[The Demon Tower on the fourth layer, how can there be such a lush forest, this is not scientific at all!!] 】

[There is no sun in the tower at all, and there is no way to rain, how do the plants grow here?! ] 】

[There are all demons, what science is it about?] If you have this idle wonder, it is better to directly ask the invincible Demon Hunter God, the Demon Hunter God must know the reason! 】

In the fourth layer of the Demon Tower, in the absence of light and rain, it grows extremely luxuriantly, and even occupies the entire lush forest on the fourth floor.

It immediately aroused the surprise and curiosity of the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Mr. Ancheng, do you know why this forest can grow so vigorously?”

Yukino looked at the barrage of the live broadcast room floating in the air at high speed in front of her, and she had the same question in her heart.

Under the influence of inner curiosity, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but do as the audience in the live broadcast room suggested.

The doubts that had plagued everyone asked Ancheng, who seemed to know everything.

“The reason why these trees can thrive in such a harsh environment as the Demon Tower is actually very simple…”

Under the doubtful gaze of Yukino under the snow, An Cheng raised his hand and gently tapped the huge giant tree trunk beside him, making a crisp knocking sound like steel.

“These trees have been alienated by the power of the demon world, but they still look like trees in the human world on the surface.”

This is definitely not a crisp sound that trees can make, and the time of boarding makes the eyes of the trialist girls such as Yukino Yukino under the snow widen in shock.

Yuki Asuna wanted to follow Ansei’s example and slowly stretched out her small hand towards the torso of the demonized tree.

However, before Yuki Asuna’s white little hands touched the epidermis of the demonized tree.

Under Yuki Asuna’s inexplicable blushing gaze, An Cheng grabbed her slender palm with a neat move, stopping her reckless behavior.

“And not only that, in these normal-looking trees, demons that may give birth to wood attributes at any time suddenly jump out and attack us.”

An Cheng gently pulled Yuki Asunai to the position behind him.

He stood in place and jumped twice, and then a tiger and tiger side kick suddenly bombarded the trunk of the demonized giant tree in front of him.

It was as if metal was breaking.

Under An Cheng’s fierce attack, the thick demonized giant tree fell in response to the sound and fell heavily on the forest floor, causing the entire earth to tremble suddenly.

“Giving birth to… Wood attribute demon? ”

Yuki Asuna, who was pulled behind him by An Cheng, after hearing the warning words said by An Cheng.

On her fair and pretty face, which was originally still slightly flushed, her slightly shy expression froze when she boarded.

Yuki Asuna’s chestnut eyes, as if frightened, cautiously gazed towards the broken section of the demonized giant wood that had been kicked off by An Cheng.

At the section of the demonized giant wood that the five people can only surround together, it is reflected in the eyes of Yuki Asuna.

It is not like a normal tree, which symbolizes the age of the giant tree.

It’s pale demon eggs with brownish-green slime attached to them!

Because of An Cheng’s rude move of directly kicking the entire demonized giant wood off.

The dozens of demon eggs of different sizes bred in the demonized giant tree had basically been shattered.

It’s just that there are still demon eggs that are lucky enough to be preserved in good condition, which have survived in the impact of the huge force.

And because of Hyder’s sudden and fierce attack.

The wood demon, which was stimulated by strong external forces, was born from the demon egg in advance!

Click, click, click.

Under the dull gaze of Yuki Asuna.

The two huge demon eggs at the broken section of the demonized giant wood suddenly appeared with fine cracks.

Two black-green figures suddenly broke the shell of the demon egg that imprisoned them from the inside.

The two nascent demons, whose bodies were still dripping with sticky brownish-green juice, emitted a harsh screeching sound from their mouths.

Towards Ancheng and Yuki Asuna, who were closest to the demonized giant tree, they suddenly jumped up and launched a fierce surprise attack on them.

Bang bang————!!

The silver-white transformation pistol fell into An Cheng’s palm, and he flexibly raised his right hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the brainless nascent demon who jumped into the air in front of him.

Under the effect of the increase in mana, the air-tipped warhead that rotated out at high speed directly exploded a wooden demon in mid-air.

Devil’s blood, like the sap of a tree, splashed out instantly.

The first wood demon to hatch from the demonized giant wood was easily killed in seconds by a magic bullet shot by An Cheng with white ivory.

And the words of the second newborn wood demon…

When it just jumped up, the slender and small figure of the Tacheng kitten jumped out like a spirit cat and blocked the position in front of An Cheng.

The small white hand covered by the red dragon’s head clenched into a fist, burning with fiery flames.

The Tacheng kitten, who couldn’t wait to test the power of Efrit’s fist in actual combat, swung his pink fist at the nascent wood demon in midair.

With the strong air flow that suddenly burst out with the punching action of the Tacheng kitten, it even rolled up a vigorous flame tornado for a while.

The rising flame tornado completely annihilated the figure of the wood demon.

When the roaring red tornado dissipated.

The two fierce wood demons that were originally menacing could not even find half of the corpses, completely turned into flying ash, and dissipated in the blowing breeze.

[What a powerful power! ] This is ten or even nine times stronger than the most advanced military flamethrowers! 】

[Kitten, this is the real power of Evelit’s boxing, maybe even just the tip of the iceberg. ]

The Demon Hunter God actually only used Efrit Fist to heat the pizza, it was too violent! 】

[For us, it is a violent thing, but for people of the level of the Demon Hunter God, maybe using Efrit Fist Sleeve to heat pizza is just the right time! ] 】

For the first time in actual combat, he used the Efrit boxing set that Hyder borrowed to him.

The Tacheng kitten who slowly put away his posture, his brown and yellow eyes were full of surprise colors.

The attack of the Tacheng kitten this time only used a small part of its own magic power.

The increase in flame power caused by it was extremely significant, and it once exceeded her expectations.

It can only be said that this magic tool handed over to her by An Cheng did not disappoint the little cat in Tacheng.

She cherished and loved it very much, and gently stroked the red dragon head fist sleeve with hot afterglow on her little hand, feeling that this magic tool really liked it more and more.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space was also surprised by the power of the Ifrit fist set in actual combat.

Komao Academy, Lias in the student council room.

After seeing the magic tool that An Cheng handed to the kitten in Tacheng.

It’s not that, as some viewers in the live broadcast room say, it’s behind the unbearable magic tools that can only be used to bake pizza.

She suddenly covered her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then Lias’s pair of good-looking blue eyes couldn’t help but curiously look at the rebellious demon sword behind An Cheng.

and the powerful magic tools he lent to the other Trialist girls.

For the answer to what amount and powerful magic tools An Cheng still had, Lias’s heart rose with great interest.

Only a short time passed, and the topic of the power of Efrit’s boxing set in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

It was replaced by another problem that made the audience in the live broadcast room feel more worried.

[Oh my God, there are really demon eggs hidden in those demonized trees that may hatch at any time! ] 】

[Fortunately, the Demon Hunter God reminded me that if I walked into the forest defenselessly, I would feel numb in my scalp at the thought of the terrifying scene of the overwhelming wooden demon pounced on my face…….. ] The consequences are really unimaginable!! 】

[There are at least thousands of trees in this forest, looking at the number of demon eggs hidden inside that giant tree, I really don’t know how many wood demons will be lurking in this forest ready to sneak attack! ] 】

[Now in this situation, instead of rushing in and exploring, it is better to rely on the kitten’s Ifrit fist set to burn the entire forest. ]

Demon Hunter God, they first temporarily retreated to the third layer, waiting for the demonized trees and the demons inside to be burned to death, and then come back to explore the fourth layer! 】

In just one giant tree, there were more than a dozen demon eggs, and verdant giant trees like the one just now abounded in the dense forest of the fourth layer of the demon tower.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space was completely unable to calculate how many wood demons were lurking in the entire fourth-floor demon tower.

I felt extremely worried and afraid of this.

Soon, viewers came up with reliable suggestions in the live broadcast room that seemed to work.

Propose the flame of the Tower City kitten with Efrit boxing sleeve.

The entire Demon Forest, together with the Wood Demon Demon inside, was burned to the ground, and it was completely burned!

After seeing the combat suggestions made by the viewer in the live broadcast room.

The trialist girls present subconsciously looked at An Cheng’s back standing in front of them.

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