This is the correct way to open Shanhun's ability.

  The three top abilities are matched with each other,

  The explosive power is not as simple as one plus one.

  Don't say anything else,

  Only 'physical strengthening', 'super regeneration', combined with the 'giant power' that Shanhun now possesses...

  Then a 'humanoid monster' capable of sweeping the entire battlefield will come out.

  And, it's not just this kind of collocation...

  There are also 'strength enhancement', 'muscle strengthening', combined with 'giant strength'...

  With this combination, Liu Zimo has no doubts that this guy can blast a mountain with one punch.

  This is the ultimate power.

  "You seem to know my abilities better than me..."

  With a cold hum, Shan Hun was also a little helpless.

  This Thunder Dragon is indeed a monster.

  Not only monsters in strength, but also monsters in other aspects.

  "Under my eyes, there are no secrets."

  While speaking softly, an inexplicable luster flashed in Liu Zimo's eyes.

  In the faint, Shan Hun felt his body tighten.

  An indescribable fear suddenly appeared in my heart.

  "This is?"

  Suddenly, Shanhun stared at Liu Zimo's ordinary-looking eyes.


  Why under these eyes, he has a feeling of losing control of life and death.

  At this time, what Shanhun didn't know was that Liu Zimo's eyes contained the extremely terrifying space pupil technique - Shenwei.

  That's 'an alternate dimension in the horizon. '

  Eyes condensed for a while, enough to distort the space.

  It can also twist the whole body of the mountain into smashes in an instant...

  Killing at a glance is not a joke.

  Therefore, Shanhun felt trembling and even fear under Liu Zimo's gaze.

  That is the instinct of life to perceive danger.

  ps: ****************For flowers, for a reward****************

  Ask for support, Qiangwei must work hard, update at least [-] words, feel at ease....

Chapter 120

  "Then let's go."

  With a simple greeting, Liu Zimo also got into the armored vehicle and set off towards the northwest.

  Armored vehicles, a lot of space,

  The five of them were seated, no problem at all.

  And, it's not even five people.

  Like Tinder, a small part of it has been integrated with armored vehicles, so it is okay to treat it as an armored vehicle.

  So, the real people sitting in the car are four people.

  Liu Zimo, Ice Girl Shang Xueyu, Catwoman and the last Shanhun.

  What is worth mentioning is that the Ice Girl Shang Xueyu and Catwoman used to be in the same Spiritual Power Bureau, and they could be considered acquaintances. Sitting together, it was rare for them to have a common language.

  Even whispering in the car from time to time.

  As for Liu Zimo, he was leaning against the rear window, looking at the scenery.

  He doesn't like to talk,

  Compared to chatting, now he prefers to run Lei Lingjue and start practicing silently.

  And Shanhun and Tinder.

  A silent, lying quietly on the co-pilot, with Erlang's legs crossed.

  One is that he is wholeheartedly familiar with armored vehicles.

  This armored vehicle is the key to his combat power.

  Whether he can fully grasp it or not will largely determine his next life and death.

  Therefore, Tinder is also very serious.


  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Zimo and others had already left Hangcheng for some distance, and the armored vehicles were driving on the road with all their strength.

  Just, at this moment,

  "Roar, roar..."

  In the sudden roar, the roar of the armored vehicle woke up many mutant beasts on the roadside.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  In the repeated roars, a mutant beast like a mutant monitor lizard was chasing the armored vehicle in the dark night.

  "Speed ​​up, get rid of them, we don't have time to delay."

  In the simple order, Liu Zimo's face was as indifferent as ever.

  "Okay, Thunder Dragon Boss."

  In response, the entire armored vehicle was shocked.

  "Boom, boom..."

  Amidst the repeated roars, the speed of this armored vehicle was actually pulled to [-] or [-] yards, and it was even accelerating.

  This kind of speed, in the hands of ordinary human beings, I am afraid that some can't stand it.

  But in the hands of Tinder who can incarnate the ability of 'Tinder Machine', it is Pediatrics.

  However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, Tinder's pupils could not help shrinking.

  At this time, if you look at his eyes, you will definitely be able to see that on the highway not far away, a tree with a huge tree has fallen into the road.

  In the faint, you can also see some boulders.

  Apparently, these trees and boulders were blocking the way.

  "Do you need me to take action?"

  Asking softly, Liu Zimo also raised his brows.

  "No need, Boss Thunder Dragon, if you need to take action on this trivial matter, then I don't need to follow."

  Saying so, Huozi also took a deep breath...

  Immediately afterwards, his spiritual power surged.

  I saw that the front half of the entire armored vehicle was slowly deformed and turned into an electric drill.

  "Rush me."

  During the sudden riot, the armored vehicle accelerated again.


  In the sudden roar, a black armored vehicle has torn apart countless boulders and trees and rushed out.

  And this is the power of fire, which can change the shape of the armored vehicle to a certain extent, and at the same time prompt the defense.

  When he goes one step further and integrates with the armored vehicle, it is estimated that this armored vehicle can be called a 'variety chariot'.

  "Really good ability."

  Secretly praised, Liu Zimo was also thinking about going back, whether to focus on training such a guy.

  If he really spends his resources to build an exclusive chariot for him, he is afraid that he will have a very good combat power.

  And, very weird.

  Of course, at this time, it wasn't just Liu Zimo who secretly praised.

  On the side of Shanhun, Ice Girl and others looked at Tinder, and their pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

  No wonder, the mere ninth level is actually qualified to join this elite team.

  It seems that there are indeed some means.


  And shortly after that,


  The sudden sudden stop, sharp and harsh, made Liu Zimo slowly open his eyes.

  "what happened?"

  In the soft inquiry, Liu Zimo also looked up at Tinder.

  "Boss Thunder Dragon, there is a group of mutant beasts gathered in front of it. It looks like a group of mutant hares. The number is extremely large... I'm afraid there are hundreds..."

  With an explanation, Tinder also revealed the reason.

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