And these fireballs fell into the beast tide, and they actually set off the power of no less than ordinary grenades...

  "Boom, boom..."

  One after another roar... The earth is shaking, and countless explosions are set off...

  "This is Fire Fist... I heard that he is one of the most extraordinary people in Hangzhou..."

  "Tsk tsk, elemental talent is really scary."

  "Among the various talents, the elements are definitely among the best..."


  With one voice after another, the rest of the supernatural beings were horrified.

  I have to say, the elemental talent is very scary.

  However, at this time,


  In the very cold voice, far away, a girl with long ice-blue hair held the ground with both hands.


  Between the repeated crisp sounds, the chilling chill continued to spread, and it actually froze the earth.

  One mutant black rat after another, all turned into ice sculptures... frozen in the air.

  "Another elemental power user, this is the ice girl, as beautiful as the rumors, but also terrifying."

  With an exclamation, an extraordinary person is also horrified.

  "However, I heard that there is another element talent in the Ice Girl Spiritual Power Bureau branch. That guy seems to be terrifying."

  "You mean he..."

  In the sudden narration, dozens of people looked not far away.

  There... on the roof of a three-story building...

  There is a figure standing quietly.

  He was wearing a black windbreaker and had thick short black hair with blue arcs flashing constantly.

  However, what was really startling was that he was playing with a coin.

  Coins, flips, spins...

  Countless thunder lights converged slowly.

  "What is he doing?"

  In some stunned, an extraordinary person actually felt an extremely terrifying spiritual power fluctuation.

  Not only him, many extraordinary people, even the flame fist in the distance felt it...

  "This spiritual power fluctuation..."

  In the deep astonishment, this guy known as 'Flame Fist' also widened his eyes.

  He feels...


  Unimaginable spiritual power fluctuations.

  And this is the precursor to Liu Zimo's ability to activate.

  "Super Electromagnetic Cannon..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also recalled this skill.

  This is a long-range skill that he deduced by spending [-] points.

  Very scary.

  [Super Electromagnetic Cannon - Using the principle of electromagnetic induction, the coin is shot at 3 times the speed of sound (speed 1030m/s) at the initial speed.The terrifying speed even leaves an afterimage in the air, the orange beam like a laser.Its power can even cut through the concrete floor that the range orbit passes through, and the strong wind generated by the aftermath alone has surpassed the power of ordinary wind capable people. 】

  This is the Railgun...

  The output of fifty spiritual powers is enough to explode the power of five hundred spiritual powers.

  A full ten times the power bonus, so it is also conceivable that this skill is terrifying...

  "The electric light that dances at your fingertips..."

  Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo also read out a very famous sentence in his previous life...

  It's just that at this time,


  A sudden roar resounded throughout the battlefield.

  Immediately afterwards, in the unbelievable gazes of hundreds of extraordinary people, an orange-red, laser-like beam actually tore the air and shot towards the distance.

  "Boom, boom..."

  In the continuous explosion, countless mutant black mice flew out.

  The terrifying orange-red light beam pierced through the bodies of countless mutant beasts in this instant.

  And that's not terrible.

  What's really scary is... the dust and the waves are flying, the ground is torn apart, and the terrifying strong wind is rolling out... It actually sent more mutant mice flying...

  "what is that?"

  "what happened."

  "Gulu...Is this really a superhuman at our level?"

  Dazed... Countless extraordinary people are dumbfounded.

  Even the flame fist in the distance, as well as the ice girl's face, couldn't help but freeze.

  Although, the elemental superhuman, the destructive power can be regarded as terrifying among many supernormal people.

  But they don't seem to be outrageous to this extent.

  Hundreds of meters of ground were torn apart, leaving a trail of charred black... Countless mutant mice turned charred black...

  Such destructive power, is he really an eighth-level ability?

  My heart was horrified, but countless extraordinary people saw that another coin bounced from that figure.

  "Stab, stab..."

  The flashing arc of the fingertips... is still as dazzling as before.

  But at this moment... countless extraordinary people feel a little suffocated.

  An unimaginable oppression emerged from their hearts.


  Not caring about the gazes of others, Liu Zimo just quietly watched the black rat tide rushing towards all directions, the coins in his hand began to charge again...

  This time, it really came to the right place.

  "Ding, you have killed a mutant mouse, point +200..."

  "Ding, you have killed a mutant mouse, point +100..."

  "Ding, you have killed a mutant mouse, point +200..."


  Among the repeated reminders, thousands of Dao points have already arrived.

  How could Liu Zimo not be happy.

  So... spiritual power surged, and Liu Zimo began to surge spiritual power again.

  "This is the real hunt...".

Chapter 37


  With a loud bang, the orange laser ripped apart the atmosphere and landed in the beast tide again.

  In an instant, dust waves surged, and terrifying strong winds were whipped up...

  The super electromagnetic gun... once again destroyed the corner of the beast tide with the posture of destroying the ancients...

  And at this moment,


  A sudden violent drink sounded from a distance, it was the commander.

  He commanded many extraordinary people loudly.

  Listening to his voice, the superhumans also stared at each other and charged towards the beast tide.

  "Death to me."

  In the sudden roar, a big man held a huge mace, and slammed it towards the rushing mutant mouse,


  Just hearing a loud noise, a full five mutant mice turned into meat patties and flew out.

  And on the other side,

  A slap shot out, setting off a fierce palm wind, and slapped a mutant mouse into a meat pie...

  This is Li Feng, the descendant of Iron Sand Palm.

  It's just that more extraordinary people are in crisis than these powerful extraordinary people.


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