In Sakura Country, there are many legends about 'psychic people'.

  And now, this girl, the awakening talent——is psychic.

  Moreover, it is still 'God-level psychic'.

  She, the link is the entire city of smoke, the souls of countless tragic deaths.

  The link is the roar of countless human hissing lungs.

  They are resentful,

  They are roaring...

  The mutant beasts destroyed their homes and even killed them brutally.

  For a time, the entire city of smoke was filled with countless grievances.

  Really turned into a ghost.

  Millions of dead souls gathered in one place, making the sky in Yancheng a lot colder.

  However, after all, there are many things in the world that exist in the soul of the dead.

  Even if they hated mutant beasts, they were powerless.

  Even, watching his relatives die tragically at the hands of mutant beasts.

  So anger, despair, resentment...

  Countless negative emotions are constantly accumulating.

  Until this little girl's divine talent awakened - psychic, leading the dead to come to the world.

  Countless ghosts seem to have noticed something...

  They screamed and rushed towards the little girl.

  And these thousands of dead souls came to the world with the bear doll in the girl's hand as the carrier.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  With one roar after another, this giant purple-flamed bear that walked out of death recklessly vented his unwillingness and resentment.

  That roar, like coming from Jiuyou,

  Countless mutant beasts turned pale and their hearts shook.

  It was the scream of the Specter, shaking the soul.

  A little carelessness can ruin a person's sanity.

  Just, more than that.


  In the roar again, this giant purple-flamed bear that was more than ten meters high actually clenched its fists fiercely and smashed towards the mutant wild boar king who was savagely charging not far away.


  Accompanied by a terrifying roar, purple flames flew, and a terrifying shock wave erupted, forcing the mutant wild boar king to retreat.

  And, what's even scarier is...

  "Ow, ooh..."

  Among the repeated screams, the mutant wild boar king was also mourning.

  That purple flame is the flame from Jiuyou, burning the soul, giving everything a hundred times the pain of its own.

  Therefore, this mutant wild boar king screamed incessantly, shaking the world.

  However, this is just the beginning.


  In the terrifying roar once again, with the purple flame giant bear at the center, countless purple flames rolled back on the ground...

  But this flame doesn't hurt anything in the world.

  Just burn the soul.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  Amidst the repeated screams, the countless mutant beasts that came together fell to the ground and struggled.

  It seems to have experienced the most terrible pain in the world.

  However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see that the figure of this purple flame giant bear more than ten meters high is actually a bit illusory...

  Can't stand it.

  The little girl's spiritual power is far from being able to support the Purple Flame Giant Bear in the world for a long time.

  But now, slowly raising his eyes, the purple flame giant bear, who already has a strong intelligence, also noticed the pale face of the little girl beside him...

  Sweat dripped from his forehead.

  It knows that the little girl can't hold it anymore.

  And it and the little girl died together.

  If the little girl can't keep up, it will disappear from the world.

  What's even more terrifying is that there are countless mutant beasts around, dangerous and unpredictable...


  "Roar, roar..."

  During the repeated roars, this giant purple flame bear became more and more violent.

  Even the scarlet in the depths of his eyes became more and more dazzling.

  "There is no way, at most one minute, you will disappear here..."

  "And in this minute, it is very difficult for you to eliminate all the mutant beasts here..."

  The sudden voice echoed in the ears of the Purple Flame Giant Bear, but it caused his pupils to shrink.

  At this time, if Xunsheng looked around, he would definitely be able to see a figure beside his ear.

  This is a young man,

  Wearing a white trench coat,

  He put his arms around his chest and watched all this calmly.

  The white windbreaker also rattled in the air.

  But now, slowly raising his eyes, looking at the light ball that is always guarding in the right paw of the Ziyan Giant Bear... Liu Zimo also smiled:

  "Leave it to me, I will protect her for you..."

  "As for you, vent your anger and unwillingness."

  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also slowly raised his hand, signaling the Ziyan Giant Bear not far away.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  The repeated roars seemed to warn that the flames around this giant purple-flamed bear were also growing higher and higher.


  With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also knew that he needed to prove himself.

  However, I have to say that this guy does have a high degree of intelligence.

  It's not as simple as it seems.

  "This should be considered a ghost."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was surging with spiritual power.


  The aura that was ten times more terrifying than that of the Purple Flame Giant Bear suddenly rose into the sky.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The earth seemed to tremble in the continuous roar.

  Visible to the naked eye, a purple thunder beam with a diameter of five meters, connecting the sky and the earth.

  The terrifying wind and waves swept across all directions, blowing the clouds away.

  Even the sky and the earth are intertwined with countless purple lightning...

  And this is Liu Zimo.

  The terrifying aura, combined with the domineering look of the overlord, made him look like a god.

  shook the whole city.

  "what is that?"

  "My God, you see, there is a thunder beam rising into the sky."

  "What a joke."


  In the repeated exclamations, countless humans still living in the city noticed the terrifying vision in the distance.

  It's just that the distance is too far,

  However, they did not find that under this thunder beam, there was actually a human-shaped figure, standing quietly, staring in all directions.


  A very terrifying roar suddenly surged from a corner of the city,

  And this is the roar of this purple flame giant bear at Liu Zimo.

  However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see that he actually handed the ball of light in his hand to Liu Zimo.

  It has no choice.

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