It is also the existence that the Spiritual Power Bureau is most afraid of.

  Because the appearance of these mutant beasts also means that most technological weapons will be useless.

  It's just that no one knows, this is just the beginning...

  More changes are still happening.

  However, it is a pity that the land of Australia is sparsely populated, and the extraordinary organization is not as complete as the **.

  By the time they react, it may be too late.


  At the same time, shocking changes were also discovered all over Asia.

  Yalu, an island called 'Sakura Country'.

  This island is surrounded by sea...

  But now,

  "Fizz, sizzle, sizzle..."

  One after another, the neighing continued to be heard from the depths of the sea.

  From a distance, it sounds like an ancient neigh from the sea.

  Terrifying and chilling.


  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The thick dark clouds continued to gather, and the sky was clear, but it was unexpectedly ushered in a violent thunderstorm.

  "Isn't it raining today?"

  Among the stunned voices, many tourists were stunned.

  The storm came too soon.

  But don't wait for them to be more stunned.


  Only a loud noise was heard, and at the end of the sea, there were actually high waves rolling up.

  Vaguely, countless tourists have seen it... A gigantic creature over a hundred meters in size, like a serpent, at the end of the sea, constantly swaying its body, as if suffering from some severe pain...

  "what is that?"

  "My God... deep sea behemoth?"

  "Hey, how is that possible?"


  Repeated exclamation, countless people are stunned.

  Many people even took out their mobile phones for the first time and started shooting.

  It's just that at this time, the people of the Sakura Country still don't know that the real disaster has just begun.


  And in the **, the General Administration of Spiritual Energy Observation.

  "Come on, faster than we thought... This is just the beginning, but there are many sources of spiritual power tides everywhere... They are like rivers, spreading to all parts of the world..."

  In the very solemn voice, the director of the Spiritual Energy Observation Bureau also raised his eyes and looked at the screen.



  As many as fifty red spiritual power sources actually appeared in the territory of the **.

  From each source of spiritual power, a massive amount of spiritual energy spewed out.

  wash everything.

  Humans, beasts.

  even plants.

  If you endure it, you may step into the extraordinary gate.

  If you can't bear it, you will...


  After a while of silence, the director of the Spiritual Energy Observation Bureau also looked at a video.

  It's a city in **.

  It seems that it should be the city center, and the population is very dense.

  But at this moment,

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the space shattered like a mirror, and the surging nine-colored brilliance actually spewed out.


  "It hurts, it hurts..."

  "what is this?"

  "Oh my god..."


  In the repeated exclamations and even screams, one can see that one human being burst out.

  In just a few breaths, this place has turned into a purgatory on earth.

  However, if you look closely, in this hell on earth, there is a young girl holding her knees with her hands and trembling constantly.

  fear, fear...

  submerge it.

  But she is a rare choice.

  At the moment when the spiritual energy struck, the talent was awakened, and the strength continued to rise...

  Looking carefully, her eyes were actually flaming with flames.

  As far as the eye can see, the red flame keeps burning...

  Burn everything up.

  ps: ask for flowers, ask for a reward-

  I ask for your support. Next, Qiangwei is ready to release the chapters...

  Thank you very much, and finally ask for a wave of data.

  Flowers, rewards, monthly passes, you can...

Chapter 59

  "Out of control..."

  Suddenly, the expression of the person in charge of the Spiritual Force Observation Bureau changed drastically.

  This is extraordinary, a rare phenomenon.

  But it does exist.

  When the talent was awakened, it was greatly stimulated, and the talent was completely out of control.

  At this time, the superhuman has lost his mind.

  Some are just a constant release of power.

  Moreover, it seems that the girl in the video is extremely talented.

  This is the initial awakening, and the power is so terrifying.

  As far as the eye can see, everything is burning.

  Even the distant skyscrapers were lit with red flames.


  "Stop her, go and stop her, and notify the nearest spiritual power bureau."


  Among the unanimous responses, the Spiritual Force Observation Bureau also contacted the Spiritual Force Bureau for the first time.


  However, this is just the beginning.

  Staring deeply at the picture, one source of spiritual power keeps appearing...

  And just where the source of spiritual power appeared,

  All will have a big change.

  However, compared to the rush of other countries, ** is still well prepared.

  One command after another keeps giving out,

  And the nearby Spirit Power Bureau also dispatched troops immediately to rush over.

  Moreover, it is worth mentioning that... this source of spiritual energy is a disaster for ordinary people.

  But for the extraordinary, it is creation.

  A true creation.

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