The continuous roar seems to have come from ancient times.

  In the distance, a giant mutant tortoise of more than ten meters in size, one step at a time, the earth trembled.

  "Boom, boom..."

  There was a roar after another, and one rocket after another slammed into him fiercely.

  However, at the next moment,

  Looking at the unharmed figure from the smoke and flames, everyone was silent.

  Horrified, fearful.

  Unspeakable emotions are brewing in the crowd.

  And at this moment,


  A sudden roar, ripples.

  And that was actually a sound wave visible to the naked eye.


  Hearing a loud bang, countless figures flew out.

  There are also many people who burst into pieces and turned into blood foam in the sky.

  Sound waves, a force to be reckoned with.

  Weird and scary.

  And this mutant sea turtle actually knew how to attack with sonic waves.


  Amidst the continuous shock, many superhumans couldn't help but take a few steps back.

  However, looking back at the despairing people one after another, especially one of the mothers holding a baby, these transcendents also gritted their teeth:

  "You run, we will hold you back."


  Nodding, these people also ran towards the rear of the city in panic.

  There is an air-raid shelter built by the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Specifically designed to deal with such situations.

  It's just that no one thought that this would actually come in handy one day.


  The war is continuing, and the whole city is constantly spreading the flames of war.

  The sound of despair and fighting filled every corner of the city.

  "Do we really have reinforcements?"

  Back to back, the two twin girls holding daggers were also clenching their teeth.

  They are the people of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

  Also, it is very famous.

  People are beautiful, kind-hearted, and sisters.

  Can you be famous?

  However, now, their clothes were stained red with blood, and bloodstains appeared on their bodies one after another.

  They have been fighting hard for two hours,

  Even though they were already level seven.

  Now, also exhausted.

  Moreover, their injuries are getting worse.

  If it wasn't for their ability to support them, they would have been submerged in the beast tide at this moment.

  "There will be support."

  In the softly narrated, the elder sister's lingering tone is also soothing the younger sister's lingering tone.


  Nodding, Suzune also trusts her sister unreservedly.

  There will be support.

  Most definitely.

  The country, the Spiritual Power Bureau will not abandon them.

  However, at this moment, as if unable to support her, her younger sister Rinyin's consciousness was a little blurry, and even her standing was unsteady.

  This is too much blood loss.

  There are five big wounds on her body, even if she is a seventh-level ability, she can't support it.

  And at this time, feeling her sister's weakness, her elder sister Lingyu also grabbed her sister's hand.


  In the invisible fluctuations, an inexplicable energy also rushed towards the younger sister's body.

  However, at this time, if you look carefully at elder sister Lingyu, you can definitely see that her face is completely pale.

  [Innate Ability-Sharing: As sisters who have the same soul, they also awakened a very special ability to share... They can share everything, vitality, battle memory, and even various skills... 】

  And now, elder sister Lingyu is sharing her life force with her younger sister.

  "elder sister..."

  Suddenly speaking, sister Suzine also noticed her sister's actions, and there was a look of unbearableness on her face.

  "It's alright.. I didn't get hurt too much. Hold on now, we must hold on, support will definitely come."


  Nodding heavily, her younger sister, Suzine, was also staring at the mutant sea beasts that were constantly gathering around her.

  At this time, what the sisters didn't know was that the support they were waiting for had indeed come.

  One convoy after another, coming from all directions.

  The terrifying aura is constantly surging.

  "The Buddha said, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell..."

  Suddenly, in the distance, a figure wearing a martial arts uniform and a cassock came from the end of a street in Pau.

  This is a monk.

  Looks young.

  Looks very handsome.

  There is a little vermilion between the eyebrows.

  However, now, slowly raising his eyes, looking at the city that has been reduced to ruins, his originally calm eyes trembled slightly.

  Just that's not the point...

  The point is, a little girl's cry could be heard not far away...

  But without waiting for the monk to react, the cry stopped abruptly.

  Turning his eyes, the monk's pupils also shrank to the tip of the needle.

  At the end of his gaze, a mutant lobster, using his huge tongs, clamped half of his very delicate arm, and was constantly eating something in his mouth.


  Putting his hands together, this monk was also completely moved, and his face even showed a touch of anger that should not have been there.

  "The Buddha also said that the Buddha also has anger."

  With a loud shout, he actually stepped a little, pulled out a burst of afterimages, and rushed towards the mutant lobster.


  Hearing a loud bang, the earth trembled.

  But the mutant lobster didn't even have time to react, it completely turned into blood and disappeared into the sky.

  Buddha's mercy.

  But the demons are in the world.


  And at the same time,


  The wind was howling, and far away, in the other direction of the city, there was a petite figure flying over.

  Yes, fly.

  He looks very young and looks like a lady.

  But now, looking at the city that was in ruins, looking at the human wreckage on the ground... His very cute face also put away all the smiles.

  "Howl, gust of wind."

  In the soft whisper, the strong wind in the sky is constantly gathering.


  Like a roar from ancient times, the gust of wind poured down as much as possible, constantly venting its unique anger... engulfing hundreds of mutant crabs...


  At the same time, Liu Zimo, who had followed the convoy to the vicinity of Pau, also saw a city not far away, submerged in flames and smoke.

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