Be the first to create a 'god'.

  However, it is true that hard resistance to nuclear weapons, for most humans, is really no different from gods.


  After a brief tidying up, Liu Zimo turned his attention to the point again.

  Now, thirty-eight thousand points.

  This is something Liu Zimo never dared to think about.

  And in a beast tide, Liu Zimo has easily harvested so many evolution points.

  "Tsk tsk..."

  Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo was also a little excited.

  Next, what skills to deduce.

  This is close to [-] points.

  With [-] Dao points, you can deduce a C-level skill, and [-] Dao points can deduce a B-level skill.

  Of course, considering that some incomplete versions of god-level skills could be deduced, Liu Zimo couldn't help but think about some magical skills.

  He has many options.

  However, after a while of thinking, Liu Zimo couldn't think of any suitable skills for the time being.

  He is not lacking in skills now.

  In terms of offense, Chidori has a strong penetrating power, and there is also a thunderbolt flash with a speed like teleportation.

  In terms of defense, he has a bit of thunder and thunder, and also has some illusions of magical power.

  As for cultivation, it is Lei Lingjue, and the lost magic - Thunder Dragon Slayer, which allows him to devour electricity to speed up his cultivation...

  "Now, I should thoroughly understand these skills, and deduce other skills when necessary."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also had his own thoughts.

  As the saying goes 'mixed but not refined'.

  Learning too many skills is of little use and cannot substantially improve combat power.

  Better yet, polish it up.

  When each skill is fully mastered, then deduce other skills.

  Moreover, now his Dao point, can only let him deduce C-level skills...

  And C-level skills, the potential is limited after all.

  "Wait a few days and deduce a skill to increase speed... that's almost it."

  Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also had a clear idea in his heart.

  Today, the strength is not too strong, just use those C-level skills first.

  Then, he worked hard to save the road points,

  Wait until the strength is enough, further develop each skill, or replace it with B-level skills...

  In this way, step by step...

  From c-level skills, to b-level skills, to a-level skills, and finally to various magical skills...

  That is, the legendary 'starting hand superposition'.

  Magical skills, in the West, have the title of 'super position'.

  It is also good to call it by the starting hand.

  With this thought in mind, Liu Zimo's cultivation plan became clearer. .

Chapter 42

  After reaching the ninth level, Liu Zimo rarely went out hunting.

  During this period of time, he began to deliberately polish his various skills.


  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo has gathered a group of dazzling thunder in his hands.

  However, what was astonishing was that the thunder light in his hand was actually purple.

  There is a qualitative difference from the previous blue and purple.

  And this is the ninth level.

  The spiritual power is even more pure, and it has turned his thunder into a faint purple.

  However, at this time, Chidori is not the end,

  Continuously condensing the thunder in his hand, Liu Zimo is also trying, a double change.

  Visible to the naked eye, the dazzling thunder light is actually continuously extending,

  Until, not long after, it turned into a laser-like spear, tore through the air, and headed several meters away.

  And this, surprisingly...

  "Chidori sharp spear..."

  In a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also revealed the name of this skill.

  [Chidori Sharp Spear - Change the form of Chidori, although the power is not as powerful as Chidori, but the attack distance increases, the limit distance is 5 meters, and it can also paralyze the enemy. 】

  In a simple introduction, the horror of this skill is revealed.

  You know, Chidori's penetrating power is astonishing.

  Now, it has turned into a long-range attack, which is much scarier than ordinary bullets.

  Just, it doesn't matter.

  The really important thing is that this skill was not deduced by Liu Zimo with the help of the system.

  But after he mastered Chidori proficiently, he continued to polish it, and then opened up the double change.

  To put it simply, based on his personal ability, he deduced the Chidori sharp spear on the basis of Chidori.

  "From this point of view, my own talent is also good."

  With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo was also a mother-of-one who sold melons and boasted about it.

  He never felt that his talent was weaker than others.

  Even without golden fingers, he should be considered a genius in cultivation.

  At least one level with the ice girl.

  And with Goldfinger, he is not a genius, but a monster.


  But now, the left hand is carrying the long sword on the shoulder, the right hand is slowly raised, and the Qiandori sharp spear is gushing freely...

  The air waves brought by the Qiandori sharp spear blew up Liu Zimo's hair.

  The ice girl not far away, her eyes widened.

  She is rarely interested in men.

  But now, she has to say, this man is very handsome.

  Force Grameen.

  At this time, if Liu Zimo saw his appearance, he would definitely be dumbfounded.

  Just because at this time, he was actually very similar to a person in the animation of the previous life.

  Especially that cool temperament.

  Carrying the long sword in one hand, the Chidori sharp spear in the right hand spewed wildly.

  This, isn't that the one who came out of the anime?

  "It feels like you've become stronger again?"

  In some stunned voices, the ice girl from a distance also looked at Liu Zimo.


  After smiling, Liu Zimo didn't say much.

  However, at this time, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo also asked:

  "Has our application come down?"

  "It should be soon."

  Saying so, the ice girl also glanced at Liu Zimo helplessly.

  This bastard, who wanted to go outside to hunt mutant beasts, even asked her to submit an application.

  Really are...

  However, forget it.

  She just wanted to go outside too.

  This time, let's take it as a trip.

  Thinking of this, the corner of the ice girl's mouth also set off a subtle arc.

  "It's really rare. My little ice girl actually laughed. Did she think of something fun? Or, she was very excited to travel with me."

  A sudden joke came from a distance.

  Looking around, Liu Zimo looked at her with a playful expression.

  "You guy."

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