Didn’t let the backbone of these Hundred Beast Pirates wait too long.

Qi Ye is like a meteorite wrapped in flames, falling directly from the sky.


With an unusually fierce explosion, a huge crater hundreds of meters deep appeared in the core of the Oni Island.

The six flying compatriots who saw this scene were sweating and pale.

No one knew where such a terrible means had fallen back to the Ghost Island, and everyone only knew that if they continued like this, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group would undoubtedly be defeated.

But it was under this premise that Qi Ye did not do anything to the six flying compatriots at the first time.

“Why do you only see you haunted the Ghost Island, where is Kaido, the captain of the Hundred Beasts and Thieves Regiment, now?”

Qi Ye slowly floated in mid-air, and a large amount of smoke and flames surrounded Qi Ye and was far isolated.

Looking at the terrible figure that was gradually approaching in the light of the fire, the six flying cells finally couldn’t bear the accumulated pressure in their hearts and fell to their knees!


Although he was no longer able to launch an offensive against Qi Ye, the six flying compatriots still clenched their teeth and did not want to succumb to Qi Ye’s obscenity.

“It’s ridiculous that in the face of absolute power, you dare to cling to it.”

Qi Ye just set his sights on the six flying cells, which actually caused the latter to press the ground down with deep marks.

Before Qi Ye’s domineering spirit had been able to affect the real environment, now he was even more domineering as one of the means of his own attack.

If he hadn’t been merciful, the six flying compatriots probably wouldn’t even have had the chance to open their mouths.

It turned into meat sauce directly under such terrible pressure.

Of course, Qi Ye was not the kind of person who liked to kill.

He kept the six flying compatriots just to seduce the guy Kaido to run out.

Although it is still a crucial moment in the battle between Onishima and the Kiye Ha Thieves Regiment.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment was doomed to death from the moment it offended Qi Ye.

Even the Hundred Beasts Kaido, the Four Emperors of this new world, were completely unable to maintain their so-called dignity in the face of Qi Ye’s terrifying power.

“Even if… You killed us. Captain Kaido will surely avenge us too! ”

The six-fledged with white hair and green hair struggled to pluck their heads out of the map.

Those bloodshot eyes stared at the sky, as if they were going to dig a piece of flesh out of Qi Ye’s body with their eyes.

“I hate this look, it’s a pity, I wanted to keep you as a bargaining chip with Kaido.”

“Since Kaido is still reluctant to come out, doesn’t that mean that your value is not as high as I thought?”

“If you want to blame, blame your Captain Kaido for doing something bad, and have to oppress the people as a criminal who has been left behind for thousands of years.”

Qi Ye did not give the green-haired six-flying cell another chance to open his mouth, and his fingers were lightly touched.

The six-flyer named Sasaki shook violently, and the four six-flyer members around him looked at Sasaki with a look of horror.

“Three… Triceratops…”

Sasaki’s bloodstained face spat out the three characters in his throat, and the next second, the suddenly swollen head exploded.

Next came the twisted arms and torso, and then when it was the turn of the legs, they had already flown out of range due to the violent explosion.

Seeing this scene, a series of cold sweat slowly flowed on the faces of the six flying compatriots, and everyone could not imagine that Qi Ye had actually killed so decisively.

And without even giving Sasaki the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, he directly gave a dead hand…

“Now, can you answer my question?”

“Your captain, where is Kaido now?”

Qi Ye slowly shifted his gaze and looked at the other six flying compatriots next to the Sasaki corpse.

“I remember your name was Peggyvan, didn’t I?” The ability fruit is an animal-based spinosaurus. ”

Under Qi Ye’s gaze, Peggy Wan, whose head was covered by the hood, trembled.

Every time Qi Ye opened his mouth to spit out a word, it would make Peggy Wan’s body tremble.

He was the closest to Sasaki before, so at the moment of Sasaki’s explosion, countless blood stains hit his body.

If it weren’t for the fear in his heart that made him unable to even move, I am afraid that he would have jumped up in fright.


Peggyvan’s face hidden under the hood was completely soaked with sweat, and the mask that covered half of his face was like a wet and cold rag covering his face.

That terrible touch is unbearable.

However, under the suppression of Qi Ye’s mountain-like heavy breath, the backbone of these Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment.

One of the Four Emperors of the New World, a confidant of the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, lest the monster of Qi Ye be unhappy and kill their lives at will.

Moreover, the tragic situation of Sasaki’s death also made them even more afraid to act rashly in front of Qi Ye.

Peggyvan’s body trembled incessantly, and the three remaining six flying compatriots beside him were also in a fear-like posture.

No one wants to be a member of Qi Ye’s fingers who dies quietly.

They can accept themselves to show their full strength on the battlefield.

But in front of Qi Ye, they could only die pointlessly like ants crawling on the ground!

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