Invitation letter for the trial space designation.

As the first level of the Tower of Demons, Hyder contributed to the members of the Trialist Squad and became a large audience in the live broadcast room.

Received a reward from the Trial Space for the best audience.

And this mysterious gift, the role of the designated invitation of the trial space.

It is, as it literally means, to designate a person to join a specific place in a certain trial space at a certain time.

It is equivalent to turning the random selection of the trial space for the trialists into participants who are actively selected by Hyder to enter the trial space.

For ordinary lucky viewers who have received a designated invitation to the trial space.

Designated invitations can directly cast their enemies who are not pleasing to their eyes on a daily basis directly into the trial space.

Join thousands of viewers as you enjoy the delightful scene of your enemies being slaughtered by demons.

Or instead sell the right to use designated invitations to official powers.

Send a fully armed soldier with the strongest combat experience in the army to enter the trial space on the premise of sufficient preparation.

Compared to completely allowing the trial space to choose the trialist to join, resigned to fate, relying on ethereal luck to bet on the overall quality of the trialist.

No matter which country is in power, they will be more inclined to send the best elite warriors under their hands to the trial space to fight.

Just by selling an invitation to the trial space, the seller is enough to live a good life without food and clothing.

However, that was only for the lucky audience who happened to get the designated invitation to the trial space by luck.

And An Cheng’s words, of course, he relies on his true skills.

Rely on the familiar knowledge of demon ecology and a wide variety of powerful magic tools.

Only then did he get the support of all the trialists and the audience in the live broadcast room, and ushered in the title of the best audience awarded by the trial space.

Compared to those so-called battle-hardened special forces kings.

In this world, there is obviously a unique existence that no one can replace, is it most suitable to accept the invitation of this invitation?

That’s right.

That is An Cheng himself, the legendary demon hunter.

By receiving the designated invitation from the trial space, Hyder has an admission ticket to the Demon Tower at any time.

Therefore, under the bewildered gaze of Ying Lili.

An Cheng, who originally thought that he was going to stand up, just felt numb in his feet because he had been sitting for a long time, and his movements naturally changed his posture.

The Japanese sword, which made people feel extremely mysterious and powerful, disappeared in full view of everyone as if by magic.

“Tower City Kitten…”

An Cheng frowned slightly, staring at the name of the Tacheng kitten in the list of trialists’ squads in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

“Tacheng Kitten, it’s an unfamiliar name, but don’t worry, Lord Ancheng, your name as a demon hunter has spread throughout the world.”

Ai Hayasaka had just come into contact with Yuki Asuna this morning, and Ai Hayasaka heard Ai Cheng whisper the name of another new team member, and naturally analyzed to Ancheng.

“Even the inhabitants who live in some remote corners, under the propaganda of the curtain in the sky, already know the professionalism and correctness of your words, and there will be no trialists who deliberately violate your advice.”

When it comes to the end, Ai Hayasaka, who has a good heart, still seems to be selling cute.

The blonde single-ponytailed maid flashed a pleasant smile to An Cheng, gently tilted her little head, and joked with a light wink in his left eye.

“Unless she’s not from this world at all, but how is that possible.”

Ai Hasaka said very lightly, and did not consider the possibility that the Tacheng kitten would not know about Ancheng.

But in fact, since realizing that the world is a comic world.

Hyder went out of his way to explore some iconic cities and schools.

As a result of the search, Hncheng found the private Toyonosaki Academy, the private Shuchiin Academy, the Sobu High School… These schools in the everyday world without special powers.

But among them, there is absolutely no Koma King Academy, this kind of high school that lives with demons!

In other words————

I recall that when the trial space first appeared, he once expressed a declaration that he would project the live broadcast screen to the heavenly dimensions.

An Cheng showed a thoughtful look.

In other words, in addition to the comprehensive daily world where Hyder is now, the trial space is now also linked to the world of the demon college, from which the Tacheng kitten was selected as the trialist.

Is it even broadcasting to another world?

After sending an invitation letter to Hyder as a reward, the picture in the live broadcast room of the trial space gradually became clear.

He holds three powerful magic tools: Artemis, the hat of Faust, and the king of Cerberus.

Shino Asata, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yotsuya Miko, three slightly more qualified trialist girls.

Because of the supply and rest in the safe house, he showed a full of spirit and spirit.

Compared with the mental outlook of the three old team members, the performance of the two new team trial girls is out of place.

As if she hadn’t yet accepted reality, Yuki Asuna stood stiffly in place, staring at the walls of the old castle in front of her that were full of traces of time.

After a long while, this beautiful girl with long chestnut hair cried with a pretty face and was forced to accept this cold and merciless cruel reality.

As for the other new member, he has short silky silver hair, jewel-like brown-yellow eyes, and a petite and light Tacheng kitten.

He stood expressionless, his brown eyes indifferently looking at the surrounding environment and the human girls beside him.

His gaze lingered for a while on the magic tool held by Shino Asota and the others, and then slowly looked away.

The petite body of the loli body of the Tacheng kitten, and the restrained character that does not show the slightest emotion like a delicate doll.

There is no doubt that the viewers who do not know the truth in the live broadcast room only rely on the information that is revealed on the surface.

Regarded the Tacheng kitten as a delicate loli who was so frightened and stupid that she couldn’t even make an expression.

[The quality of these two new members is not very good, they are so scared that they can’t even speak, and that little girl with white hair is still just a junior high school student, right? ] 】

[But it doesn’t matter, there is an invincible demon hunter god, even a delicate and powerless white-haired loli can easily hold a magic tool to destroy the devil! ] 】

[What kind of powerful magic tools will the Demon Hunter God come up with this time, I’m looking forward to it!!! 】

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