During the unstoppable neighing, countless mutant monkeys also found Liu Zimo rushing in.

  "Da da da..."

  A mutated monkey was driving a machine gun and kept spitting out tongues of fire.

  Countless bullets shot towards Liu Zimo like raindrops.

  The other mutant monkey, a bazooka that he picked up from nowhere, aimed at Liu Zimo.


  Hearing a loud noise, accompanied by a white tail flame, a rocket also smashed towards Liu Zimo's position.

  "Be careful..."

  "Lord Thunderbird..."

  Repeatedly exclaimed, many of the extraordinary people behind them all spoke up for the first time.

  But at this time,


  The terrifying explosion set off, rolling up the sky and dust, and also drowned Liu Zimo's figure and countless mutant monkeys.

  "Lord Thunderbird, can't you?"


  Exclamation after exclamation, many saw the thunderbird disappearing in the smoke, and they were also anxious.

  Thunderbird is the most powerful fighting force here.

  There must be no accident.

  However, at this time, they didn't know... the Thunderbird in the smoke was unscathed.

  The armor of Leifa covered Liu Zimo's body and guarded him at all times.

  There is even an iron cloth shirt that is close to Dacheng. Unless he is shot at close range, Liu Zimo is really unlikely to be injured.

  And now...

  Tightening the Thunder Sword in his hand, Liu Zimo also decided to make a bold attempt.

  "Using the speed of the Thunder Armor, and the flash of thunder, instant kill..."

  While whispering softly, Liu Zimo's brain was told to work.

  If at this time, looking into the depths of Liu Zimo's brain, he will definitely be able to see traces of the arc overflowing.

  No matter how fast the speed is, the reflex nerves need to keep up.

  And Liu Zimo's Thunder Armor can improve his reflexes.

  At this moment, the speed of the world seemed to slow down, and even the movements of countless mutant monkeys slowed down.

  Speed, getting slower and slower.

  As if in a swamp.

  But at this moment, Liu Zimo drew his sword and stood up.

  "Shh, shh, shh..."

  Continuous slashes emerged in the smoke.

  Through the smoke, I could only see countless arcs raging through the air.

  However, shortly after that.


  Taking a deep breath, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes...

  He has passed over the entire mutant monkey group at some point in time.

  And now, if you look back at the mutant monkey group, you will definitely be able to see something extremely terrifying.

  That is, countless charred blood lines appeared on their bodies.

  The slash that looked like a single blow, in an instant, harvested the lives of seventy or eighty mutant monkeys.

  As for the individual, they were overwhelmed by Liu Zimo's thunder and devoured...


  In a daze, many extraordinary people saw this terrifying scene.

  Only to see a purple electric light flashed.


  "Boom, bang, bang..."

  One after another, countless mutant monkeys slowly fell towards the ground.

  All that was left to the crowd was that seemingly thin figure, standing quietly. .

Chapter 64

  It's just not enough! !

  If the beast tide this time was really that simple, it would be impossible to directly pull it into a 'ghost-level disaster' that would destroy the city.

  Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo's eyes also fell not far away.

  There was a mutated giant rhino like an armored tank, running wildly.

  The giant rhino has rough skin and thick flesh.

  And this mutant giant rhino, the defense is further enhanced.

  "Da da da..."

  Tongues of flame continued to spurt, and dense bullets enveloped him.

  Waiting for many soldiers, the corners of their eyes couldn't stop twitching.

  It's just because this mutant giant rhino charged towards them under a hail of bullets.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The earth was shaking, the earth was shaking, and along the way, one car after another crashed into the air.

  Many of the extraordinary people who looked at them changed their faces slightly.

  Just, at this moment,


  In the sudden roar, the earth shook.

  Xunsheng looked around, and in the eyes of countless people, Liu Zimo was standing alone in front of this mutant giant rhinoceros.

  The palm was raised, bearing the huge rhino horn of the mutant giant rhino, and the blue veins on Liu Zimo's arm were also exposed.

  But, fortunately, he stopped.

  One hand blocked the impact of this huge mutant giant rhinoceros.

  And now...


  In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo's right hand is also spraying thunder.

  "Crack, click..."

  One after another, the mutant rhino couldn't help but let out a shrill roar.

  However, to Liu Zimo's surprise, he did not die immediately.

  "This defense..."

  After a while of silence, Liu Zimo decisively used the Qiandiao sharp spear.


  With a loud noise, a thunder spear several meters long penetrated it.

  In terms of penetrating power alone, it is still the terror of Chidori and Chidori sharp spears.

  "Lord Thunderbird, thank you."

  A sudden voice of gratitude sounded from behind Liu Zimo.

  Xunsheng looked over, a little girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, wiping the sweat from the top of her head.

  This is also extraordinary.

  Her ability is a blizzard, capable of whipping up a small blizzard, sweeping everything...

  However, this ability, although terrible.

  But the consumption is obviously not something that a little girl like her can bear.

  "Find a 200 place and hide, there are mutant beasts that you can't handle."

  In the soft command, Liu Zimo also slowly raised his footsteps and killed in other directions.

  He is strong,

  It is really strong.

  Few mutant beasts can withstand his two moves.

  But two fists are no match for four hands.

  Moreover, he was still struggling to cope.

  Behead one here, suppress one there...

  In this way, even Liu Zimo couldn't bear it.

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