But Liu Zimo didn't know.

  Now he has returned to the villa and rested alone.

  Sister Qin, prepared dinner for him,

  After a simple meal, Liu Zimo returned to the bedroom.

  Before, with the support of Bingxin Art, he still didn't feel tired...

  But after the Bing Xin Jue dissipated, he felt unimaginable fatigue and fatigue.

  The tense spirit seems to be broken.


  Breathing heavily, Liu Zimo didn't seem to have reacted from the battle.

  In front of me, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood...

  Countless mutant beasts charged towards him continuously.


  A sudden violent drink, terrifying thunder, poured out from his body.

  "Boom, boom, boom..."

  The entire villa was filled with the brilliance of thunder, and countless furniture was destroyed in an instant.

  "Zi Mo..."

  In the sudden exclamation, Sister Qin also rushed from next door, looking at Liu Zimo, who was a little stunned, very worried.

  "it's okay no problem..."

  In the continuous remarks, Liu Zimo waved his hand.

  He knew it was a sequelae.

  The aftermath of the battle.

  The inevitable after a high degree of mental tension.

  After the catharsis, it was much better.

  However, at this time, after sorting out the harvest, Liu Zimo was also satisfied.

  A full [-] million points.

  It meant that Liu Zimo's killing had reached an extremely astonishing level.

  It is no wonder that he is now called the 'God of War' by many extraordinary people.

  A god of war indeed.

  A person rushed to the beast tide.

  It is not an exaggeration to use one against ten thousand.

  And that's it, he also killed seven in and seven out in the beast tide.

  Although the consumption was quite large, it did not suffer too much damage.

  Not to mention other extraordinary people, even other professionals are surprised.

  "Thunderbird, the combat power is truly terrifying."

  "Indeed, especially his thunder coat, which firmly protects him..."

  "Tsk tsk, I don't understand, you are also the element controller, how can you, the wind controller, not be one-tenth of the Thunderbird? Someone else, Thunderbird, rushed into the beast swarm alone, and you hid behind your back. , has been controlling the wind, and has not killed more than half of the Thunderbirds..."

  In a small group, several professionals couldn't help but tease a person named 'Wind Controlling'. .

Chapter 67

  The wind control agent is also one of the first seven professionals.

  It's just that, compared to the wind-controller imagined by others, the real wind-controller is a very shy lady.


  He faltered, unable to speak, and the wind control made his face flush.

  These bastards didn't say that when they needed him.

  Especially this blind man... which time it wasn't him who took the shot and set off a gust of wind, and solved most of the mutant beasts for him.

  The corner of his mouth twitched, but this little Zhengtai took the initiative and said:

  "Would you like to send someone to contact the Thunderbird?"


  After a while of silence, many professionals were also hesitating.

  They are a small group, a faction of their own.

  In the professional circle of **, it is also extremely famous.

  But the problem is that this small circle of them is a collective of interests, a group in the true sense.

  I don't know the Thunderbird guy, so I'm not interested.

  Also, they didn't know what kind of person Thunderbird was.

  "Contact first, let's get in touch... Don't worry, maybe this Thunderbird doesn't fit our philosophy."


  Nodding, the rest of the professionals also scrambled to respond.

  Concept is a very important word.

  If the concepts do not match, then Thunderbird is destined to not be able to integrate into their circle.

  Moreover, at this time, as if thinking of something, a professional also reminded:

  "Thunderbird is in the area where the teacher is responsible, maybe he will stand on the side of the teacher."

  "Master? That witch???"

  The corners of his eyes twitched, and a professional also thought of something bad.

  "I remember, you seem to confess to Nian Shi, and she was tricked by her?"

  "Don't talk about this, we are still friends."

  In the rare discussion, this small group is still lively.

  However, at this time, if someone pays attention to the group name, they will definitely be shocked.

  Just because this turned out to be 'Longyuan'.

  Qianlong Zaiyuan is one of the few extremely powerful professional organizations.


  Do not,

  More precisely, a circle.

  Professionals are very influential.

  Their words can even influence the local spiritual power bureau.



  At this time, a small outbreak destroyed the villa, and Liu Zimo moved silently.

  Under the mournful eyes of the next-door neighbor Ice Girl, he and Man Qiqin also silently walked into Ice Girl's single-family villa.

  "I said, this is the first time I've entered a girl's room, do you believe it?"

  In the rare ridicule, Liu Zimo also found the sofa and lay down.

  However, at the next moment, a feeling of needles on the back was imprinted in my heart.

  Good guy, don't look back, Liu Zimo also knows that his sister Qin must be looking at him fiercely.

  "Ouch, I don't know who it was, the last time I broke into the place where the girl was bathing..."

  Amidst the playful laughter, Liu Zimo's face froze slightly.

  Then, pretend to sleep.

  did not hear.


  Suddenly, with a puff of laughter, the ice girl actually laughed.

  With this smile, even with squinting, Liu Zimo, who secretly looked over, couldn't help but look sideways.

  It should be the case with a smile.

  The naturally beautiful ice girl, this smile is really amazing.

  "You should smile more, it looks good."

  In the very sincere voice, Liu Zimo noticed the smile on the ice girl's face for the first time, and said coldly:

  "It seems that only Sister Qin can restrain you."


  Raising his brows, Liu Zimo did not refute.

  Sister Qin, he still listened to what she said.

  After all, this is his few friends in this world, and even 'family'.

  At this time, as if thinking of something, Liu Zimo also said to Sister Qin:

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