
  it's actually very good.

  This time, the deduction of extreme ghost swordsmanship really made a profit.

  This means that his swordsmanship has improved a lot, and his lethality has also improved a lot.

  And if this is combined with other means, his combat power will probably be greatly improved.

  However, don't be proud.

  The most important thing now is to see how many mutant beasts need to be killed to reach the steel cutting realm.

  However, the next moment, Liu Zimo's eyes froze.

  [Extreme Ghost Swordsmanship——Cultivation to great success, you can cut through steel... This is the realm of cutting steel. (0/100000)]

  one hundred thousand,

  Yes, read that right.

  A full hundred thousand.

  In other words, does Liu Zimo need to kill [-] mutant beasts?

  Although, it's not difficult.

  It is possible to do a large beast tide.

  But the question is... Isn't this forcing Liu Zimo on the road of 'the butcher'?


  Hesitating to speak, Liu Zimo also gave up.

  Forget it, it's no use complaining.

  Let's practice honestly.

  Moreover, the system also said that if you don’t want to kill mutant beasts and take shortcuts, you can practice honestly.

  It is estimated that after several years of hard practice, it will be completed.

  However, after thinking about it, Liu Zimo also gave up.

  Now, mankind has fallen,

  Countless mutant beasts are staring at them.

  As a rare genius in the human race, he also doesn't mind killing the countless mutant beasts he kills.

  Kill a road to the sky.

  With this thought, the light in the depths of Liu Zimo's eyes became sharper and sharper, like two sharp swords penetrating through his body.

  At this time, Liu Zimo was also ready to return after simply mastering the realm of slashing iron with extreme ghost swordsmanship.

  He left the line early in the morning and hadn't had breakfast yet.


  An acceleration, Liu Zimo also turned into a purple lightning, flying towards the tallest building in Yancheng.

  Now that the cultivation has become elemental, Liu Zimo does not need to rely on the sky-fighting ability of Lei Ting Wan Jun.

  Compared with the thunderous Yukong, it must be directly from the elements.

  Directly into a purple electric light.

  Not only is the speed greatly improved, but it is also extremely flexible.

  Moreover, it also comes with a thunder-type explosion and a paralysis effect.

  To put it bluntly, relying on elementalization, Liu Zimo can go in and out of a large beast tide seven times...

  However, the premise is that Liu Zimo can bear it physically and mentally.

  This is a very scary ability.

  But it takes too much physical and mental exhaustion.

  It can be used to hurry, and to avoid key skills.

  But if it is used to fight the enemy, it will be a little troublesome.

  Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the speed of Liu Zimo's lightning transformation depends on Liu Zimo's reflex nerves.

  It stands to reason that Liu Zimo's incarnation as a thunderbolt should be as fast as a real thunderbolt.

  But Liu Zimo's reflexes couldn't keep up.

  If it surpasses its own reflex nerves, it is very likely that it will not be stable and the elements will collapse.

  This principle is not difficult to understand.

  Although Liu Zimo is incarnated as thunder and lightning, it is a whole after all, head is head, hand is hand.

  But if his speed is too fast, it will be difficult for his brain to maintain stability, and it will be difficult for his body to reorganize...

  Therefore, his lightning speed depends on his own reflex nerves.

  His own reflex nerves can't react, can't keep up, no matter how fast he is, it's useless.

  However, even his lightning speed was extremely terrifying.

  It is estimated that it has exceeded the speed of sound...

  And such a speed, compared to other extraordinary second-order abilities, is extremely terrifying.

  However, it's a pity... there seem to be few extraordinary second-order powerhouses now.

  "Oh, life is really lonely as snow."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo's words were unspeakable.

  Now he is enough to stand alone.

  Moreover, it is rude to say that now his combat power is extremely terrifying, and looking at the entire human race, there should be few people who can suppress it.

  Even if he really can't beat him, it's impossible for anyone to get him.

  Elementalization, Divine Power, Blindness...

  These life-saving skills one after another are not vegetarian.

  To some extent, Liu Zimo is indeed a person who cherishes his life.


  It was ten minutes later when I returned to the high-rise building again.

  Slowly raising his eyes and looking at the glass of this tall building, Liu Zimo also saw several figures in the hall behind the glass.

  Shanhun, Tinder, Catwoman, etc.

  Now, most of them have packed their bags, as if waiting for him.

  At this time, it seemed that she noticed something, and Catwoman also raised her eyes and looked in the direction of Liu Zimo.

  "Brother Thunder Dragon is back."

  Smiling, Catwoman also helped her glasses frame.

  At the same time, the rest of the people also noticed this figure hanging quietly outside the tall building.

  Purple arcs, intertwined in the body.

  From a distance, it looked like a purple lightning bolt.

  "This ability of your guy is really perverted."

  Resisting the twitching of the corners of his eyes, Shan Hun also spoke out the thoughts of many people.

  "This is lightning, turning into lightning... It can be regarded as the signature ability of the element controller in the future..."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and looked at the dazed Ice Girl not far away, and taught:

  "Your ability to save your life in the future can also be developed in this direction, turning it into ice and being immune to most physical attacks."

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "Okay, Mo."

  Nodding, the ice girl also understands.

  At this moment, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo also pulled out a blue ice bead from his arms.

  This is the trophy he picked up when he killed the extraordinary mutant ice toad.

  It should be an ice-type treasure.

  All along, he has been placed in the magical space.

  And just now, he seemed to take it out of his bag, but in fact he took it out from a different dimension.

  "Xueyu, take this, it's good for you."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo also threw this ice bead to the ice girl not far away.

  "This is?"

  Suddenly, her eyes widened, and the ice girl was also surprised.

  Just because, at this moment, she actually felt the ice-attribute spiritual power in his body just around the corner, as if he was longing for something.

  "It should be a good treasure, good for you."

  After explaining, Liu Zimo also put his hands in his pockets, slowly flew into the hall, and landed on the sofa.

  This tall building is well preserved.

  There are plenty of drinks and coffee.

  He took a can of Coke from the table, opened it, took a sip, and Liu Zimo also looked up at everyone:

  "The next task is very simple..."

  "That is to go to every corner of the city, continue to clean up the remaining mutant beasts, and at the same time find some supernatural beings with good talent..."

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