However, at this moment, as if he had noticed something, the mutant giant tiger that was rushing towards the middle-aged man from a distance also gave a savage meal.

  It feels...

  felt a great crisis.

  It seems that there is some more terrifying predator, staring at him.

  As powerful as it is, the hairs can't help but stand up, and a pair of dark red beast pupils, I don't know when to lift, and look at the direction of Liu Zimo.

  However, it's all over.

  When Liu Zimo stroked the hilt with his right hand, everything was over.

  "One Type · Thunderbolt Flash..."

  In the soft whisper, the inexplicable thunder light exploded violently under Liu Zimo's feet.


  Hearing a loud thunderous noise, Liu Zimo's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

  And at the next moment, a very amazing blue electric light actually ripped apart the air and appeared beside the mutant giant tiger.


  With a loud shout, the sword was raised and dropped, and the invisible sword light passed over the body of the mutant giant tiger.


  Before everyone could react, a huge tiger head flew out.

  Perhaps, until death, this mutant tiger did not know when it was beheaded.

  And this is the one-type thunderbolt flash.

  One of the sword skills combined with the Breath of Thunder.

  [Breath of Thunder·One-type thunderbolt flash: pour power into one foot, and then burst out in one breath, like thunder that rips through the air, after approaching the opponent at high speed, it conducts a speedy assault at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye. The slashing of the sword...].

Chapter 26

  And this time, not the end,

  Slowly raising her footsteps, the ice girl Shang Xueyu looked at the huge tiger not far away, her eyes narrowing slightly.

  "Ice vine..."

  In the soft whisper, an ice road also spread from her feet, heading towards the corpse of the huge tiger.


  In the continuous crisp sound, the naked eye can see that the whole giant tiger is starting to freeze...

  "This... Thunder and Ice?"

  "Aren't they the group that has risen to fame lately, Thunderbird and Ice Maiden?"

  "Thunderbird and Ice Maiden, who is that?"

  "The two most terrifying geniuses in the Lingli Branch of the Northwest Hangzhou City. It is said that their strength is extremely terrifying, and they often form a team to hunt, which is a first-class combination of our spiritual power bureau."


  Exclamation after exclamation, surrounding, several figures are shocked.

  However, it is.

  For their extremely troublesome mutant giant tiger, they were beheaded in an instant.

  Such a scene is really shocking, making them all have an unreal dreamy feeling.

  Moreover, what is even more exaggerated is the strength of the two of them.

  Really scary.

  That sword, as if teleportation.

  Just saw a flash of lightning across the sky, and the tiger's head had already been chopped off.

  As for the other, as the chill spreads, the huge corpse of the mutant tiger was actually frozen...

  Such power is truly astounding.

  "These days, we eat tiger meat..."

  Putting away the long sword, Liu Zimo also smiled.

  "it is good."

  In response, the ice girl did not refuse.

  It is worth mentioning that although the ice girl Shang Xueyu looks cold and has a cold temperament, she is a real greedy cat...

  For the meat of various mutant beasts, I like it the most.

  She had never eaten the meat of this mutant tiger, but she was quite interested.

  However, at this time, after taking a deep look, Liu Zimo was not interested in talking to the crowd not far away.

  "Instructor Scar, someone is looking for you."

  After speaking to the instructor in the distance, Liu Zimo and Bing Nu also slowly turned around and walked towards the distance.

  There, there are two cars,

  Two black armored trucks.

  This is the Spirit Power Division, specially prepared for Liu Zimo and Ice Girl.

  The two of them are very diligent in killing mutant beasts, and they need trucks to transport mutant beasts.

  Just like this mutant giant tiger, it will be installed later and brought back to the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  This is Liu Zimo and Ice Girl's food for a week or two.

  No one can move.

  However, they didn't mind giving some tiger bones to Scar, the director Huang Lao, and the martial artist Li Feng.

  Scar and Director Huang Lao, not to mention.

  One is their superior, and the other is the director who treats them well.

  And the martial artist Li Feng, like them, is also one of the three most terrifying monsters in the spiritual power division...

  Be part of their team...

  Yes, the three monsters.

  The entire branch of the Spiritual Power Bureau is recognized as the three major monsters.

  Ice Girl Shang Xueyu, Iron Sand Palm Li Feng, and Thunderbird Liu Zimo.

  The three of them are all eighth-level.


  Moreover, the growth rate is extremely terrifying.

  Of course, among these three monsters, Liu Zimo was already faintly leading.

  And this is inevitable.

  Liu Zimo's talent, looking at the whole country, and even the world, can be regarded as the top.

  Also, he has gold fingers...

  A small branch of spiritual power, if it can't be called 'number one', it will be in vain.

  However, their branch of spiritual power in the northwest of Hangzhou is also well-known.

  The nearby spiritual power bureaus all know their names.

  Who made the three monsters in their spiritual power division go crazy?

  Wherever they passed, the mutant beasts all bowed their heads.

  This made the envy eyes of other spiritual power divisions turn red.

  I heard that Hangcheng and the rest of the spiritual power sub-bureaus ran over several times to look for Mr. Huang's dignitaries.

  Especially the spiritual power branch in the east, until now, there is not a seventh-level ability.

  And they have three eight-level monsters in the northwest spiritual power branch of Hangzhou City.


  It was late at night when I returned to the Spirit Power Division again.

  And Liu Zimo returned to the training room as always and sorted out the harvest.

  Not bad, during this period of time, he not only stepped into the eighth level, but also accumulated [-] points.

  What is worth mentioning here is that the reason why he has made such rapid progress is that he needs to be grateful for the Lei Lingjue he deduced, which has more than doubled the growth rate of his spiritual power.

  Every day and every night, sitting cross-legged on the bed,

  Around the body, blue electric arcs scurried like silver snakes, and Liu Zimo's spiritual power also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  And this is Lei Lingjue.

  "There is still a big difference between having a practice method and not having a practice method."

  Laughing, Liu Zimo also sighed a little.

  When he first entered the Spiritual Power Bureau, he was still three or four levels behind the Ice Maiden, but now, his level has been tied.

  As for combat power, the two are not the same grade at all.

  And all of this is because Liu Zimo's iron cloth shirt is about to be completed.

  At that time, the body is as hard as iron, I am afraid it is comparable to those powerful mutant beasts.

  In terms of skills, Liu Zimo also mastered the two sword types of Breath of Thunder.

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