The continuous sound of the system prompt made De Zhou Chuan’s eyes brighter and brighter.

He also did not expect that before he knew it, his assets had actually reached tens of billions!

“This tens of billions is actually a junior rich? And what is the aristocratic temperament and observation of this achievement ability reward? Immediately Zhou Chuan noticed the content of the system prompt, and his face couldn’t help but think.

Think about it, not to mention the world, in terms of **, Malaysia’s assets are said to have reached 275 billion, Xiaoma’s assets have also reached 260 billion, and Evergrande’s 210 billion, that is, it is worth 135 billion….

Compared with these big guys, his own ten billion is indeed barely a junior rich.

He paid more attention to the achievement ability, aristocratic temperament and observation of the reward later, but the system did not have any hints, and he couldn’t figure it out for the time being.

But after getting out of the car, he soon had a bit of an idea of these two abilities.

First of all, Zhou Chuan found that Li Qianhuang and Ma Manlin saw him for the first time after getting off the car, and their eyes seemed to be slightly different.

Secondly, he found that he seemed to be able to faintly guess some of their thoughts from the expressions of Li Qianhuang and Ma Manlin. For example, Li Qianhuang and Ma Manlin now have surprise and surprise in their eyes, as well as a trace of doubt.

It seems that the other party is surprised by the change in himself.

Therefore, Zhou Chuan can speculate that his temperament should have changed, which is what surprised Li Qianhuang and Ma Manlin, which should be the aristocratic temperament he obtained.

“Zhou Chuan, I found that you seem to have become handsome.” Sure enough, Ma Manlin directly said her thoughts.

“I turned out to be so handsome.” Zhou Chuan smiled and said. His smile, that temperament is even more charming, and he can also see that Ma Manlin seems to have some feelings about himself at this time.

“It’s not that I’ve become handsome, it’s that my temperament has changed.” Li Qianhuang said softly, and his eyebrows frowned slightly, as if he couldn’t figure out why Zhou Chuan suddenly had this change.

Because when she first saw Zhou Chuan, although the other party had a wave that was rare in her peers, it was not like this at all, obviously wearing ordinary clothes, but the whole person was elegant and noble, not high-profile, not ostentatious, calm as a mountain, deep as the sea, and even a hint of alluring, making people can’t help but want to understand.

She had no way of knowing why a person’s temperament changed so much between getting on and getting off the car.

In Li Qianhuang’s experience all along, a person can be loaded with money, pretend to be cool, and pretend to be forced, but his temperament cannot be pretended.

Because in general, the formation of temperament is related to a person’s education and living environment from childhood, as well as the experience of growing up.

As director Michael Curtis said in his film “Casablanca”, in your temperament today, there are hidden paths you have traveled, books you have read and people you have loved.

Temperament can only be cultivated from an early age. People like them who grew up in a wealthy environment are different from people who grew up in ordinary families.

It was as if when Li Qianhuang just saw Zhou Chuan, she could tell at a glance that the other party was from an ordinary family, but at this time, she saw a rare aristocratic temperament in the current Zhou Chuan.

It was she who unconsciously looked at it a few more times.

“Okay, two beauties, the place has arrived.” Zhou Chuan looked up at the three office buildings in front of him at this time, and said with a little pride while looking at it.

The three buildings are arranged in a zigzag shape, and the walls are unified with floor-to-ceiling glass with one water.

Although it is worse than iconic buildings such as Litong Building, R&F Building and Financial Building, it is also quite good in appearance, and when the lights are lit at night, it should be quite bluffing.

In this place, he owns three such office buildings by himself, and in addition to those large groups, it should be considered unique for private ownership like him.

“Zhou Chuan, where is the office building you mentioned?” Ma Manlin looked at the three buildings in front of her at this time, and asked with some curiosity: “Which three buildings are these, and how many offices are there to rent in total?” ”

“Which of the three buildings do you like best?” Zhou Chuan did not answer directly, but just glanced at Ma Manlin with a smile and asked.

“I like which one is to the east because I can see the sunrise in the morning.” Ma Manlin thought for a while and replied: “The morning sun is rising, and the sunlight like gold spills in through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, how beautiful…”

“Okay, then we’ll go to that one.” Zhou Chuan said casually.

“The three buildings were started last year, but they have been very low-key and have not been put into use, because they have never been named, so they are called the Three Forks Building by people nearby. There have been many companies and groups to inquire about the relevant person in charge, but have never found it, are you sure your real estate company can get an office here? Li Qianhuang took out an iPad and quickly searched it, and then glanced at Zhou Chuan with some surprise and said.

“The Three Forks Building … The name is really ugly. Hearing this, Zhou Chuan couldn’t help but twitch his face slightly, and then said in a loud voice: “No, you have to change your name!” But what’s better? How about calling it Three Weeks Mansion? Or is the Sanchuan Building better? ”

“I’m asking you, can your company really get an office here?” If not, let’s not waste time. Li Qianhuang’s brows frowned slightly and repeated.

“I’m sorry, Miss Li, I don’t quite understand what you mean, what do you mean to get the office here?” Zhou Chuan smiled slightly and said lightly: “These three office buildings are originally my personal assets, naturally I can rent to whomever I want to rent.” ”

(The fourth more is coming, and there is another one, I continue to work hard ha, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips!) If you want to see it, I hope you can support it more! )

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