“Can you tell me who else can deal with Seven Nights now, and hope to be able to deal with him, no matter what concessions I make.”

In this matter, General Ross has made huge concessions, and the people he imagined have not been able to stand up after all.

“What happened to the absorption of people? Hurry up and send him over, why hasn’t there been news yet. ”

As General Ross said this, those who were specifically responsible for absorbing people began to get busy.

“And I ask you to tell me what happened to this Hulk, didn’t you say that he was very sure that he would be able to defeat Seven Nights?”

In the face of questioning from General Ross, none of the people sitting in the office spoke.

“Since he can’t do this thing, we have to find a way to eliminate it, otherwise he will definitely do it against us.”

General Ross’s words were clearly heard by his daughter.

His father is now angry, so even if he walks in and argues with his father, he will not get any good results.

Still, he couldn’t figure out why his father did this, and why he had always made eliminating Dr. Banner his first priority.

Although Dr. Banner has become a monster, he is kind by nature and his favorite.

Just when he couldn’t figure it out about it, Dr. Banner suddenly appeared behind him.

Originally, he wanted to ask General Ross to explain this matter clearly, and he could bear whatever responsibility he should bear.

“My father is busy with other things inside, he doesn’t have time to take care of you now, let’s wait for him in the conference room next to us!”

If the Hulk had rushed in like this, he could hear everything General Ross said.

Because General Ross’s daughter pulled her to a side conference room, he knew nothing about what General Ross said.

After General Ross scolded everyone in the office, he was willing to give up on this matter.

Directly he pushed open the door angrily, and then he was about to go down, but at this moment, his daughter suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Dr. Banner is waiting for you in the conference room, but the look on his face is sad, it should be for the Seven Nights.”

Although in front of his subordinates, he has already stated a plan to eliminate Dr. Banner.

But when he was about to face Dr. Banner, he still looked that pleasant.

General Ross was also very happy to see Dr. Banner, hearing that he had almost forgotten that Dr. Banner had come to ask him for guilt this time.

“It’s rare to be so happy today, so don’t say anything unhappy.”

After General Ross’s words, Dr. Banner’s words in his mouth were finally swallowed back.

On the other side, the Joker is planning a prison break.

“So what did you do? Don’t tell me that it’s not done yet! ”

After his words, those around him looked like they wanted to say nothing.

“You all know that this time the plan has paid a lot, and if we can’t even succeed this time, we really can’t escape.”

This sentence, the clown has mentioned it in their ears more than once, but they can only helplessly say that they still failed to succeed.

“It’s so useless, I’m starting to think that keeping you around is the biggest mistake right now!”

Those people around them, because they did something wrong, naturally did not dare to return the favor, they could only let the clown insult them vigorously.

And these voices when the clown spoke naturally noticed by those who were watching over him.

“Then don’t think about escaping from here, I have never been able to escape from this place.”

Dropping this sentence, the person who was watching over the clown left.

“He is really a tiger falling Pingyang and being bullied by dogs! It’s just a person who watches over us, and he dares to bully us…”

Before he finished speaking, the clown picked up the cup in his hand and threw it to the ground without saying a word. this

The cup is made of stainless steel, so no matter how he beats it, it won’t shatter to the ground.

Seeing that this thing was not broken, the more angry this clown’s heart became. So he picked up the cup and threw it to the ground again.

“What are you all doing here? Isn’t that a joke that wants to see me? ”

After his reprimand, the people standing beside him immediately left.

When all these people left, he began to worry about this matter.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him, because the day after tomorrow, these people who will watch over them will retire.

At that time, a grand farewell ceremony will be held in this prison, and it is appropriate to escape at this point in time.

At the same time, after the guys who followed him, he came to a little-known path.

Although he didn’t know where this road would lead, Seven Nights did not meet those who followed him on this road, which was also his favorite.

As he slowly went deeper, the beautiful scenery on the road was in full view.

On weekdays, seeing these things, Qiye didn’t think it was a big deal, but this time when he saw it, his mood relaxed a lot. whereas

At this moment, he suddenly saw Loki standing in front of him.

However, because of his back to him, Loki did not find Seven Nights.

Seeing Loki standing alone in this place, Seven Nights’ heart was filled with all kinds of question marks.

“How did the task that was given to you go? Did you really take what I said to heart? ”

When he said this, the black shadow was angry.

“Don’t worry, everything is under my control.”

After making this sentence, Seven Nights immediately followed, he wanted to see who this Loki was video chatting with.

Just as he was about to get closer, one of his feet accidentally stepped on a branch that had fallen from the tree.

Although the voice was small, this Loki could hear it clearly, and he came to the place where Seven Nights was standing in the first place.

However, Seven Nights reacted faster than him, and before he arrived, Seven Nights had already moved to other places. “Could it be that I just misheard?”

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