Before they could return to their senses, a behemoth slowly drifted from the distant sky, and it was the floating island of the Qiye that had received the signal from Qiye.

“Captain, the construction team you need has been assembled, and I don’t know what we need to do this time?”

Quite a few floating ships fell from the floating island, including heavy construction ships that Moonlight Ota had never seen before.

“See those canyons?” Use hooks and locks or other structures to connect the town to the surrounding land. ”

“It is best to build it all at once, regardless of cost, and first get a permanent solid project with a service life of half a year.”

“Try to be as beautiful as possible, and comfort should also be taken into account.”

After Qi Ye finished speaking, he touched his chin and thought about it, thinking that there was nothing to add now, so he waved his hand to let these engineering construction teams start construction.

“Captain Qiye, what is this going to do?”

Shanks came to Qi Ye’s side and asked curiously as he watched those heavy construction ships begin to unfold their equipment.

Even Moonlight Mita, who was sitting on the ground to recover his strength, was like a curious gaze cast by Kiba, and the country of Wano would be the land he ruled in the future, and naturally he would be responsible for every inch of the land here.

Although this sword confrontation with Qiye has created an irreparable Grand Canyon on the territory of Wanokuni, under the protection of Qiye, perhaps these Grand Canyons can also become one of the boosters for the strength of Wano Country?

While thinking like this, Qi Ye did not respond to Shanks’s question at the first time, but asked like Moonlight Oda, who sat on the ground to rest and recover his strength.

“Do you know what souvenirs in Wano Kuni can be exported?” Or what are the selling points that can attract capital outside the island? ”

Hearing Kiyo’s question, Moonlight Oda first pondered, and then shook his head somewhat helplessly.

It is precisely because the country of Wano is his hometown and the place where he grew up, so he is extremely familiar with the country of peace and is naturally aware of the fact that there is hardly anything in the local area that can help the islanders get rich in a short period of time.

Even if the fiefdom he had obtained at the beginning did not develop much, it was entirely because the foundation of the country of peace was too poor, and the barbaric growth of other regions must have been great, and if the territory after careful planning was not prominent, it would be hell.

But even so, Moonlight Oda, who had already wandered the open sea, knew that the innate deficiencies of the Wano Kingdom had previously been caused by the closure of the Wano Kingdom and the fact that the demons were in power, which had led to the people’s mislivelihood and the withering of the country’s strength.

However, if it is his turn to lead the development of the Wano Kingdom, the space for progress is also extremely limited, after all, there are no scarce resources in the outer seas of the Wano Kingdom.

Even if the country of peace wants to develop normally, it can only import ores, oil and scientific knowledge from the open sea and other islands, and there is no hope of going out independently if it wants to develop independently behind closed doors, and the black carbon snake is a precedent for failure.

With a sigh, Moonlight Mita shook his head to Qiye, “After all these years of turmoil and exploitation, there is no way to return to its previous state in a short period of time, but even if it is the peak of national strength, it is still quite far from the scale I envisioned.” ”

Hearing Moonlight Mita say this, Shanks sighed slightly, not knowing how to comfort him.

Qi Ye shook his head.

“You are wrong, there may not have been any possibility of attracting inflows of offshore capital before, but now…”

Under the surprised gaze of Moonlight Mita and Shanks, Qiye raised his finger to the huge Grand Canyon in front of everyone.

“Don’t you think this canyon, after decoration and rest, is a perfect tourist attraction?”

Qiye’s arms were outstretched, and the gaze of Moonlight Mita and Shanks swept towards the Grand Canyon around the town with Qiye’s movements.

I saw that the abyss of the magnificent and majestic canyon was bottomless, and the cliffs around it were smooth and steep because of the direct impact of the sword.

The view is delightful and shocking.

But Moonlight Mita and Shanks are people who have seen big scenes, and they don’t know how much they have seen more magnificent scenery than this Grand Canyon, so they subconsciously ignore this.

“Do you mean, Captain…”

Shanks and Moonlight Mita glanced at each other, and they both saw a hint of joy and shock in each other’s eyes.

If such a wide Grand Canyon is not built and invested, it will only be a dangerous geographical environment, but if you want to build it into a tourist resort, the initial investment will be huge to the point that the country of peace will be unbearable.

And, most importantly, the current country of peace has just ended its civil strife and has not been able to raise the funds and workers needed for construction.

What is even more frightening is that Wano Kuni simply does not have the technical and infrastructure strength to build a canyon bridge with such a large span.

Thinking of this, Moonlight Mita’s gaze at Qi Ye suddenly changed.

“Kiba, do you want to help Kazuno Kingdom build a tourist resort?” With such a big investment, I… What should be used to repay …? ”

As the monarch of the Wano Kingdom, Moonlight Oda naturally needs to bear the sky-high cost of infrastructure construction in the Wano Kingdom, but that kind of order of magnitude of funds needs to make people’s scalps tingle just thinking about it, and he is not a Draco who exploits the world’s private pockets.

Those guys can build a huge system of iron walls that envelop the entire Holy Land when Mary Joa is threatened.

And Moonlight Mita is just a monarch of a small country, not to mention building a bridge that links the Grand Canyon, or even a chain bridge, he has to scratch his head.

“As I said, you and I are friends, and how can friends be indifferent when they have difficulties?”

“And the financial and technical needs are just what the Qiye Pirates can meet, so if you look for it yourself, I’m afraid it will be difficult to find the right target.”

“You don’t have to feel guilty, I’m not free to help you, and I’ll leave it to you later for what you need to do.”

“Even if you don’t agree, it doesn’t matter, I will still be responsible for the canyon infrastructure, and I will not release your pigeons.”

Kiba smiled and patted Moonlight Mita’s shoulder before turning away.

Shanks also hugged Moonlight Mita, gave the latter an encouraging smile, and followed Kiyo.

Moonlight Oda stood stunned at the edge of the huge canyon, watching the scene of a large number of construction ships belonging to the Qiye Pirate Regiment carrying out construction of the canyon, and it was difficult to calm the excitement in his heart for a long time…

“This person owes so much, do I really have the value to repay this sincerity?”

Moonlight Mita slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to walk toward the inside of the town.

As the future monarch of the Kingdom of Wano, he must prepare from now on!

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