Thinking in the normal human mind, Yukinoshita Yukino’s suggestion is naturally rational and correct.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space also spoke one after another, echoing Yukoshita Yukino’s suggestion.

Everyone thinks.

No matter how strong Hyder is, it shouldn’t have ended the battle just now.

After solving the more than 800 demons that had emerged in the sacrificial room with a terrifying number, they immediately plunged into a new battle.

Reconditioning in situ to restore physical strength is the most correct and safer approach.

However, in what normal humans know and think.

It was impossible to understand the extremely thrilling high-intensity battle that Fang Cai had in their eyes.

For Hyder, it’s just an ordinary warm-up exercise.

Powerful resilience from the Spartan Majin bloodline.

Just this interval of standing in place after the battle is enough for Hyder to adjust his state to the best state.

His physical strength returned to his best condition before the start of the battle, and because of the warm-up battle just now, his mental state was also concentrated.

This is the time to be unstoppable at its best.

“No problem, it’s just a puppy guarding the gate, it doesn’t cost me much effort.”

An Cheng stretched out his hand and gently patted the thin shoulder of Yukinoshita Yukinai in front of him.

By the way, very gentlemanly and considerate, adjust the crooked Faust hat brim for her.

“Your fearful attitude is too far from your sister, Koyukino.”

Immediately afterwards, An Cheng smiled calmly, calmly walked over from next to Xue Nai, who was immediately stunned after hearing this, and walked over generously.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Hyder, you… You know my sister?! ”

Until Tacheng Kitten and Asada Shina, they also followed in the footsteps of An Cheng.

The gust of wind that kicked off as she walked past her steadfastly blew the black hair that Yukino hung on her shoulders under the snow.

Xue Nai suddenly came back to his senses from An Cheng’s sudden speech just now.

She turned away with a look of amazement.

He stretched out his hand and easily pushed open the two heavy copper-green doors in the sacrificial room.

An Cheng, who caused external light to pour into the closed room, asked.

“Indeed, she asked me to take good care of you.”

An Cheng turned his head and looked uneasy behind him.

A pair of slender white hands gripped nervously on his chest, and Yukinoshita Yukina, who was waiting for his answer, raised his eyebrows lightly.

made Yukinoshita Yukino get his wish.

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita, who received an affirmative answer from Ancheng.

Her heart, which had always been tense, suddenly relaxed, and she felt that the whole person became much more relaxed and natural.

When there are people who know each other in common, two strangers who have never known each other, the relationship between them will quickly become much closer.

The current Yukinoshita Yukinoshita Yukinai fits this situation, after knowing that Ancheng knows his sister Yukinoshita Yono.

Under the snow, Xue Nai suddenly felt that the originally unattainable distance between her and An Cheng suddenly became much closer, and became closer to nature.

Forced by the trial space to be selected as a trialist, he was thrown into this uninhabited Demon Tower environment.

Although there are four other reliable teammates of the same age, Yukinoshita Yukino does not know them beforehand, and is a stranger who meets halfway.

Even in battle, he forged a deep friendship with other Trialist girls.

In this extremely dangerous environment, Yukino does not have the sense of relaxation in the face of real world acquaintances.

Until she met Hyderon.

As a legendary demon hunter, An Cheng not only brings Yukinoshita Yukino a sense of security to be able to breathe in the dangerous situation of the Demon Tower.

This identity as an acquaintance of [an acquaintance my sister knows].

It also brings a sense of spiritual relaxation and closeness to Yukinoshita Yukino, who is oppressed by pressure and breathless.

You know, all the trialist girls present seem to have some kind of separate connection with An Cheng.

Even the new Yuki Asuna met An Cheng in the real world.

The other is from another world, and the race is most likely a demon tower city kitten.

It is simply impossible to make Yukishita Yukina, a pure human girl, have the same kind of feeling similar to the warmth of the newspaper group.

Even the kind and friendly Shino Asada and Miko Yotsuya did not deliberately exclude Yukinoshita Yukino’s idea.

That because only I have no connection with Hyder in the real world.

The faint sense of inexplicable alienation and loneliness that naturally arises with the team is still irrepressible in the sensitive and delicate heart of Xue Nai under the snow.

Until An Cheng reveals that he is in the real world and meets his sister Yono Yukinoshita.

Yukino Yukisa, who had a delicate and fragile heart, completely settled down in his heart.

Whether it is the sense of integration into the team, or the trust and dependence of Hyder Hyder, it has been greatly improved.

It was precisely because An Cheng noticed the sense of instability lurking in Yukino Yuki’s heart.

Therefore, he was empathetic and did not reveal that although he did know Yukishita Yangnai, it was actually just a fact of just understanding.

After only half telling the truth, An Cheng straightened the red coat he was wearing and strode towards the location at the end of the second layer of the Demon Tower.

[Shocked, if you say so, except for the Tacheng kitten, the trialists selected by the trial space are all sisters who are related to the Demon Hunter God?! ] 】

[It feels like the whole world is revolving around the demon hunter god, what kind of life is the protagonist of this novel! ] 】

[I’m sour, but when I think of this Demon Hunter God, all doubts are solved. 】

[Since the trialist girls in our world are all related to the Demon Hunter God, then the Tower City Kitten from another world, even if she doesn’t know the Demon Hunter God, then maybe she will have something in common with the Demon Hunter God. ] 】

[What can it have in common, they are all white hair, and they also have abilities beyond ordinary people?] 】

[You shouldn’t really think that the Tacheng kitten is a demon, won’t you, according to what you say, is it possible that the Demon Hunter God is also a demon, or a demon hunting devil?] 】

In the live broadcast room of the trial space, the audience was talking about it, and An Cheng had already led the trialist girls behind him.

Stand in front of the huge black iron gate that leads to the third floor of the Demon Tower, located in the deepest part of the labyrinth corridor on the second floor.

Just standing in the corridor through a huge iron gate.

That indescribable deep chill had penetrated the barrier of the pitch-black iron gate and invaded the delicate bodies of these ordinary girls under the snow.

If you touch the huge iron gate in front of you with your fingers, you will inevitably end up with a skin that is dead on top of the extremely cold iron gate and can no longer be removed.

“Here, this is where the boss of the gate on the second floor of the Demon Tower is located, Shino and Miko, just stand outside the door and watch.”

Yasu glanced at Shino Asada and Miko Yotsuya behind him, and directed them.

The severe extreme cold poison made the bodies of the trialist girls tremble.

Only the Tacheng kitten, who was also a demon with An Cheng, still looked calm and calm.

There was no discomfort due to the extreme cold that came through the iron gate.

“If you are a kitten, you can stay outside, or follow me in, but even if you follow me in, don’t expect me to give you heads…”

An Cheng looked at the brown-yellow eyes of the Tacheng kitten who stared at him speechlessly, and the flame of battle intent quietly ignited.

Knowing the choice of Tacheng kitten, An Cheng had a knowing smile on the corner of his mouth.

Grabbing the three-section stick of the King of Cerberus that had been casually on his shoulder, An Cheng suddenly kicked forward and kicked open the heavy black iron door that was blocked and frozen by the strict ice.

“Oh no, if you correct it a little, I won’t give you half a dog’s head.”

In the closing room leading to the Devil’s Tower on the third floor.

The huge hellish three-headed dog, which was bound by thick chains, suddenly opened its three pairs of hideous and vicious red vertical pupils.

Thick saliva slowly dripped from the sharp and dense white teeth, eroding into the ground one after another.

Three pairs of scarlet and violent canine eyes instantly locked onto An Cheng’s figure who swaggered in front of the gate.

The three-headed dog of hell shrugged its sensitive nose, after sniffing a familiar and extremely magical smell on An Cheng.

Guarding the second-tier boss leading to the entrance to the Demon Tower on the third level, the three-headed dog of hell, Cerberus.

In an instant, it opened its three hideous and terrifying blood basin mouths, and let out a deafening three-voice loud roar towards An Cheng.

“But ———— Ding ——————!!!”

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