“How long will the other side be exposed to the thick fog outside the Ghost Island?”

Kaido stood on the edge of the coast with his huge mace.

The number of followers around them was close to thousands of members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and the momentum that was released at this moment was actually to scatter the waterfall formed by the unique landscape behind them!

“Captain, it will take half an hour for the other side to break through the fog on the outer layer of the Ghost Island at the earliest, and we can take advantage of this time to make good preparations.”

“Wait until the moment when the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment rushes out of the fog to open fire with all its strength, I believe that it will be able to achieve good results…”

In the face of the eager flattery of his subordinates, Kaido was not even interested in responding.

This rotten street tactic is still good to take out and say, when Kaido is just a rookie out to sea?

What he was most worried about now was the terrible flying warship of the Qiye Pirates, and the shelling of Mary Joa in the Holy Land had been somewhat learned by the secret agent that the real situation was the case.

If the floating island broke through the fog that did not disperse all year round on the outskirts of the Ghost Island, the Ghost Island would be exposed to the terrible artillery fire of the other side.

Even Mary Joa of the Holy Land could not withstand that level of artillery coverage, and the Ghost Island basically did not hold out any hope if it wanted to carry it down.

Therefore, he needed to make the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment unable to enter the fog range of the Ghost Island from the beginning!

“Does it seem necessary to take the initiative?”

“In this way, let people go to see the situation first, if they can fight, they will be angry, if there is an accident…”

The rest of Kaido didn’t think much of it and looked at the warship commander who was chattering beside him.

“Since you are so loyal to me, why don’t you do me a little favor?”

Kaido’s eyes flickered, and an irresistible terror enveloped the leader directly.

“Captain… You command! ”

Under the pressure of Kaido’s furious dragon, the leader did not dare to show the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that the crew was so interested, Kaido also directly withdrew the momentum, reaching out his palm and tapping the back of the crew.

“You rush out of the fog for me, rub the sharpness of the Pirate Regiment of the Qi Night, and report it as soon as the fighter plane appears, and there must be no mistake.”

Under Kaido’s beat, the crew could not resist at all, and took a sharp step forward out of the territory of the Ghost Island, stepping onto the deck of the nautical ship.

The crew’s face was pale, and a chill rushed from the tail vertebrae to the Heavenly Spirit Cover, if it were not for the thought that Kaido was behind him, the crew member was afraid that he would not be scared to escape on the spot.

“You, and you, go out to sea with him, and you will be able to fully investigate the true situation of the other party, and if there is even a little omission, be careful of your lives.”

Kaido’s tone was full of indifference and determination, and he could not tolerate the slightest defense against these desperate pirates.

Under the complicated gaze of many crew members of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, those selected crew members finally started the voyage ship and took the initiative to sail out of the fog.

“Everyone is ready for battle, and as soon as there is a trace of the Qiye Pirates, they will immediately launch an artillery attack.”

Kaido explained and then turned away directly, and when he passed by the big Kanban, he said, “This place is handed over to you, it shouldn’t disappoint me, right?” ”

A series of beads of sweat gradually left on the face of the big Kanban, and finally he nodded his head and said firmly, “Rest assured, Captain, I will definitely block the Qi Ye Pirate Group, no matter what their intentions are, they will not want to cross over from me!” ”

“Well, I’m relieved that you can say that.”

Kaido smiled meaningfully, and finally glanced at the fleet that had gradually disappeared into the fog, and instantly disappeared into the sight of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

“Captain Kaido…”

The big Kanban let out a long sigh after seeing Kaido leave, and then reacted directly to the large number of crew members who were scanning around:

“What are you doing?” Hurry up to your gun position, if you miss the battle window, I can’t spare you!” ”

The prestige of the big Kanban and the terrible pressure from Captain Kaido made these crew members have no courage to resist at all.

After seeing the crew members around him leave, the big Kanban stared at the fog in the distance, and then looked at the mountain behind him that was in silence.

“In any case, this life was saved by the captain, and even if I give it back to the captain here, I will not suffer a loss…”

It’s rare for a crew member to think like a big Kanban, after all, not everyone can get Kaido’s attention.

Moreover, Kaido’s move to leave the battlefield was not lost under the gaze of many crew members, which was really worrying.


Suddenly, a violent explosion came from beyond the fog, and the dull sound like a bell made everyone’s face change.

The fleet going out to sea and the Qiye Pirate Regiment are fighting?

“Everybody be on the alert and report any abnormalities as soon as they occur!”

“The opponent this time is extremely powerful, and it must not be taken lightly!”

The command of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was basically on the coast.

It was to prevent the crew of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Ship from escaping out of fear when they encountered Qi Ye and others!

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