present, do we still have people here who exploded to death?"

  "Yes, but not much."

  In response, an adjutant also said bluntly:

  "I believe that all the people will be grateful for what our Spiritual Energy Bureau has done, injecting everyone with spiritual energy in advance, just like injecting a vaccine, so that their bodies are the first to adapt to the spiritual energy... This greatly reduces the probability of their body bursting and dying. ..."

  "Until now, there are only a dozen or so people in the whole Hangzhou city. It's really hard to bear the aura entering the body... That's why..."

  Listening quietly, the person in charge of Hangzhou Lingli General Bureau is also pleased.

  That's it.

  Not in vain, they did everything.

  However, at this moment, a sudden exclamation came from behind.

  "The big thing is bad, Directorate General."


  In a little stunned, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power General Bureau was also a little puzzled.

  what else could happen,

  Didn't they have everything ready, just waiting for the arrival of the spiritual tide?

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