"Ding, you have killed a second-level mutant mouse, Dao Point +200..."

  "Ding, you have killed a second-level mutant mouse, Dao Point +200..."


  Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  This is the harvest...

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also continued to go deep into the mutant rat tide group.

  "Zi Mo..."

  "Hey, boy, come back. It's dangerous."

  "You don't want to go deep alone."


  One after another shout came suddenly from a distance.

  And that is exactly what many extraordinary people can't help reminding when they see Liu Zimo.


  While speaking softly, Liu Zimo seemed to be talking to himself.

  However, at this time... as if he had noticed something, Liu Zimo's face changed suddenly.


  Among the countless hissing noises, countless mutant mice noticed his existence and rushed towards him.

  look up,

  In all directions, uncountable.

  A rough estimate... I'm afraid there are hundreds, or even more.

  And this is the rat tide.

  Its horror is unimaginable.

  Even if the strength far exceeds them, they may not be able to parry.

  However, at this moment, his eyes narrowed, and Liu Zimo slammed the long sword in his hand into the ground.

  At the same time, a very amazing spiritual power surged.

  "Breath of Thunder Six Types of Lightning Boom..."

  Hearing a loud shout, countless dazzling thunder lights spewed out of Liu Zimo's body.

  "Stab, stab, stab..."

  In the continuous roar, a small sea of ​​thunder covering about ten square meters appeared in the heaven and earth...

  "what is that?"

  "My God, Lei Hai?"

  "This, amazing thunder..."

  Exclaimed again and again, countless extraordinary people have noticed this scene.

  Thunder is like a sea, engulfing everything.

  And in this small thunder sea, there was a figure standing quietly.

  And that is Liu Zimo.

  It's just that at this time, his condition didn't seem to be that good. He lost ten or two of his spiritual power, and his forehead couldn't help overflowing with sweat.

  However, the gains are worth it.

  Because, now, there are countless mutated rat corpses around him.

  There are countless residual arcs, flickering in the air.

  With a single stroke of lightning, hundreds of mutant mice were wiped out.

  Such an amazing record is simply dazzling,

  Many extraordinary people are stunned.

  You must know that all the extraordinary people here have not yet set foot on the first-order, and have not yet become real professionals.

  In terms of destructive power alone, it shouldn't be too strong.

  But now, Liu Zimo has subverted their cognition.

  This terrifying destructive power is simply suffocating.

  "This is the Thunder talent... the most terrifying elemental talent..."

  Suddenly, an extraordinary person also made such a sigh.

  However, what he didn't know was that ordinary thunder talent did not have such destructive power.

  After all, they don't have the perfect skills.

  Take the sixth form of Breath of Thunder - Thunder Thunder, for example, this is a move based on electrical discharge.

  But other Thunder Talents, even if they are at the same level as Liu Zimo, are all eighth-level abilities, and the discharge can only cover four or five square meters at most.

  Moreover, as the price, his spiritual power consumption is almost half...or even directly depleted.

  But what about Liu Zimo... The destructive power of the discharge is almost two or three times that of them.

  Moreover, his spiritual power consumption is only one or two percent.

  That's the difference between having skills and having no skills.


  Time passed slowly, and it was almost dark in the blink of an eye.

  And the entire battlefield gradually came to an end.

  There were more than [-] mutant mice, lying quietly on the ground, no longer breathing, and one after another transcendents also sat scattered on the battlefield to rest.


  really tired.

  Many extraordinary people have completely exhausted their spiritual power.

  But their record is also amazing, actually destroying a small rat tide.

  Of course, they also paid a very heavy price.

  There are more than a dozen people buried in the rat tide,

  Dozens of people were injured.

  At such a price, even the Spiritual Power Bureau is distressed.

  However, this is a price that must be paid.

  Only by walking out of blood and fire can you be considered a real powerhouse.

  ps; - ask for flowers, ask for a reward-

  Ask for some flowers, a reward, a monthly pass, thank you. .

Chapter 39

  But in this beast tide, there are a few people who shine...

  Their eyes slowly turned to the east, and many extraordinary people and even instructors looked at the figures not far away.

  They stand tall...

  Clothes are much more complete than others.

  And that is the most powerful extraordinary people in Hangcheng.

  Flame Fist, Ice Girl, Heir of Iron Sand Palm, Heir of Twelve Road Tan Legs... and Thunderbird...

  However, the most interesting thing is the Thunderbird.

  "It's a monster...destroyed hundreds of mutant mice by himself..."

  "The destructive power of Elemental Talents is amazing..."

  "The Thunderbird guy looks more terrifying than some ninth-level abilities."

  In the continuous remarks, even the descendants of Twelve Road Tan Legs narrowed their eyes.

  He is the acquired ninth level, only one step away from entering the innate.

  That is, the ninth-level ability in the eyes of the extraordinary.

  But the problem is that his destructive power is indeed paler compared to Thunderbird.

  It's destructive power, not combat power.

  In terms of destructive power alone, Thunderbird alone is worth several of him.

  "It's no wonder that element talents, the country attaches so much importance to it, it is indeed terrifying. If it grows up, it should become a humanoid natural disaster in the true sense."

  With a sigh, the descendant of Twelve Road Tan Legs, this thin young man also knew some secret plans.

  One of them is the 'Humanoid Scourge' plan.

  Cultivate a humanoid natural disaster in the true sense, with the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

  The humanoid natural disaster plan is based on the element talent.


  However, at this time, Liu Zimo didn't know what everyone was thinking.

  Right now, he was just quietly looking at the stone in the palm of his hand, a stone with a big fist emitting a hazy light, and his eyes couldn't stop flickering.

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