With a response, the officer looked at the backs of Liu Zimo and the three of them leaving, and there was a hint of envy in the depths of his eyes.

  As an officer, he has a lot of contacts.

  Therefore, he also knows a lot about some situations.

  The extraordinary is a group of special beings.

  It is also their human capital to deal with mutant beasts.

  Not only them, but recently, there have been quite a few extraordinary people who have gone deep into the mountains just to suppress the mutant beasts.

  The military will also issue crusade tasks as needed.

  Just like not long ago, someone found a black giant ape more than six meters high in the mountains, and the ground shook as he walked.

  Now, there are three superhuman teams rushing to it.

  Come to think of it, this is the fourth team.

  But Liu Zimo didn't know.

  If he knew about the black giant ape with a height of more than six meters, he would definitely be interested.

  After all, this guy is, at least, a mutant beast of level seven or eight.

  Not even ruling out the possibility of level [-].

  And such monsters are worthy of his serious battle.


  ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward,

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Chapter 44

  At this time, what Liu Zimo didn't know was that there was an army not far from the foot of the Qinling Mountains...


  In the repeated vibrations, the satellite phone also rang.

  "Sir, according to the news from the hidden sentry, the three superhuman teams that went to crusade the black giant ape have already destroyed two... One of the teams has only two escaped..."


  Suddenly, the face of Wei Zhiming, the chief in charge of this area, also changed drastically.

  How can this be?

  Those were three extraordinary teams, and there were as many as three of them with the eighth-level ability.

  Such a terrifying lineup was completely defeated.

  "That black giant ape that is as tall as a two-story building is suspected to have stepped on the ninth level, and its strength is extremely terrifying..."

  "Is that so..."

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and Wei Zhiming, the commander of the army, also knew that the trouble was big.

  Level [-] mutant beasts are no longer comparable to level [-].

  Its physical strength is comparable to that of steel, and ordinary bullets are difficult to tear through its defenses.

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that they are able to wrap their bodies with spiritual power, enough to withstand the bombardment of artillery shells.

  With such a terrifying mutant beast, it is no wonder that the three extraordinary teams will all be defeated.

  "Turn on the red alert, and at the same time raise the danger assessment level of this mutant beast..."

  "There is still a notice to let other extraordinary people walking in Qinling be careful."


  One after another, the commander, Wei Zhiming, also had a solemn expression.

  Another ninth-level mutant beast...

  Counting the other short-lived ninth-level mutant beasts, there are no less than eight in the entire Qinling Mountains...

  "Not long ago, the [-]-meter-long giant python...and the huge wild boar...sigh..."

  With a sigh, Chief Wei Zhiming was also a little worried.

  Not all spiritual power fluctuations can be captured.

  Many mutant beasts will hide their aura.

  This made it extremely difficult for the troops to hunt and kill.

  And these ninth-level mutant beasts seem to have awakened a certain wisdom and can avoid humans.

  So, it's very tricky.

  However, fortunately, the mutant beast of the extraordinary first-order has not yet been found and walked out.

  Otherwise, the entire Qinling Mountains will be regarded as the highest alert red area.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know this.

  Now he, the Ice Girl and others, are slowly walking among the mountains and forests.

  Just, at this moment,

  "huh huh huh huh..."

  Suddenly, a terrifying neigh came from the depths of the mountain.

  This cry is so terrifying.

  So much so that Liu Zimo and the others' faces changed slightly when they heard it, like a roar from ancient times.

  And this, surprisingly...

  "Wild boar, it's the cry of a mutant wild boar... Are you going?"

  After asking a tentative question, the ice girl's face was also solemn.

  "Go, why not go."

  Having said that, Liu Zimo also set off first, rushing towards the depths of the mountain.


  Hearing only a sound of thunder, his whole person seemed to be transformed into thunder light.

  Sister Qin, who was not far away, was stunned.

  "This guy..."

  Leng Leng... Sister Qin was also completely dumbfounded.

  It was the first time she had seen such an exaggerated speed, so fast that it was a blur.

  In the faint, just a flash of lightning, passing through the air.


  At this time, without the shock of Sister Qin, Liu Zimo also rushed to the depths of the mountain.

  But, shortly after this,

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and Liu Zimo also saw...

  I saw a black wild boar twice the size of the average wild boar, gnawing on weeds not far away.

  However, what is shocking is that he actually has very huge fangs.

  Those fangs, like a knight's spear, are extremely ferocious.

  And his eyes were even more scarlet, revealing a touch of violence.

  "A wild boar with tusks..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also recalled some records of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Like this mutant wild boar, the Spiritual Power Bureau calls it the 'fanged wild boar', and its attack is very terrifying.

  The fangs were enough to split a bus in two.

  Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that these terrifying fangs are combined with the impact of the mutant wild boar itself...

  If it is really hit, it will definitely be dead.

  "This is a tusk wild boar of the eighth level."

  The pupils shrank slightly, and the face of the ice girl who came over also changed slightly.

  "Well, very dangerous guy."

  Saying so, Liu Zimo pulled out his long sword and walked slowly towards the tusk wild boar by himself.

  And his fingertips bounced a coin at some point.


  Suddenly breaking through the air, an orange-red laser ripped apart the air and shot towards the tusk wild boar.

  This is a super electromagnetic gun, Liu Zimo's most terrifying long-range attack...


  In the very shrill neighing, the naked eye can see that the body of this tusk wild boar is shocked, and a blood hole with deep bones has emerged in him.

  However, what followed was a more violent hissing.


  In the continuous neighing, his originally scarlet eyes were even more scarlet.

  At the same time, he also discovered the existence of Liu Zimo...

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