Suddenly, everyone looked over.

Although some people know that they can’t afford it, they still have to look at this supreme knife, which must be very imposing.

They had noticed the cross knife that Hawkeye was carrying, the night of the black knife.

As one of the supreme fast knives, the black knife night is really handsome, very windy, with his back behind him, very forced.

The wooden box was pushed up, and before it could be opened, a faint blood-red light could be seen radiating from the gap in the wooden box.

Suddenly, the temperature of this auction house seemed to drop a little, making some weak people shiver.

“It’s so cold… This is…… Murderous…”

“Good terrible killing qi, the wooden box has not yet been opened, it is such a strong killing qi, which makes people frightened.”

“What kind of knife is it?” The Twelve Skills of the Supreme Great Fast Knife were very rare, and except for those that had already appeared, no one knew what they looked like, and no one knew the names of the other nine. ”


“Folks, open the box now and wait and see.”

The next second, the wooden box opened, the original light was dim, it could be dimmed, but in an instant, the entire auction hall was filled with blood red light. For an instant, the temperature here was lower.

“It’s so murderous.”

They trembled and passed by, and their eyes lit up.

“So cool…”

“It is worthy of being one of the twelve masters of the supreme big fast knife, very handsome.”

“If you want to say which is cooler and more compelling than the night of the black knife, then it is obviously this one.”


At this time, Qi Ye’s eyes were all slight.

This knife, the body of the knife is six feet long, twenty centimeters wide, is a blood-red body, faintly red blood shining, upwards, the knife body and the handle of the knife joint, is a horizontal crescent moon, also blood red, a round of blood-colored crescent moon.

The hilt of the sword is made of red jade.

The whole knife, with a total length of seven feet, was about the same height as Qi Ye’s, and it was as if there were wisps of blood qi around it.

The host explained, “This knife is one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Sword, the Demon Sword, the Imperial Soul!” ”

“This knife is the sword of killing gods, and there are countless undead under the knife, and under the blood infection, it has become a blood knife.” Originally, the crescent moon that connected the sword body and the handle of the sword was blue, but at this time it became a blood moon, and now the imperial soul was more powerful. In the past, the Supreme Great Fast Sword Twelve Workers did not have a ranking, but now if they are ranked, then the Demon Sword Imperial Soul is definitely the first! ”

“However, everyone also felt that this demon sword was full of terrifying killing qi, and fierce qi, which could only be felt by contact.” Brief contact, even if the psychological quality is not bad, will almost collapse into a madman, affected by the killing qi and anger, can not bear and collapse. ”

“Therefore, if you are weak, you can’t control this knife.”

The host’s words fell and caused many people to discuss.

“Now I can feel the horror of killing, but it seems that I obviously touched it, so I can know the horror of this demon sword.”

“If it makes me shudder now, then I’m afraid that if I touch it, I will be swallowed up by the anger in an instant.”

“If you want to control this sword, then you have to be even more domineering and deter this demon sword.”

“Originally, I had an idea, and I wanted to see if I could control it, but Qi Ye came here obviously for this knife, so I still forgot about it.”


Suddenly, no one had an idea about the knife.

The host said, “Then, this demon knife, one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Knife, Imperial Soul, starting price, billion Bailey!” Each markup cannot be less than 10 million baileys! ”

Hearing the rumors surprised many people.

“It’s a billion baileys, that’s too much, isn’t it?”

“Yes, this knife is difficult to control, absolutely must be the level of the sea overlord to control, not to mention that not all overlords are good at swordplay, so the value of this knife will be greatly reduced, even if there is money will not buy, then it will be dead.”

“If Qi Ye didn’t come, then the price of this knife would certainly not be so high, but maybe you know that Qi Ye is coming, and it is for this knife, so the price is high.”

“That’s the way it is.”


Qi Ye spoke, “One billion and ten million Baileys!” ”

Qi Ye’s words fell, and everyone looked at the rich man who had dared to bid with Qi Ye before.

The man smiled awkwardly and said, “I won’t bid this time, although the people in my power want it very much, but I know they can’t control it, so this knife is yours.” ”

No one bidd, and the host announced: “Then congratulations to Qi Ye for obtaining the Demon Sword Imperial Soul, one of the twelve works of the Supreme Great Fast Sword.” ”

The host is happy in his heart, this time earned, to earn more than expected, fortunately the Qi Night Pirate Group came, otherwise those big fast knives twenty-one work, it is impossible to be so high, which also has the credit of delay.

There is also this demon knife royal soul, because the restriction is too large, so it was originally planned to start the price of 700 million Bailey, but since Qi Ye came, then it must be able to control, it will definitely be wanted, so it is set to be a billion Baileys.

Qi Ye waited for the others to get up and went directly to get the knife, and the staff was already ready on the side.

Qi Ye went directly to the stage and picked up the demon sword to resist the soul.

At the moment of the handshake, the terrifying murderous qi and the anger erupted, and suddenly, the temperature of the entire auction hall was lower, and the pirates were all trembling.

“It broke out, it was horrible.”

“I feel like there are thousands of powerful ghosts wailing in my ears.”

“I can’t bear it now, I’m in a cold sweat, and I can’t imagine what kind of horror the person holding this knife will endure.”


They all looked at Qi Ye to see how Qi Ye would react.

However, they were shocked, because Qi Ye’s face did not change color.

Qi Ye’s eyes flashed and he gave a cold drink: “Be quiet.” ”

Suddenly, the terrifying breath suddenly dissipated, as if frightened.

Although it was a demon knife, in front of the most domineering man in the world, this knife was completely suppressed and easily controlled by Qi Ye.

“Worthy of being the most domineering man in the world, this terrifying aura, it is simple to control such a knife.”

“Strong, the face does not change color, I am already sweating.”

“As the world’s largest sword master, if you get this demon sword and the soul, the power of the swordplay will definitely increase.”


The auction was over, and everyone got up and prepared to leave.

At this time, the man got up and prepared to leave, but as Qi Ye opened his mouth, his whole body froze.

“Before you leave, I’ll make sure you’re not deliberately bidding to pit our Qiye Pirates.”

Speaking of the words pit and the Qi Ye Pirate Group, Qi Ye’s tone intensified, making the man’s heart tremble, was it discovered? No, no, as long as you don’t admit it, no one knows.

Suddenly, everyone around them stopped and wanted to see, and they all understood in their hearts that this person must be strange, most likely a drag, so what method should Qi Ye use to make him reveal his original form?

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