“V, if there are only a dozen spider demons left, we will solve them, there is no need to use holy water.”

Watching An Cheng use three bottles of holy water in a row like a loser, purifying all the demons in the spider’s lair.

Asada’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a distressed color, just like all the viewers in the live broadcast room of the trial space, feeling that An Cheng used holy water too often and wastefully.

Just by using the first bottle of holy water, most of the spider demons in the spider’s lair have been cleaned up, creating a strong combat advantage.

But Hyder went on to use a second, or even third, bottle of holy water.

Moreover, the three bottles of holy water taken out by An Cheng can be easily observed from the naked eye alone.

The holy water he used contained the divine power in it.

It was obviously more pure and powerful than the holy water that Asada Shino obtained from the goddess of time and space by sacrificing the Red Soul Stone.

If they really wanted to waste the holy water, it was better for Asada Shino to use the two bottles of holy water that were slightly inferior in Ancheng’s hands.

“Holy water is such a thing, if you don’t use it when you should use it, it is meaningless, and it is not something that needs to be specially treasured.”

An Cheng shrugged lightly, responded to Shino Asada, and then as if suddenly thinking of something, he snapped his fingers crisply.

“There is still an extra part of the holy water on my side, just give each of you two bottles for self-defense, if you consume it, you can ask me again at any time.”

For the trialist girls whose physical fitness is only ordinary people.

Holy water, a powerful prop that is enough to instantly kill a large number of ordinary demons, is undoubtedly very precious and scarce.

But for An Cheng, a demon who inherited the power of the legendary demon hunter.

The role that holy water can play, that is, it allows him to save a little time dealing with ordinary demons, it is really not a treasure that must be preserved.

So, when Asada, Shino and Yukinoshita Yukino looked at An Cheng as if they were engaged in wholesale, taking out bottle after bottle of high-purity holy water from the void.

Even gave each of them two bottles of holy water, but they still showed that they didn’t care and didn’t have the slightest sense of distress.

The Trialist girls, as well as the audience watching here in the live broadcast room of the Trial Space, suddenly fell into complete silence.

Immediately afterwards, the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space exploded violently.

[This is also outrageous, right?] I used to say that the Demon Hunter God is a holy water wholesaler, I should only be joking, but looking at the casual attitude of the Demon Hunter God who wholesale mineral water now, I really doubt that the Demon Hunter God can make holy water at will! ! ! 】

[No, now that we know that the Demon Hunter God is a demon, why does a demon carry so much holy water with him?] Even if you are a half-demon, you shouldn’t be completely unafraid of holy water, this is too unscientific, right?! 】

[Science? You look at the pile of red soul stones on the ground that have not yet been collected by Faust’s hat, and say science again?? 】

In the process of fierce arguments and discussions among the audience in the live broadcast room.

Asada, Yukinoshita, Yukoshita, Miko Yotsutani, and Yuki Asuna all honestly accepted the holy water bottle that Ancheng sent out casually.

But when it was the turn of the Tower City Kitten….

“You better keep this holy water for your own use, I am a demon, how can there be a reason for a demon to carry holy water to fight.”

She tensed her delicate little face, two slender white hands straight in front of her, her resistance was very obvious, and she thanked An Cheng who handed her holy water.

The holy water in Ancheng’s hands is too pure.

Even through the barrier of the glass bottle, the Tacheng kitten could feel a strong divine aura that made the demon uncomfortable and disgusted.

The Tacheng kitten really couldn’t imagine how he could fight other demons while carrying two bottles of high-purity holy water with him.

If you really want to bring the holy water bottle, the combat effectiveness of the Tacheng kitten will not rise, but it will also be affected and have a downward trend.

“Is it because you are not a complete demon, you seem to be very resistant to holy water?”

The Tacheng kitten hesitated slightly, his brown-yellow eyes carefully fixed on An Cheng’s face, and then asked him in a gentle voice.

The hybrid of human and demon is neither purely human nor completely demon.

This chaotic and ambiguous race and position will undoubtedly make those hybrids extremely concerned about their identity, like anti-scales that cannot be touched by others at will.

However, according to the observation of Tacheng Kitten.

Ancheng’s racial view of his own human-demon hybrid is obviously different from other common hybrid thinking.

From the point that An Cheng is willing to have an audience of two worlds at all times, watching him through the live broadcast room of the trial space, but is still willing to tell the story of the Spartan family.

The Tacheng kitten can judge that An Cheng has a completely different open-minded attitude towards his hybrid identity as a human and a demon, and is completely different from ordinary hybrids.

Therefore, after a little hesitation, he directly raised his doubts to him.

The Tacheng kitten is not without seeing other human-demon hybrids.

But maybe the human-demon hybrid in another world is not the same as the hybrid of their world?

“Of course, I will also be affected by the divine power of the holy water, but compared to other demons, the divine power I will be restrained is a little smaller.”

Facing the serious inquiry of the Tacheng kitten.

After An Cheng pondered for a while, he gestured to her with a fingertip cosmic gesture that made the man in the live broadcast room angry.

The holy water produced by the comprehensive system is just ordinary water for Ancheng, the host of the system, and will not cause any harm.

If you are thirsty, you will not have the slightest problem pouring those high-purity holy water into your stomach as drinking water.

For example, on Asada’s body, the holy water obtained through the statue of the goddess of time and space, although it can indeed affect Ancheng in theory.

However, in the case of the demonic power in An Cheng’s body, the dimensionality reduction strike crushing style surpassed the divine power in the holy water.

Even if the holy water is dripping on his head, for An Cheng, it is just a slightly hot bath water.

“……. That’s right, if the strength is strong to a certain extent, it is indeed no problem to ignore the damage of the holy water. ”

The Tacheng kitten seemed to be a little wrong, she looked deeply at the handsome face of An Cheng in front of her, slowly said in a complicated tone, and then silently looked away.

“Let’s continue exploring the third level, or are you going to take a break here?”

An Cheng stuffed the two bottles of holy water that the Tacheng kitten refused to accept back into the system space.

After putting the Rebel Demon Sword back on his back, he asked thoughtfully to the Trialist girls beside him.

“Of course it’s time to move on, but Mr. Hyder… This seems to be the end of the third layer? But why is there no step to the fourth floor? ”

Yotsuya saw that Zixiu frowned, she looked around at the interior of the nest full of white cobwebs, but she never saw the passage to the fourth floor.

“And the strength of that spider queen just now is actually not as strong as the boss of the first two layers.”

Yukishita Yukino followed closely and also proposed to Ancheng where he cared.

“That’s because, of course, this is not the end of the third-layer Demon Tower.”

An Cheng raised his eyebrows lightly, and naturally replied to the stunned Yotsuya Miko and Yukinoshita Yukino.

“Could it be that the door to another place is blocked by the silk thread woven by the spider demons?”

Asada Shino picked up the magic spear Artemis in his hand.

The purple cold moon arrow shot out at an extremely fast speed, clearing the walls of the spider’s lair covered with heavy cobwebs at 360 degrees.

The white cobwebs that covered the appearance of the wall were completely torn to pieces by the Moon Demon Arrow that shot out, and slowly fell to the ground, revealing the true appearance of the wall behind.

“Still no, V, do you know how to get to the next level?”

The white cobwebs stuck to the walls were all torn and fell by the light arrows of Artemis’s gun, but the door leaving the spider’s lair was never found.

Shino Asada couldn’t help but frown tightly, and asked Ancheng, who had experience exploring the Demon Tower and seemed to have a good idea about leaving here.

The Demon Tower reproduced by the trial space, although other things were mixed in.

However, the overall layout of the building, as well as the organs in it, remained basically the same.

Hence the peace that holds Dante’s memories of breaking into the Tower of Demons.

With just a glance at the incomparably spacious spider nest, he found his target.

Under the puzzled gazes of the trialist girls such as Shino Asada, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room.

Stride towards the white cocoon piled up in the spider’s nest.

[Demon Hunter God, what is this going to do?] Kill those little spider demons who haven’t broken through their cocoons yet? 】

[It’s really normal and right to destroy all the demons, but aren’t you looking for a way out of the spider’s nest now?] 】

[Could it be that the door to another room is hidden behind those white spider silk cocoons?] 】

Miko Yotsuya read the barrage of the audience in the live broadcast room distractedly while paying attention to the back of An Cheng gradually moving away.

The same doubts emerged in my heart as the audience in the live broadcast room.

The Trialist Maidens watched suspiciously as An Cheng suddenly reached out and took out the King of Cerberus in the form of a long stick of flame.

With a single swing, all the white cocoons in front of him were burned into flying ash.

The small spider demons buried in the blazing flames were completely wiped out before they even had time to scream.

[Although I don’t know what the Demon Hunter God is thinking, at least he finally didn’t continue to use holy water to water those spider silk cocoons, and I suddenly felt so relieved and relieved…….】

[Upstairs plus one, me too! ] 】

[Look, something has emerged from the position where the spider silk cocoon was blocked before————!! 】

“That one is……. A wheel made of stone? Is Mr. Hyder looking for this thing? ”

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