After having Qi Ye’s lead.

Private schools and educated intellectuals throughout the Wano Kingdom are also involved in the transformation of the next generation.

Even Qi Ye was planning until the events on the Ghost Island were over.

Taking advantage of Moonlight Mita’s prestige in Wanokuni, a large number of schools were built to accommodate all the young children of Wanokuni.

Harnessing the power of education to revolutionize the next generation of the country of Wano.

Let these children build their own country with their knowledge and strength.

Some of the factories that were of great help to Wano Kingdom were also built in the industrial center of Wano Kingdom with the support of Robin.

Those factories had long been the base where Kaido and the Black Carbon Serpent used to secretly manufacture munitions, and with the Black Charcoal Serpent they were completely defeated.

These factories were also incorporated into the property of all the people of Wano Country.

With the help of a lot of science and technology brought by Robin and Qiye, these factories successfully completed the reform.

Not only has it become the most in-demand industrial product for the country of peace, but it has also become a large number of young people who have trained the suitable young people of the country of peace as skilled workers with advanced skills.

Most of the rulers of the Wano Kingdom, including Moonlight Mita, believed that with the help of the Kino, they would be able to revive the country in a short period of time.

The country, which had been devastated by the Black Charcoal Serpent and Kaido in turn, finally ushered in the respite at this moment.

All the people who have experienced suffering dare not relax, and they have put their best efforts into building this new land as if it were reborn!

The camera shifts to the side of the Qiye Pirates.

The pirates who took the initiative to interfere with the Kiye Pirate Regiment’s proximity to the Ghost Island had all been wiped out.

Even the pirates who saw the powerful firepower of the Qiye and fled in a hurry did not escape from the strike range at all.

Under Qi Ye’s orders, the Qi Ye once again erupted with the roar of rumbling shelling, and in a short period of time, it had continuously destroyed all the nautical ships within tens of nautical miles.

Of course, these nautical ships basically flew dark pirate flags.

Otherwise, it is to follow the pirate ship and go together, and it is not an innocent character at first glance.

After two rounds of firefighting, the sea finally ushered in absolute calm.

Except for the Qiye, which also floats on the sea at high speed, basically no nautical ship floats on the surface of the sea.

As for the pirates who were taken by the sailing ships, there was not even a piece of scum left at this moment.

Seeing that the towering fog of the Oni Island appeared on the surface of the sea not far away, Barrett and Moonlight Mita and his party also came to the flight deck.

In this position, you can have a good view of the surrounding environment of the Qiye.

“Finally arrived at the Ghost Island, are you all ready for battle?”

At the same time that Qi Ye opened his mouth to inquire, a golden light flashed from his eyes.

The keen insight ability directly passed through the fog that shrouded the Ghost Island, and saw through most of the troop layout on the Ghost Island.

When he saw clearly that the series of pirates and cadres had gathered in a large number of forts, he showed a disdainful smile.

These pirates of the last century dared to use such backward tactics to defend themselves against their own attacks.

Those forts built underground had no effect at all on the powerful floating fortress of the Qiye.

Thinking like this, the golden light in Qi Ye’s eyes slowly disappeared.

Barrett and Shanks, who were beside him, nodded in response, “Of course you’re ready.” ”

Among them, Barrett even collided with his fists.

“I’ve been wanting to beat that guy up for a long time, and I don’t know if Kaido’s bastard is ready.”

“Oh, the other party is one of the four emperors of the mighty new world, you guy don’t be careless, if you overturn in such a place, you will lose the captain’s face.”

Shanks was a little worried when he saw Barrett’s excited state, and he had to warn him in order for the mission to proceed according to the scheduled plan.

Moonlight Mita also looked at Barrett at this time, and his biggest concern this time was the 30,000 hostages held on the island of Oni.

Quite afraid that Barrett’s surging blood would directly ignore the hostages, he knew how powerful Barrett’s power was.

If you go all out, the Ghost Island will not be able to show Barrett at all.

“Rest assured, I will bring back those who were captured by Kaido.”

“Aren’t those hostages the part of your responsibility?”

Barrett set his sights on Moonlight Oda, who clearly remembered the previous battle meeting on the Kiyo.

It was once said that he only needed to be responsible for the frontal assault, and that the rescue of the hostages was entirely the task of Shanks and Moonlight Mita.

This arrangement is actually good, and it is really reassuring to let Barrett come to the rescue of the hostages.

His abilities can easily lead to large-scale disasters, which is not easy for the unarmed villagers of Wano Kingdom to use.

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