The real world, in Hyder’s room.

“This, this, this! What the hell is this vampire queen trying to do to An Cheng?! This is also too shameless!! ”

Looking at the live broadcast room of the trial space, standing in front of An Cheng, the vampire queen Nevan who stretched out her pale hands towards An Cheng’s handsome face, and even her red-haired head fell forward.

Ying Li, whose white and pretty face turned red, stood up suddenly in a flustered and abrupt manner, and shouted so loudly in a messy tone.

Even because the action of getting up was too intense, the white and small toes suddenly hit the position of the table legs.

As a result, Yingli’s blue beautiful eyes were suddenly soaked with tears, and the whole person froze in place and remained motionless, but it was finally quiet.

“Miss Eiri, you are too excited.”

Looking at the terrifying picture in the live broadcast room of the trial space, Ying Li, who made a great reaction and completely exposed his careful thoughts.

Ai Hayasaka gently holds her cheeks with a white slender hand, and her slender white onion fingers coated with blue nail polish are dexterously typing on the screen of her mobile phone.

While sending a barrage to the live broadcast room of the trial space, the blue eyes were slightly subtle, and he looked at Ying Li beside him.

“Lord An Cheng is in the trial space, fighting for the lives of people all over the world, and what he will face next is not a passionate kiss with a beautiful lady.”

“Instead, a cruel and cold terrifying vampire will rob him of his life energy by kissing.”

Eiri raised her hand to wipe away the tears that came out of the corners of her eyes, bit her lips lightly with some unwillingness, and sat back in her seat sullenly.

“Of course I know, but it’s one thing to know——— Kato, don’t you….. Whoops?! ”

Eiri whispered angrily.

She originally wanted to find Megumi Kato, who was Ancheng’s childhood sweetheart and had a very deep relationship with him, to complain and criticize the behavior of the vampire queen Nevan in the live broadcast room.

However, Yingli had just turned her head.

Then he saw Megumi Kato’s always plain and delicate face, but at this time, his face was very rare.

Obsidian-like gentle eyes, now with sharp eyes, stared at the terrifying picture of the red-haired long-haired vampire queen in the live broadcast room picture.

“What’s wrong, Eiri-san?”

After hearing the voice of Eiri talking to herself.

Megumi Kato narrowed her eyes slightly, she raised her head, her tone was very cold, and asked Eiri who was facing the table.

“No, nothing, nothing, nothing, hahaha……..”

A drop of cold sweat slowly flowed from Yingli’s white forehead, and after a few dry laughs, she looked away as if she was weak, and did not dare to talk and look at Kato Megumi again.

Ai Hayasaka, who coldly watches the farce between Eiri and Megumi Kato.

After she sighed faintly, the pink cherry lips covered by her slender white little hand trembled lightly twice.

In a voice that only he could hear, he said softly to the listless re-attention to Yingli in the live broadcast room.

“I don’t even have the courage to look at Kato-sama, Miss Eiri, if you want to deal with Lord Ancheng, it’s still far, far away.”

Ai Hayasaka’s gaze only slightly left the live broadcast room picture on the mobile phone screen and froze on Eiri for two seconds.

She was amazed to find out.

Ying Li’s original listless expression was after seeing the picture in the live broadcast room.

In an instant, the time changed, and a smile of surprise could not be brighter.

The two golden double ponytails seemed to reflect the owner’s overly surprised and happy mood, and suddenly stood up.

[Then I’ll let you see what a true family tradition is!] 】

An Cheng’s calm voice that was not afraid of danger slowly sounded from the live broadcast room.

Ai Hayasaka quickly retracted her gaze and once again focused on watching everything that happened in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Under the gaze of the Trialist girls and the audience in the live broadcast room of the Trial Space, they were in a hurry.

The ankle position has been completely mired in a quagmire of black shadows.

His snow-white hair on his forehead was gently swaying in the fierce wind because of the surging magical air flow in his body.

The crimson eyes of the vampire queen Nevan in front of him became deeper and more mysterious, gradually transforming into oppressive golden pupils.

Crimson lightning-like magic circulates continuously above An Cheng’s body in a red coat.

The Beowulf fist sleeve equipped with his hands and feet seemed to echo the breath of Hyder himself, and the shimmering bright silver brilliance became stronger and stronger.

Even the vampire queen Nevan, who was standing in front of An Cheng, felt an unbearable strong sense of light magic radiation.

There is an urge to escape from Ancheng as soon as possible.

However, before the vampire queen Nevan could leave here in response to the strong premonition that suddenly rose in her heart.


With An Cheng clenching his fists in front of him and drank softly.

The terrifying demon power that suddenly soared in his body had reached the most powerful height ever.

A strong storm of dark red magic completely emerged around him, and the dark red magic impact that seemed to materialize was unstoppable and knocked out the vampire queen who was blocking An Cheng’s body.

With a boom, Nevan’s body, which had no time to react, was embedded in the dark wall at the end of the theater room.

An Cheng, who had completed the transformation of the demon, did not personally attack at all.

Just the magical impact set off when the demon was transformed had already made the vampire queen Nevan helpless, and those who didn’t even have time to struggle were instantly blasted into the wall.

“How, Ms. Nevan, how do you feel about my demonization?”

Completely stimulated the power of the Spartan bloodline in the body, and carried out the Ancheng of the demonization.

He lightly plunged his feet into the solid ground and forcibly pulled out one hard stone after another.

Then calmly and frivolously, he walked slowly towards the vampire queen Nevan, who hung on the wall like a mural, and quipped at her.

An Cheng, who activated the power of the demon humanization in his body and walked towards the vampire queen Nevan, had changed into a completely strange new image that no one had ever seen.

The tough demon skin that was as red as blood, and the silver-white lines of the magic power of light flowing on the surface of the body, were slowly flickering.

The head is covered with a full-coverage silver helmet that only reveals the golden pupils and mouth.

Beowulf fists and foot armor that were already equipped on both arms and feet before the demon was transformed.

At this moment, it is like a complete integration with Ancheng, and there is an indescribable sense of rapport between the two sides, as if it should have been.

As a demon with the blood of the Spartan Majin, An Cheng can not only use the power of the Majin in his body to complete the transformation of a single Majin.

It can also be co-modulated with the powerful magic tools equipped in the hand to complete the cohomological form that can be more suitable for the magic tools and double the power of the magic tools and burst out.

And what Hyder is now showing to the world is born after being in harmony with the Beowulf fist of the magic tool of light————

Beowulf Majin form!

Just standing there, An Cheng after the demon turned into a demon suddenly revealed an incomparably strong impact, revealing an unattainable sense of terrifying coercion.

It was like a world-destroying demon god that no one could match.

This shows the endless domineering and handsome image of Beowulf’s demonized form.

It immediately detonated the inner emotions of all the viewers who had previously worried about Ancheng in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

[What is the situation now?] Demon Hunter God……. Turned into a demon?! He really transforms!! 】

[I see! Isn’t it a very reasonable thing for the Demon Hunter Great God, as a hybrid of humans and demons, to have both human and demon forms! 】

[This demon image transformed into the Demon Hunter God is also too handsome! ] I couldn’t say no! 】

[Even the sound has become good! ] Ah, I’m not saying that the voice of the Demon Hunter God was not good before, but now it has become more hoarse and magnetic, like the devil is tempting you with a duet in your ear, I really love ah!!! 】

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