Moreover, as one of the few professionals in Hangcheng, he cannot sit idly by.

  "This should be the beast tide that happened in the city center."

  With a sigh, Liu Zimo was also helpless.

  The wildlife park is only fifteen kilometers from the city center.

  In such a place, the entire wildlife park, and also the largest zoo in East China, has countless animals mutated.


  Terrible indeed.

  Even though they were far apart, Liu Zimo faintly felt the extremely amazing spiritual power fluctuations.


  Suddenly breaking through the air, Liu Zimo also accelerated and ran towards the safari park.

  Of course, he also rushed to the road and rode his exclusive Harley motorcycle.

  Run, that's impossible.

  Even if he simply ran, he was able to get there.

  Moreover, the speed is nowhere slower than a motorcycle.

  But when he ran to where, it is estimated that he was exhausted.

  So, still ride a motorcycle fast.


  Time passed slowly, and the area where Hangcheng Safari Park is located has become a battlefield, and it has also affected the surrounding areas.

  It's close to the city center.

  There are countless people.

  All kinds of large weapons cannot be used.

  Even heavy firepower such as machine guns needs to be used with caution.

  This greatly weakens the combat effectiveness of human beings.

  In the one-sided suppression, countless mutant beasts broke through the blockade and rushed in all directions.


  In the 200th of the sudden neighing, a ten-meter-long khaki giant python sprang from the ground, and a police car was violently rolled up.

  "Crack, click..."

  The entire police car was smashed into pieces with repeated crunching noises.

  And on the other side...


  In the terrifying roar, an extremely huge mutant tiger actually carried the bullet, rushed into the crowd, and started to kill.

  "Hurry up and ask for help, there are too many mutant beasts..."

  In the very anxious voice, this superhuman of the Spiritual Power Bureau also gritted his teeth.

  Never seen so many mutant beasts.

  Thousands of them are not just words.

  So many mutant beasts were killed together.

  Even if they are extraordinary, it is difficult.

  "Master Nian, and Yanquan are in charge of another area, and they can't come to support immediately."

  In the sudden narration, an extraordinary person also revealed a terrible fact.

  "Lord Thunderbird, he seems to be a professional too."

  "Faced with so many mutant beasts, it would be useless for him to come alone."

  In some hesitant voices, this extraordinary person also revealed a fact.


  There are too many mutant beasts here, and a beast tide has formed.

  Such a terrifying beast tide is simply appalling.

  Even if Lord Thunderbird came alone, what was the use? .

Chapter 63

  The beast swarm in the city center...

  This is definitely several times more terrifying than the ordinary beast tide.

  You must know that human beings can completely rely on some technological weapons to directly start the annihilation of the general beast tide.

  But now...

  The fighter jets whizzing through the sky only symbolically fired a few missiles.

  One heavy weapon after another has already been placed, but it does not dare to output unlimited firepower.

  In China, the safety of the people is a priority.

  However, at this time, in the face of this unexpected situation, the top executives were silent.

  "I suggest abandoning a small number of people and ensuring the safety of the majority of the people. These mutant beasts must never be allowed to break through the blockade and rush towards the city center."

  Suddenly speaking, a young man's face is also solemn.

  However, his words were not recognized.

  Standing at the top, this is indeed the best way.

  But the problem is, here is **.

  The weapons of the army must never be directed at the people.

  This is the iron law.

  So be silent,

  Silence again and again.

  Obviously everyone knows this is the best way.

  But they didn't dare to choose.

  "Call more extraordinary people, regardless of sacrifice... Be sure to block them."

  In a very firm voice, the director of Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau also spoke.

  This time, I can only count on these extraordinary people.

  Hope they can stop...

  No, just procrastinate...

  I have been cultivating extraordinary people for this moment...

  At this time, his eyes flickered, and the old man added:

  "At the same time, arrange personnel to evacuate the people. When the crowd is almost evacuated, the annihilation operation will start directly."


  In the unanimous response, everyone also heard the director's decision.


  At this time, Liu Zimo didn't know the order of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Administration.

  Now, on a motorcycle, he is rushing towards Hangcheng Wildlife Park at high speed.

  Along the way, countless vehicles scurried towards the outside, and the traffic began to be congested.

  More people opened the car door and ran away in a hurry.

  And this is like a large-scale escape in a movie.

  The same.

  Under the frenzy of mutant beasts, human beings are once again vulnerable.


  With a sigh, looking at the countless crowds running towards him, Liu Zimo also knew that it was too late.

  He could already hear the roar of the mutant beast in the distance.

  "It doesn't seem to be an ordinary horror..."

  With a sigh in his heart, Liu Zimo was surging with spiritual power.


  With an extremely terrifying roar, the dazzling thunder light shrouded him even with the motorcycle.

  From a distance, he looked like a thunder knight riding a thunder locomotive.

  "what is that?"

  "My God, look... someone is emitting thunder."

  "Wait, what is he doing?"

  In the repeated exclamations, countless people noticed that this motorcycle shrouded in thunder light actually rose into the sky and rushed towards the skyscrapers on both sides.

  He is running wild,

  Run along the wall.

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