Hearing this, Empty Brow frowned, and asked in a deep voice, “What do you want?” ”

Qi Ye said, “It’s very simple, you navy, fight for money!” ”

Qi Ye’s words fell, and the navy suddenly couldn’t stand!

The meaning is simple, indemnity!

Emptiness’s face was gloomy, his teeth were clenched, and his whole body was trembling.

It is already a shame for the Navy to concede, and now Qi Ye is demanding reparations? This would be even more humiliating for the Navy!

Emptiness’s face was ugly, and his voice was low: “Impossible! ”

Qi Ye said plainly, “Then keep fighting.” ”

Emptiness frowned suddenly, and the Warring States did not say a word at this time, obviously thinking.

At this time, with what Qi Ye said, the world once again boiled over, and there was a lot of discussion.

“My God, the Navy has conceded defeat is already very humiliating, as a pirate, and it is the first time that the Navy has conceded defeat, it has a lot of face, but it has not directly agreed to concede, and still requires the Navy to pay compensation?”

“Yeah, it’s unprecedented.”

“Will the Navy say yes?” Just admit defeat in front of the whole world, and promise to lose money to the Qiye Pirate Group to make up for the loss? ”

“Who knows, let’s see if we can continue fighting.”


The civilians were shocked, the pirates were worshipped, worthy of the Qi Ye Pirate Group, worthy of the Qi Night, originally thought it was going to end, but did not expect another fun.

Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.

Whitebeard looked up and took a sip of wine and heard Qi Ye’s words, and immediately laughed.

“Kurarara… Indemnities, like the style of Qi Ye, to end this battle, it is not the Navy that says it will end. ”

The first time I saw Qi Ye, I saw Qi Ye’s toughness, and I knew that Qi Ye was not good.

Marco said: “Does the Navy choose to continue to lose people, or does it choose to fight?” That way, we can make a big fuss. ”

Joz speculated: “I think the Navy may choose to agree, after all, they are more unlikely to choose to continue to fight than to pay compensation, so there is a great risk of extinction.” ”

“Yes, the Navy is now just taking care of face and not agreeing, let them slow down for a while, and there will be a change.”


The other pirate groups were also talking about it, thinking that Qiye was really cool, not only won, but also asked the Navy for reparations, which was unprecedented.

At this time, seeing that Qi Ye wanted to fight, he did not use his hands, and obviously could not do such a more humiliating act.

“Qi Ye, don’t be too crazy!!”

The red dog couldn’t help it, and with a roar of rage, he rushed towards Qi Ye.

Qi Ye glanced at it dismissively and said, “It turns out that your red dog is barking.” ”

Suddenly, the red dog became even more furious, and the whole person was about to explode, erupting with full strength.



Seeing this scene, Ku’s face changed slightly, and the red dog actually rushed up without permission, and it was too late to stop it.

The Red Dog’s arm turned into lava and extended, and his fist quickly bombarded out, carrying a great power.

However, even if this move is very strong, how can the red dog in the current state be helpless to Qi Ye, even if it is used in its heyday, it will not hurt Qi Ye at all.

Qi Ye punched up, allowing Red Dog to see the horror of Qi Ye’s strength now, as well as the gap between the two sides.

With a roar, his pit dog was directly beaten to pieces, and his fist hurt severely.


The Red Dog flew straight out backwards and smashed into the Navy Headquarters building, which was already dilapidated and full of cracks, and with a roar, the building collapsed directly into ruins, burying the Red Dog in it.

Punching the Flying Red Dog, Qi Ye did not look at it again, looked into the air, and asked coldly, “What, do you choose to pay compensation to make up for the losses of our Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, or do you want to continue fighting?” ”

With an ugly face, he asked in a deep voice, “How much do you want?” ”

The next second, Qi Ye’s right hand was raised, and five fingers were open.

Although Qi Ye did not speak, when he saw this gesture, Emptiness’s face was even more ugly.

Warring States, Zefa, Kapu and other top naval combat forces, at this time, each face is also not good-looking.

Emptiness hesitated, or was too humiliating, and took a long breath to calm himself down and choose to compromise.

“Five billion Baileys, well, we’ll get you ready soon.”

“Five billion Baileys?” Qi Ye smiled, “Are you kidding me?” ”

“Huh?” Empty eyebrows frowned, what does Qi Ye mean by this?

The next second, Qi Ye’s words made everyone in the navy change their faces drastically, and they all trembled with anger.

Qi Ye’s five fingers opened and said, “The number I am talking about is… 50 billion Bailey!! ”

“What?!” Emptiness’s face changed drastically, and then the gloom reached the extreme.

At this time, if it weren’t for the fact that the red dog had fainted, hearing Qi Ye’s words, he would definitely be the first to rush towards Qi Ye again.

Fifty billion Bailey, it is too much of a lion to open his mouth!

Five billion and five billion, the gap is too big.

I thought it was five billion, so it made the void hesitate for a short time, but it was five billion Baileys.

“Qi Ye, don’t you kid yourself! Even if we let the Navy pay reparations to make up for your losses, how can it be worth five billion!? “The air is not light.

Qi Ye asked, “Why is it not worth it?” It delayed my Qi Ye Pirate Regiment for so long, and let my crew consume a lot of money and be injured. This time fee, treatment fee, mental damage fee, plus fire cost. In this battle, the firepower of our Qiye Pirate Regiment was very consumed, and the shells were all bought with money. ”

“In addition, you provoked us first, and this provoked our Qiye Pirate Regiment, and the offense of not taking my Qiye in my eyes, shouldn’t we have to pay so much?”

Suddenly, the empty brow frowned.

The moment he decided to arrest Tom, it was an offense to Qi Ye and the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, after all, Tom was covered by the Qi Ye Pirate Group.

Empty said in a deep voice, “Qi Ye, this is too much.” ”

Qi Ye said, “For your naval headquarters and even the world government, there is not much, let those Tianlong people buy some slaves, you can completely get this money.” Of course, you certainly don’t dare to ask the Dracos for money, after all, if you lose, then you can only continue to let the Dracos live a good life of luxury, and your navy tightens the belt of your pants to get this money. ”

Qi Ye’s words everyone understands, looking for Tianlong people to ask for money, it is impossible, let Tianlong people be thrifty out? Even more impossible, that is the Draco, how can it be allowed.

Even if the navy is poor enough to eat dirt, the Dracos will still be indifferent, they should eat, they should buy slaves to buy slaves.

Air Reminder: “Qi Ye, although continuing to fight is very unfavorable to us, it is also unfavorable to you. When the time comes, there is one pirate group that will definitely not do anything to us, but to you, that is, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment! We already know that the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment has also acted! Approaching here! So, you’d better not ask too much! ”

At this time, on the sea not far from the red earth continent, the ship of the Hundred Beasts Pirate was located near an island.

When he heard this through the radio, Kaido grinned smugly and hummed coldly: “Indeed, as he said, I will definitely fight with you when the time comes.” So, Kiyo, you’ll be aware of the trouble and choose to regress against the Navy, right? ”

However, the sound that came out next made Kaido angry to explode!

Qi Ye ignored the threat, disdainful and contemptuous: “A hundred beasts and pirates, just Kaido, if you dare to come, I don’t mind opening a few more mouths on him.” ”

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