Wolf Annihilation and his crew couldn’t believe it, just the trainee crew in front of them?

This domineering demeanor and momentum, said to be the captain they all believed.

However, they knew what Roger looked like, and they thought that the person in front of them was a cadre, but they were intern crew.

Watching the wolf annihilation and the others frightened, the Roger Pirates trainee crew sarcastically.

“These newcomers are scared.”

“Is this the latest rookie pirate, or the elite of the newcomers?” But so, I was scared like this by our Roger Pirate trainee crew. ”

“Deal with them, Qi Ye alone can solve it.”


The wolf’s face was a little ugly, although he didn’t know why the aura was so powerful, but since it was only a trainee crew, there was nothing to be afraid of.

“Little ones, up! Let the Roger Pirates know how powerful our Swift Wolf Pirates are! ”


The crew of the Swift Wolf Pirates roared, dispelling the fear that had been brought to them by Qi Night.

To solve these people, Qi Ye had to do it alone.

At the beginning of this world, although they grow very fast, they are still faster, and these pirates, for themselves, are equivalent to experience, and naturally have to kill the best by themselves.

“You don’t have to do it, just leave it to me.”

Among the trainee crew, Qi Ye was the boss, and the rest of the crew nodded as soon as they said this.

“Well, Qiye, that’s up to you.”

Wolf Annihilation was extremely angry, repeatedly looked down upon, or by the trainee crew.

“Damn, although my Swift Wolf Pirate Regiment only has fifty people, we are taking the elite route.”

Their pirate group does not accept minions, so except for him and a few important members, the rest of the ordinary crew are all sea thieves with a bounty of 10 million Baileys, and the three important members are rewarded with a bounty of about 50 million.

Such a lineup makes him famous among the newcomer pirate regiment and ranks among the best.

However, this reputation is not enough, he wants to be as famous as Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard Pirates, otherwise in a few decades, the name of their pirate group will be buried in the torrent of history, and only by becoming a pirate group of this level can it shock the whole world, even if it is dissolved, the reputation can be passed on.

That’s what he wants, so when he enters the New World and encounters Roger’s Pirates, he wants to do it directly.

Such a thought can prove that his inner ambition and arrogance have been repeatedly despised, and at this time he has been angry to the extreme.

Qi Ye despised the people of the Swift Wolf Pirate Regiment and said impatiently, “Don’t bark, it’s really noisy.” ”

The next second, the roar was gone, not because they were obedient, but…

The wolf’s pupils wrinkled, in disbelief.

Only to see, Qi Ye’s eyes were frozen, and the red naked eye visible overlord color domineering ripples swept out and burst out towards the Swift Wolf Pirate Group.


The sea around the Swift Wolf Pirate Ship set off terrifying waves.

On the ship, the forty-six crew members of the Swift Wolf Pirate Regiment rolled their eyes, brushed and fell, fainting on the ground, and most of them were bleeding from their mouths and noses.

Even the three important crew members who offered a bounty of about 50 million were all dizzy and their steps were vain.

The wolf who offered a bounty of one hundred million Baileys was destroyed, and they all felt the pressure of terror, and looking around, he couldn’t believe it at all.

“This is… Overlord color domineering. ”

Wolf Annihilation was horrified and jealous that the Roger Pirates trainee crew had such qualifications.

And, is this still overlord color domineering? It’s also horrible.

In the new world, overlord color domineering is not uncommon, he has also encountered it, but the other party’s overlord color domineering is of no use to them at all.

In the eyes of everyone, the Overlord Color Overlord is used to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers, and their wolf extermination pirate group is developing towards the elite route, how can the crew be stunned by the Overlord Color domineering.

But now, his crew not only fainted, but one by one was injured.

Click, click, click…

The cracking sound sounded, which made the wolf even more frightened, and when he looked at the past, his eyes widened wider and wider, and his heart set off terrifying waves.

Although the manufacturing materials of their pirate ship are not as good as Roger’s pirate ship, they are also made of good materials at a large price, but the hull is constantly cracked.

The wolf was horrified and couldn’t believe it.

“This… How is this possible?! Overlord color domineering that causes substantial damage? Is there such a domineering color? ”

In this era, from ancient times to the present, the only person who has the domineering spirit of causing substantial damage to the overlord is Qi Ye, and the current Shanks is far from being able to do it.

With the improvement of Qi Ye’s strength, now the Overlord Color domineering power is stronger, and the pirates who offer a bounty of 10 million Baileys can stun and be injured.

The Roger Pirates trainee crew members were also amazed and adored.

They were a few meters away from Qi Ye.

Although the overlord color domineering qi can already be accurately controlled, but Qi Ye broke out of the overlord color at this time, usually close to Qi Ye, the psychological endurance will faint, not to mention now.

If you get close, they will faint.

“Qi Ye is too handsome.”

The trainee crew cheered, but for a moment, only four people in the Swift Wolf Pirate Regiment were standing.

The official crew were amazed.

Roger felt that Qi Ye’s future was immeasurable.

“With the rapid growth, his overlord color domineering is stronger, I don’t know how strong his overlord color domineering will be in a few years.” Roger couldn’t even imagine it.

Roger wanted to see what Qi Ye would achieve in the future, but he knew that his time was running out, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

Barrett has no interest in the current Qi Ye, although it is very perverted, but the current strength is also 100 million bounty level, but Barrett knows that it will not be long before Qi Ye can be his opponent.

However, there is one aspect that he cannot compare, that is, the domineering color domineering.

The first time he collided with the Overlord Color Domineering, he could barely resist for a short time, but now, his Overlord Color Domineering would directly collapse.

Reilly couldn’t help but think back to the earlier days and exclaimed, “The current Qi Ye is even more domineering than that man.” ”

Roger understood and smiled in agreement.

“Locks, really.”


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