And now...


  In the sudden roar, Liu Zimo actually felt that there was a space opening up in the depths of his eyes.

  And that is the dimensional space.

  It is a different dimension of divine power.

  Not big, just one cubic meter.

  Even the body that holds Liu Zimo can't do it.

  It can be used as a growth-type S-level ability, and this different space has a very terrifying growth space.

  And wait for it to grow... to ten cubic meters, hundreds of cubic meters...

  Even when it is constantly overlapping with reality.

  It also means that Liu Zimo can do all kinds of incredible things.

  For example, teleportation,

  Even virtualize his body.

  These can all be done.

  And this is Kamui, an advanced time-space ninjutsu whose ability is essentially to transfer any object between real space and different space.

  "The different dimension is everything about the divine power. The size of the different dimension is related to the power of the divine power..."

  "The bigger the different space, the wider the range that can overlap with reality, which means that the farther I can teleport."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo gradually understood the ability of Shenwei.

  Really scary.

  Although, Shenwei's different space is only one cubic meter.

  Not big.

  But it was scary enough.

  It's good for storage alone.

  Not to mention, he can also blur part of Liu Zimo's body.

  like now...

  Slowly raising his palm, Liu Zimo also penetrated towards the wall not far away.


  In the ripples, his palm disappeared into the wall.

  This is the power of the gods, blurring part of his body.

  However, the next moment,


  Breathing heavily, Liu Zimo's forehead was also sweating.

  In just a moment, he actually consumed a hundred spiritual energy.

  "This consumption is really terrible."

  In the voice with lingering fears, Liu Zimo is also glad that he did not deduce other abilities.

  If it is like Sword Twenty-Three, Unlimited Sword System, such ability.

  Just activating it would probably drain him.

  Therefore, the ability of Shenwei is still good.

  The ability to grow is the most suitable for him now.

  "Now Shenwei can only be used as a hole card, not a regular skill."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo also understood.


  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the second day.

  On this day, Man Qiqin also repaired the computer.

  Fortunately, no problem.

  Just short circuited.

  Asked a maintenance person, connected the wire, and it was still usable.

  The live broadcast was turned on, and Man Qiqin also started the night live broadcast as always.

  But what surprised her a little...the number of people today seems to be a bit large.

  [Anchor, anchor, ten-year-old fan, come uninvited. 】

  [Anchor, I want to see your long black silk legs...]

  [Bah, it's wrong, I came here because of his name, I want to see Thor. 】

  [Wow, where is that handsome guy, I want to see too...]

  【Anchor, please make way... 】

  The barrage continued, and Man Qiqin was also stunned.


  what is that?

  However, at this time, it seemed like he had discovered something, and Man Qiqin also discovered that in her live broadcast, there was a pinned video, and the click-through rate had reached an astonishing level.

  Try opening this video.

  In the picture, there is actually a figure, holding a ball of thunder in his the god of thunder.

  It's just that it's not just a spoof of some viewers.

  A lot of special effects have been added, making the thunder around this Thor's figure more and more dazzling...

  "Is this a little boy???"

  With a confused look on her face, Man Qiqin also remembered last night.

  Like, that's not... an illusion. .

Chapter 6


  Suddenly screaming, Man Qiqin was also excited.

  Reward, someone rewarded her.

  Also, it's a rocket.

  However, looking at the words of this big man, Man Qiqin's eyes twitched fiercely.

  [Quick, quick, go and invite that little handsome guy out...]


  During a moment of silence, Man Qiqin doubted herself for the first time.

  Is she not good enough?

  Or she is not pretty enough.

  Why did this group of people come for her little brother.

  However, forget it.

  Now, she can only grieve her little brother.

  Thinking of this, Man Qiqin also took small steps and walked towards the hall to invite her little brother.

  "Live? The audience wants to see me?"

  Stunned for a while, Liu Zimo was also a little stunned.

  Wouldn't it be the picture of him deducing Chidori, which was broadcast live?

  But, come to think of it, it's possible.

  Only in this way can it attract the heat...


  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo also had a headache.

  This is not easy to explain.

  In particular, there is video testimony.

  However, at this moment, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo was also slightly startled.

  "I...seem to be able to express magic under the guise of magic."

  With a sudden smile, Liu Zimo also had an idea.

  Since it was discovered.

  Then change the angle.

  Like now, he took a paper cup...

  Slowly walked towards Sister Qin's live broadcast room.

  "The audience... hello..."

  Among some green voices, Liu Zimo's appearance also attracted the attention of all the audience.

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