After saying hello, Liu Zimo also picked up the clothes hanging on the side and walked towards his room...

  The morning exercise in the morning is finally over,

  I can go back to the apartment to take a look again... It seems that there is a weekend, I haven't seen Sister Qin.

  I don't know how she is now.

  He usually has holidays on Saturdays and Sundays, and this Saturday, I just went back to see Sister Qin.

  "Find an opportunity to arrange Sister Qin in..."

  In the murmur in his heart, Liu Zimo also didn't mind the relationship, and arranged a good job for Sister Qin in the Spiritual Power Bureau. .

Chapter 33

  But when Liu Zimo left the square, he didn't know that Catwoman, who slowly raised her head, looked at him with a complicated look.

  Indeed, as rumored, he is a man who does not understand pity and cherish jade.

  However, it's really strong.

  This kick almost made her body fall apart.

  And... for some unknown reason, there was an impulse in her heart, an irresistible impulse.

  In a trance, she wanted to take this man as her own.

  However, at this time, she shook her head violently, and Catwoman suppressed all these impulses.

  "Damn it, here we go again."

  While cursing in her heart, Catwoman was helpless.

  The beast-like talent is somewhat different from other extraordinary people.

  Maybe she is special.

  When she uses her animalization ability, many of her actions are out of control.

  It was as if another consciousness dominated her body.

  So... she had to take the glasses that Tu Wei handed over not far away and put them on slowly.

  And just when she put on her glasses, Catwoman's temperament changed drastically.

  Ben is a wild little kitten.

  But now...she has an indescribable weakness, like a good student with excellent conduct.

  There is an indescribable freshness and refinement.

  And this is Catwoman.

  In other words, glasses are her body.

  In fact, the real Catwoman, in reality, is also a monitor with good character, excellent grades, serious personality, and extremely knowledgeable...

  However, I didn't expect that the accident would come suddenly, but I awakened the talent of beast transformation and joined the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  "I just want to be an ordinary girl..."

  Resisting the severe pain from her lower abdomen, Catwoman slowly propped up her body and stood up.

  However, compared to just now.

  Now, she seems to have low self-esteem, but her head is buried so low that people can't see her face clearly.


  "Director, Catwoman's animalization has become more and more serious recently..."

  With a sigh, the deputy who stood not far away in Huang Lao's clothes also reminded.

  "Beastization is really a terrible talent,"

  A little helpless, Huang Lao also couldn't help shaking his head.

  Beastization, according to the research conducted by the research institute, this is not only physical animalization, but also spiritual animalization, like a throwback to the ancestors... losing the characteristics that humans should have.

  However, at the same time as the beast, the superhuman's combat power will also greatly increase.

  It's just that the premise of all this is to be able to suppress beastization...

  If it cannot be suppressed, it will completely turn into an irrational beast like some extraordinary people.

  Of course, it is worth mentioning that today, among the seven major professionals, there is an extraordinary person with the talent of beastization.

  The fighting power is terrifying,

  It can tear apart the first-order mutant beasts with both hands.

  This is also the reason why the Spiritual Power Bureau cares so much about those with the innate ability of animalization.

  This is indeed a powerful combat force worth cultivating.

  However, the premise of all this is that the extraordinary can suppress the erosion from animal nature.

  And Catwoman... the most critical period is coming.

  As long as she can resist the mental erosion for a period of time, she will be transformed into a monster no less than Thunderbird and Ice Maiden.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know this.

  If he knew Catwoman, she had two personalities.

  Moreover, there are obvious contrasts and cuteness, and I can't help but stay and watch.

  And now... After another simple wash, Liu Zimo also changed into a set of clothes and walked towards the apartment.

  Today, Saturday, Sister Qin should be at home.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo couldn't help but think of Sister Qin.

  Of course, what he misses most is Sister Qin, her plump yet sexy figure...

  The beauty of the Spiritual Power Bureau, although not bad.

  But Ice Girl was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and Catwoman, Tu Wei and others were not very big.

  Where can he compare to his sister Qin's royal sister Fan...

  However, just as Liu Zimo approached the apartment, his expression changed suddenly.

  "This is?"

  In shock, Liu Zimo also stopped.

  He feels...

  I felt a very unstable spiritual power fluctuation.

  "what happened?"

  In a little stunned, Liu Zimo also opened the door with the key for the first time.

  The hall is empty.

  And the fluctuations of spiritual power came from the bathroom.

  Without hesitation or hesitation, Liu Zimo accelerated and rushed towards the bathroom.

  Sister Qin, one of the few people he cares about, must not have an accident.


  With a loud 'bang', Liu Zimo broke the door... and broke into the bathroom.

  However, in the next moment...

  A hazy shadow appeared in Liu Zimo's eyes.

  it's a girl,

  beautiful girl,

  She, lying quietly in the bathtub, playing with splashes...

  The warm spring water washes her white skin like cream...

  A black hair, also stained with water droplets, was draped wetly on the back...

  And now, this girl, her eyes widened...

  Looking at Liu Zimo who rushed in in disbelief.

  It seems to be shocked, but it is more of an indescribable panic...

  Until a certain moment, it seemed to react.


  A sudden scream awakened Liu Zimo from his stupor.

  After subconsciously touching his nose and confirming that there was no nosebleed, Liu Zimo silently chose to walk out.

  Before leaving, Liu Zimo did not forget to explain:

  "Sister Qin, I said it was an accident, do you believe it?"


  In the very embarrassed voice, a group of black, translucent clothes flew towards Liu Zimo.


Chapter 34

  "Sister Qin, I can say that it was an accident..."

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