Enter the auction hall and sit down, the auction house is already full of people.

At this time, there is a lot of discussion in the auction house.

“I don’t know what good goods are this time.”

“I want strong slaves, and those slaves have only been used as mounts by me for a few days, and they can’t stand to die.”

“I want mermaids.”

“Mermaid? If you think about it too much, it is rare and difficult to encounter, unless it is an auction house in the Chambord Islands. However, even if you go, that is also the goal of the Draco, do you dare to shoot? ”


Although they were all nobles from all over the world, hearing about the Draco, even if they were nobles, was also frightening, and their identities were different from those of the Draco.

In the eyes of the commoners, they were nobles, and in the eyes of the Draco, they were no different from the untouchables.

“I hope there are strong slaves.” The big fat lady who weighed more than five hundred pounds stressed.

The nobles of this world, seeking similar to the Draco, come here to buy slaves, or beautiful jewelry, and pirates come here to see if they can encounter good weapons or demon fruits.

In the last row, Kiba asks Kizaki and Nagahiro, “Are you here to buy a knife?” ”

“Well, yes, there hasn’t been a proper knife.”

“Captain, you have come to buy it too, and the goal is the supreme knife.”

They knew that Qi Ye was the world’s largest sword master, but the knife used at this time was just an ordinary sword.

Qi Ye nodded, “Well, then give you the money to buy a knife, we Qi Ye pirate group out, don’t be polite.” ”

The two of them were also not arrogant, nodding happily, their hearts were firm, they wanted to become stronger, and they would do more things for the Qi Ye Pirate Group in the future.

At this time, the auction began, and on the auction stage, the host man was wearing a dress and shouting: “This auction ceremony is ready to start!” This time the auction will certainly not disappoint everyone, there will be a lot of things for everyone to see and go crazy. ”

“The first auction item, a once famous pianist, not only can play the piano, but also looks handsome, and can be used as a music machine at home when he goes back, and the starting price is half a million baileys, and each increase cannot be less than fifty thousand baileys!”

“It just so happened that the singer slave in the family had a dumb voice, and the singing was ugly, and I cut off my tongue, so that I, who loved to listen to music, heard such an ugly hoarse voice and got goosebumps.” Well, it’s time for a different one. “An aristocratic woman is clearly on her side.

“I’m out of five hundred and fifty thousand Baileys!”

“Six hundred thousand!”

“Six hundred and fifty thousand!”


Suddenly, the crowd began to bid, and naturally it was the nobles who were auctioning.

At this time, when Fuji Hu heard this, he couldn’t help but sigh, these were those nobles, nobles protected by the navy.

Jessica was young, coming here for the first time and seeing the auction slaves for the first time.

Jessica sneered: “The navy and the world conquer the world of governance, is this the case, the trade in slaves is allowed, it is normal.” Maybe some slaves had to become slaves for some reason, but most of them were abducted by human traffickers, right? Loss of loved ones. ”

Kiba nodded, “Well, indeed. ”

Jessica clenched her fists, “You’re welcome, that’s how the nobles protected by the navy are.” ”

Jesus preached, “The trade in slaves, or rather, is specially prepared for the nobles and Draco, and this is one of their pleasures, pirates, bounty hunters, mountain thieves, these are rarely interested.” ”

In the end, the first lot was taken by the noble woman with a million baileys, and the slave was afraid that if he could not play in the future, he would not be cut off by the other party.

Thinking of this, he was terrified and kept shouting: “No, let me go, please!” ”

Most of the nobles regard the lives of commoners as grass, not to mention that he is still working hard, he will definitely ask himself to play day and night, how can his hands bear it, a slight mistake is ugly, and he will definitely be cut off his fingers.

Thinking of this, he was very panicked, but the resistance was useless, and he was taken down by the staff.

“Second lot, Giant Man Slave!” Let it be your own mount, it can’t be better, superior, everywhere you go, you are the most eye-catching. Ten meters tall! Physically strong, you can definitely work hard! The starting price, one million baileys, each markup can not be less than fifty thousand baili! ”

Subsequently, a giant man was pulled out like a dog, and suddenly the nobles were even more crazy, constantly bidding, obviously not wanting to walk like a commoner, but riding a giant.

The first five were all auctions of slaves, and soon it was the turn of the weapons, which made the nobles suddenly lose interest.

“What, how is it to auction weapons, no interest.”

“For those pirates, hurry up, I still want to buy some jewelry.”

“Is there a better slave?”

“How many weapons do you want to auction?” How many games? Wait for it to make me impatient, damn. ”

Suddenly, the nobles shouted one by one, very unhappy.

Qi Ye’s eyes were slightly frozen at this time, and the momentum of convergence was slightly outward.


Suddenly, the domineering side leaked, and for an instant the entire auction hall was quiet, because those nobles were all stunned by Qi Ye’s overlord color domineering.

Suddenly, pirates, mountain thieves, bounty hunters, etc. froze, and then looked at the last row in unison.

Only to see Qi Ye said impatiently, “One by one, it is quiet, it is really noisy.” ”

They were horrified, just domineering, so terrifying.

Qi Ye has always been converging momentum, otherwise the overlord color domineering spirit emitted invisibly can affect Jessica.

After all, when he was on the Whitebeard Pirate Ship, he did not restrain his momentum or deliberately break out, but the overlord color domineering spirit that was invisibly emitted made the people on the Whitebeard Pirate ship faint in large pieces, giving them a dismount.

Therefore, Qi Ye usually reinforces the momentum, otherwise wherever he goes, the civilians will faint in large pieces.

The host did not dare to say anything, and if others did so, it would definitely cause turmoil, but since it was Qi Night, no one dared to have an opinion.

“The weapon to be auctioned next is the famous sword, and it is one of the twenty-one works of the Great Fast Sword, the Zhenzong Taidao!”

Soon, Zhenzong was moved up, as a Tai Dao, the sword body was very long, extremely sharp, flashing cold light.

Shanks was surprised: “As soon as it came up, it was twenty-one big fast knives, and it seems that there will be no good fast knives.” ”

I thought that the famous knife came first from the good fast knife, but it seems that the items auctioned are better than imagined.

Kizaki’s eyes lit up, “Zhenzong, I’ve been admiring it for a long time.” ”

Qi Ye said, “Do you like it, then shoot it.” ”

At this time, because Qi Ye had just stunned all the nobles and what they said, the auction hall was suddenly very quiet, even if they bid, they did not dare to make a big noise, for fear of arguing with Qi Ye.

At this time, Qi Ye’s words were heard by them, and suddenly there was no idea of bidding.

Kizaki is also not polite, after all, the Kiye Pirate Group has even obtained five billion Baileys, there is no shortage of money, since it is a partner, there is no need to be arrogant.

“Starting price, fifty million baileys!” Each markup cannot be less than one million baileys! ”

Qi Ye directly bidd: “Fifty-one million Bailey! ”

When Qi Ye spoke, originally everyone thought that no one bid, or no one dared, who dared to grab things with the Qi Ye Pirate Group? The person who asked for the price was Qi Ye.

However, soon, the auction sounded.

“Sixty million Baileys!”

Suddenly, Qi Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly.

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