Seeing this news, Qin Yuan couldn’t help but blink his eyes. The steel fortress he built was finally built.

In this way, his Dragon’s Tooth mercenary group also has a real overseas base.

Speaking of Dragon’s Tooth, since the last Kryptonian war, the heroic performance of the Dragon’s Tooth hired special forces has made the regiment famous!

The evaluation and word-of-mouth in the industry are also rising. Many foreign forces have taken the initiative to contact and want to hire the group.

But Qin Yuan’s side didn’t bother to agree. He is not short of money, nor will he let his special forces sacrifice for foreign forces.

Three days later, Malaysia International Airport. The Malaysian military, which received the news, had already dispatched the army and blocked the entire terminal in advance.

In order to welcome the important people of the upcoming Huaxuan Kingdom.

After 40 minutes, a pure white A380 luxury passenger plane landed at the international airport. Immediately after, two Yuan-20 heavy transport aircraft also landed.

“Lieutenant General Qin, hello! We meet again and welcome to Malaysia again! “As a receptionist, it was Major General Fu Minhua of the Malaysian Army. He is of Huaxuan descent and Chinese speaks fluently.

He had a relationship with Qin Yuan before, and when Qin Yuan first came to Malaysia to buy the island, he received it.

However, I didn’t expect that this was only two years. The young man in front of him actually went from being the president of the arms group to becoming a senior general in the military of Hua Xuanguo.

Identity and status matter. To put it bluntly, as long as Qin Yuan’s words are now enough, it can affect many surrounding countries.

“Hello, Major General Fu.” Qin Yuan said and held out his right hand and shook hands with the other party.

“Hello! Hello! Lieutenant General Qin. Fu Minhua hurriedly and respectfully held out his hands, not daring to have any slackness.

Now they are at the top of the government, very pro-Hua Xuan. This is also their main policy at present. Whoever dares to disobey is directly marginalized and has no need to be discussed.

“Major General Fu, you also know the main purpose of my coming this time. By the way, before that, there is a gift to give to your army. Qin Yuan said lightly.

Fu Minhua couldn’t help but be dazzled after hearing this, and what the military boss sent out must be very unusual.

“Gifts? Thank you so much, Lieutenant General Qin! Fu Minhua respectfully thanked him.

However, at this moment, the door of the Yuan-20 heavy transport aircraft landing at the landing airport was slowly opened.

Immediately afterward, a series of more than a dozen light tanks were unloaded from the transport plane. Appeared in front of Major General Fu Minhua and Ma Guo’s officers and men.

These more than 10 light tanks are somewhat different from ordinary tanks.

Its chassis is a transitional type, frame-type welded turret with tail compartment. The front and rear of the tank each have a control box. On each side of the chassis, there are three connections that resemble air intakes.

“Lieutenant General Qin? This tank is…? Fu Minhua and the Malaysian officers and men behind him could not understand this tank type.

In their cognition, they had never seen such a strangely shaped light tank.

Moreover, they belong to the island type country. There are more than 1,200 islands floating on the surface of the sea alone.

Equipped with tanks, to be honest, not quite suitable. In addition to the relatively large island land, the rest of the place uses speedboats, warships and the like. It is also necessary to get a special landing ship to build a tank, which is more expensive.

“These tanks are the Battle-66 amphibious tanks independently developed by Hua Xuanguo. They can adapt to fighting on land and in the water, reaching the point of switching at will. Qin Yuan said with a faint introduction.

Malaysian officers, it is not surprising that they have never seen such a tank. Because of the amphibious combat tank, only the former Su tried to develop it initially.

But with the disintegration, the tank was not even born, it dissipated with the wind.

The reason why Qin Yuan will develop the “Battle-66 amphibious tank”. That’s because for some historical reasons, Hua Xuanguo needed such tanks for rapid landing operations.

As for the landing place, it goes without saying, everyone understands.

Qin Yuan, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Major General Fu Minhua standing in front of him, as well as the officers and men of the Ma Kingdom. I was amazed by this magical amphibious combat tank!

“What? Can tanks still be driven in the water? Those air intakes look like connections, originally used for water ingress? This…… Brain hole, also too strong, right!? ”

“It is worthy of the Qin Group, a big military industry, who can actually come up with this kind of combat tank!” Our country has more than 1,200 islands. If equipped with this tank, the combat capability of the army will be greatly improved! ”

“Not really! The drug lords lurking on the island, the criminal syndicates, all have their own private armies. If we could drive such tanks directly to the island to fight, it would greatly reduce the casualties of the troops. ”


There are so many islands in Malaysia that it is difficult for both the military and the police to manage.

There are always fugitives from other countries, felons, who will smuggle themselves into seclusion on uninhabited islands. Even the quiet deployment of private arms.

These outlaws have weapons in their hands. Once the military encircles and suppresses it, it will inevitably resist desperately, and the fish will die and the net will be broken.

The dozen amphibious tanks sent by Qin Yuan can effectively improve this problem. After all, landing by speedboat alone, the military is vulnerable to enemy ambushes. It is better to open the road directly with the tank, and then the army to keep up, greatly reducing the probability of casualties.

“Lieutenant General Qin, this gift of yours is really too precious!” Thank you! Lieutenant General Fu Minhua, as well as the Malaysian officers behind him, sincerely expressed their gratitude to Qin Yuan.

“You’re welcome, just a little bit of heart.” Qin Yuan returned with courtesy and courtesy.

These more than a dozen “Battle-66 amphibious tanks” cost not much money.

The key horse kingdom is now sincerely following Hua Xuanguo. As a big brother, it is natural to set some examples and send some small favors.

Besides, the Mufeng Island of the Malaysian Kingdom was traded to Qin Yuan. If we encounter certain problems in the future, it will definitely need to be solved by the government of Ma Guo. Establishing good relations with the military is beneficial and harmless.

If the Malaysian Army is very fond of this tank, then there will be large orders in the future. Multi-faceted flowering.

“By the way, Major General Fu, why don’t you show you this Battle-66 amphibious tank in our country?” Qin Yuan asked with a calm smile.

“Okay, Lieutenant General Qin, then we should be respectful rather than obedient, and wait and see!” Fu Minhua, with anticipation.

Only at this moment, the two Dragon Tooth bodyguards standing next to Qin Yuan led the battle-66 tank.

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