At this time, there was silence all around.

Qi Ye’s domineering posture and words made the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment subconsciously feel too domineering, and at the same time felt ashamed of Kaido.

The mouth always said that he wanted to become the strongest single-handed, and now that Qi Ye was asking, what was coming, Kaido couldn’t answer.

Such words, such irony, make them humiliated.

Kaido, can you still be the strongest single-handed?

It was impossible, now he was beaten to the ground by Qi Ye, and he was extremely embarrassed.

“Lord Kaido!”

The crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment changed their faces and prepared to move.

The ten ships of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment quickly approached and tried to surround the Qiye Pirate Regiment, but the ten ships were just like ten ants in front of the Qiye Pirates.

Although there are many of them, to surround the Qiye Pirate Regiment is a joke.

Jessica was so admirable, and the captain was so cool.

Shanks exclaimed, “I’m going to be a man like the captain of the ship.” ”

Rakilu worshipped: “What is Kaido going to be a single-handed?” Hahaha, single out the second is OK. ”

Beckman looked around at the approaching crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, each with twenty men on board.

Then add up, two hundred people in total.

These two hundred people are all elites of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and most of the levels are given to the Gifter.

After Qi Ye looked down and asked Kaido, Kaido naturally did not answer, and was still in fainting.

The Qi Night Overlord burst out in domineering spirit, and the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment who were ready to do their hands suddenly fainted in a large area, and some of them were shocked to death.

The physical enhancement points obtained were dispensable, and Qi Ye did not intend to do anything to these Hundred Beast Pirate Regiments.

“Shanks, it’s up to you, ready to go.”


Shanks, they knew, that the battle with Kaido was just an episode, that they had something more important and that was urgent, and that was to go to the naval headquarters and save Tom.

Although Tom is not a member of the Qiye Pirates, without Tom, there would be no Qiye.

Tom builds the Kiye and is surrounded by the Kiye Pirates, who are their friends.

Fuji Hu’s knife pulled out, and purple gravitational waves flew into the sky.

Soon, the meteorite with the fire fell.

Before they could get closer, the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was instantly terrified and looked up at the sky.

“On… Just kidding, right? It was even possible to summon meteorites! ”

“This… What kind of monsters are the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment…”

“The helmsman quickly turns, the meteorite is going to fall down!”

“It’s too late!”


However, they panicked and turned the rudder quickly, but there was still no time to dodge.

With a bang, one was hit by the meteorite front, directly into the slag, and there were only five people standing on it, the strength was in the numbered level, but all of them were smashed into meat paste.

Dead, and fainting pirates.

The meteorite fell, and suddenly the sea swelled, directly engulfing the three nearby ships of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and the pirates screamed and sank into the sea.


Hawkeye slashed out, and the turquoise slash directly split a ship in half, and the people on it suffered heavy casualties.

Shanks, Beckman and they also moved their hands, ten seconds, in the face of the attack of the six members of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, the ships of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment all sank, killing and wounding most of them.


However, there are still strong people who follow.

Although the three big Kanban of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group were killed by Qi Ye, and Kaido had not yet recruited the three plagues in the original book, there were still several strong ones, and the bounty was 500 million Baileys.

They try to save Kaido, but are stopped by Shanks and the others.

What could still fight was the remaining three of the six cells of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, the previous three of which had been solved by Qi Ye more than a year ago.

At the same time, there are six true fighters who can fight, but they are completely abused in the face of Shanks.

They didn’t expect that the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment was so powerful.

At this point, Kiyo prepares to leave, although if he continues to fight, killing Kaido can be done.

However, Kaido’s flesh and life force were not covered, and to kill Kaido, a wound like his body would at least take more than three hundred more to kill him.

To kill Kaido, Qi Ye felt that it would take at least two days for the battle to continue. And now, the most scarce thing is time, to kill Kaido, then it will be impossible to catch up to save Tom.

Moreover, Qi Ye found that after Kaido briefly fainted, he had regained consciousness, his body moved, and his eyes turned.

Qi Ye is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, then Kaido is the second strongest creature, and waking up so quickly can imagine the strength of Kaido’s life force recovery.

Qi Ye scorned: “You are awake, I asked you what you have not answered, what are you going to become?” ”

Listening to Qi Ye’s contemptuous words, Kaido’s face was extremely ugly and humiliated.

However, he did not answer that he wanted to become the strongest in the singles, and he obviously knew the strength of Qi Ye.

Kaido noticed that some of the pirate ships he led had been completely destroyed, and the crew members were also dead, and the losses were extremely heavy, and it should be known that the people brought by him could be said to be half of the strength of the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

The blood on Kaido’s head had stopped, but he knew that there was another permanent scar on his body.


Kaido slammed his feet into the sky and turned into a dragon again.

Kaido had no idea of fighting anymore and all he had to do now was evacuate.

The good point is to evacuate, and the bad point is that he has lost and is going to flee.

Although he didn’t want to admit it, Qi Ye’s physical life force was stronger than his own, and his strength was also above himself, and if he continued to fight, Kaido knew that he would die.

Kaido did not have the idea of continuing to drag Qi Ye, and at the same time, he was glad that Qi Ye had an emergency, otherwise he would die nine times this time.

Kaido hovered in the sky, the dragon’s mouth wide open, emitting an earth-shaking dragon roar.


With the roar, the sky sounded a thunderous sound, and purple lightning between heaven and earth crisscrossed and flashed continuously.


With a roar from Kaido, thousands of purple lightning bolts fell, bombarding the targets of Kiyo and Shanks and the others.

Such an attack was used to cover the evacuation of themselves and the living crew.

Qi Ye hid without any meaning, allowing the lightning to fall on his body, without pain or itch, and swept to the ship and constantly attacked the lightning.

Soon, Kaido and several of the surviving crew fled, and the battle was over.

In the distance, people on merchant ships were already printing newspapers, which would surely be the hottest sales.

The battle between Kiyo and Kaido is over, and after only three and a half hours of fighting, Kaido is defeated! Miserable. And Qi Ye, unscathed!

Qi Night, defeat Kaido without injury! It is the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, and the strongest in the single head!

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