In the end, what no one expected was the person who broke through the coastal defenses of the Ghost Island.

Barrett had actually left the Night Pirate from the beginning.

Under everyone’s gaze, Barrett wreaked havoc on the battlefield like a demon god.

The six flying compatriots who saw this scene clenched their teeth and wanted to completely block Barrett, the killing god.

Unfortunately, what they couldn’t have imagined was that Barrett’s strength was far beyond their expectations.

“Hahaha! Who are you trying to block with this power alone!? ”

Amid Barrett’s rampant laughter, another three-thousand-ton fixed battery exploded in a roar.

Barrett is like a devil bathed in flames and smoke, and that vicious and wild laugh will be the eternal nightmare of most of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

“That guy is totally overdone, does he really know what his mission is?”

“If such a brazen attack continues, it is very likely to hurt the dungeon where the hostages of the country of Wano are held.”

“We have to strike early and move the hostages as soon as they are found.”

Shanks and Moonlight Mita glanced at each other, and both saw a strong dignified color in each other’s eyes.

Barrett’s attack power and speed are indeed powerful, but it is precisely because of this strength that they have no more opportunities to save the hostages.

This scene is naturally not what Moonlight Mita and Shanks want to see.

“I’ll help Barrett, Moonlight Oda, and you’ll go find the hostages.”

“After finding it, the signal bomb will be fired, and Captain Qi Ye will rule in time for the Qi Ye to approach from the air and completely contain the hostages.”

Shanks shouted at Moonlight Oda, and Moonlight Oda, who heard the signal, responded hurriedly and hurried towards the dense forest of Oni Island.

Shanks also drew the long knife from his waist and slashed at the shells that came from not far away.

The other five of the six flying compatriots, except for Black Maria, all headed for Shanks.

At this moment, there was hardly a calm place on the Ghost Island.

Everyone was trying to avoid the area where Barrett was fighting, not wanting to die pointlessly under the attack of that monster.

Unfortunately, Barrett was completely in a state of combat, and the posture of the shock did not look like he had come to rescue the hostages.

“That guy!”

Black Maria, who had gone to intercept Qi Night, gritted her teeth and kept her eyes swept towards the location where Barrett was raging.

Although I know that Barrett’s combat power has been famous in the new world for a long time, it is really desperate to really become the enemy of that guy…

“If you wander in battle, you will die, Miss.”


Black Maria’s pupils shrank suddenly, and she instantly dodged behind her, trying to completely distance herself from Qi Ye.

And Qi Ye looked at the black Maria who was pulling away calmly, and there was no trace of wanting to fight with her.

“You… When did it appear in front of me? ”

Looking at the night that was slowly approaching, Black Maria’s heart was completely filled with thick horror.

He couldn’t imagine what kind of power he had that could come to him in an instant without making the slightest movement!

“If you want to know, don’t roll your eyes…”

The next instant that Qi Ye left these words, he suddenly disappeared from the same place.

“Damn! That’s what it did?! ”

Black Maria gritted her teeth and frantically swept her eyes towards her surroundings, trying to find clues in the process of Qi Ye’s movement.

Unfortunately, all these efforts were in vain in the face of Qi Ye’s absolute combat power gap.

Don’t say it’s Black Maria, even if Kaido himself came here, it would be a fool’s dream to fully perceive the movement of Qiye.

Now Qi Ye had already grown to a level that no one could imagine.

If it weren’t for the amiable image in front of the Qiye Pirates, he would have completely sunk this ghost island to the bottom of the sea by himself.

Of course, all this is not a very difficult thing for Qi Ye to do.

The uneasiness in Black Maria’s heart grew stronger, and even if he learned the strength of Qi Ye, he had no means to deal with it.

“I’m not going to let you get away with it!”

As Qi Ye walked towards the inside of the Ghost Island little by little, Black Maria finally couldn’t stand the fear in her heart.

“Pretend to be a ghost! I will definitely stop you! ”


The suddenly exploding ground brought up fierce dust, and the black dahlia disappeared into the smoke at this moment.

Black Maria, who had also been driven to the extreme, was like a cannonball, moving back and forth through the dense woods of the Ghost Island.

Soon he found the slowly advancing Qi Ye, and the long legs that turned into a huge spider were like a spear fiercely stabbing at Qi Ye’s back heart!

“Got it!”

With the black Maria’s relieved roar, the sharp long legs stabbed into the back of Qiye’s heart in this instant!

The instant touch made the black Maria’s face look of ecstasy!

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