In the choked voice, the girl seemed to want to imprint Liu Zimo in her heart, and her eyes showed no sign of leaving.

  "Thunder Dragon, he is Lord Thunder Dragon. He came all the way from Hangcheng to support our Yancheng."

  "He is a hero, a real hero. Without him, most of us would still be trapped in the dugout."

  "Yeah, Lord Thunder Dragon, from morning to night, the powerful mutant beasts in the entire Yancheng were slaughtered, and now they are cleaning up the beast tide with one person and one sword... He has not rested until now."


  In the repeated remarks, the rescue team's gaze towards Liu Zimo's back was full of shock.

  But more, it is an unimaginable frenzy.

  Of course, a few, there are still concerns.

  If it goes on like this, can Lord Leilong really support it?

  "I never thought I would admire someone in their twenties before, but now I'm really convinced."

  With a sigh, the captain of the rescue team, a middle-aged man who has been engaged in firefighting work for [-] years, also admires it.

  "Before, someone said that it's useless for a team to support me... I think Master Thunder Dragon alone is enough."

  "Yeah, hahaha..."

  In the continuous discussion, these people did not notice the firm color flashing in the depths of the girl's eyes.

  "I will repay your kindness, Lord Thunder Dragon."

  Grinning her teeth tightly, the girl turned around slowly.

  However, what Liu Zimo didn't notice at this time was that this girl didn't seem to be simple.

  Her slender arms had a metallic texture at some point.

  What's even more shocking is that wherever she went, the rich gold elements rose from the earth and kept rushing towards her.

  Metal talent...

  Very rare talent.

  Gold is synonymous with defense and sharpness.

  It is a rare element of attack and attack.

  If the girl's awakening talent is good, she might be a girl who was born to fight.

  A real humanoid weapon.

  It's just that Liu Zimo didn't pay attention to this.

  Now, time is precious.

  It did not consume Dao points to check the girl's talent.

  Even, in his eyes, the girl is just an ordinary girl.

  However, this is no way.

  After fighting for a day and a night, the spiritual power in the girl's body has long been exhausted.

  Otherwise, with her strength, how could a mutated giant wolf get her.

  In other words, how many of the people who can live alone in the city until now are simple?

  And this girl, is one of them.

  Struggling alone until now...


  Time passed slowly, and the sun was setting in the blink of an eye.

  However, the entire city of smoke was filled with a strong bloody smell.

  Even with the drizzle, it continued to wash away.

  But the strong bloody smell was not reduced by half.

  And this time, a corner of the city.

  "Damn, die for me."

  During the sudden violent shouting, a very burly big man also raised his fist and slammed it not far away.


  Accompanied by a loud noise, a circle of khaki shock waves rippled out, and more than a dozen mutant beasts were blown away.

  However, at this time, there was no sign of relaxation on the burly man's face.

  And the reason for this is also because there are far more than a dozen mutant beasts.

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  "Roar, roar, roar..."

  In the repeated roars, either the mutant gray rabbit or the mutant wild dog, fiercely biting from other directions.

  "Oh shit..."

  During the loud cursing, Shan Hun was helpless.

  There are really too many.

  Endless kills.

  It's really troublesome.

  It's just, just when he was about to charge up again,

  "Freeze it."

  Suddenly a whisper came from behind her.

  Then, the chill surged,

  It was obvious to the naked eye that half of the street was frozen.

  Accompanied by it, not far away, the bodies of several mutant beasts that rushed towards Shanhun slowly condensed and froze in the air.

  This is the ice girl Shang Xueyu.

  In such a rainy day, she exerted her strength to the greatest extent.

  Can easily freeze an area.

  Just now, when she burst out with all her strength, hundreds of square meters were frozen, and hundreds of mutant mice were deeply turned into ice sculptures.


  In the rare gratitude, Shan Hun also lifted it casually and smashed a mutant wild dog that had turned into an ice sculpture in mid-air.

  This ice girl Shang Xueyu's ability is very good.

  Can restrain the enemy in a wide range,

  Now, after stepping into the extraordinary first-order, it is easy to freeze a place.

  Although it is not as good as the monster Thunder Dragon,

  But looking at the extraordinary first-order, she is also particularly outstanding.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, Shan Hun couldn't help but raise his eyes and look into the distance.

  ".〃Boom, boom..."

  A terrifying tremor came from under his feet.

  But who would have thought that this was actually a person, rushing towards the beast tide, and starting a comprehensive collision with the entire beast tide.


  that monster.

  real monster.

  "Is he not tired?"

  Resisting the twitching of the corners of his eyes, Shan Hun also asked everyone's heart.

  "do not know."

  Shaking his head, the ice girl Shang Xueyu also said bluntly:

  "Anyway, when he chopped up mutant beasts, he never seemed to know what tiredness was."

  "Good guy."

  With a strange cry, Shanhun was also numb.

  This guy is indeed a monster.

  However, such a guy, appearing in this era, is really a good thing for human beings.

  Subconsciously, he wanted to take out the lighter and light a cigarette, but Shanhun realized that the drenching rain had already wetted all the cigarettes he had found.


  With a sigh, Shan Hun also said bluntly:

  "Let's go and see if he needs help."

  "it is good."

  In response, the ice girl Shang Xueyu did not refuse.

  Help other people, she may not go.

  But if you help Liu Zimo, she decides to be the first to rush.


  And not long after this, the city of smoke has already been reduced to a corner of the ruins,


  With both hands on the ground, a terrifying chill suddenly erupted, and a dazzling blue light burst out from the depths of Ice Maiden's eyes.

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