“If it’s really Kaido, stop him.”

“At least not to allow Kaido to interfere with the transfer of hostages from Wano Kuni.”

With this thought, Shanks’ long knife slashed out again.

A heavenly sword light flashed with boundless sharpness, flashing through the void and fiercely piercing into the thick thundercloud!


After the violent explosion, the glare of cold light completely shattered the thunderclouds!

Whatever was hiding in the thunderclouds, under such a terrible swordplay technique, it was impossible to pass through the defense line built by Shanks.

The thunderclouds that frantically converged toward the center of the sky had turned into clouds tens of kilometers in height in a short period of time.

The flickering thunder light is like a giant python, jumping back and forth in the center of the clouds.

And more lightning bolts are like explosions, constantly erupting with deafening noises.

Many hostages on the ground also noticed the abnormal changes in the celestial phenomenon, and they all showed a look of panic and uneasiness.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll protect you all with Moonlight Oda.”

“Now everyone is lined up and enter the floating boat in an orderly manner with the help of the Qiye Pirate Regiment.”

“When everyone enters the interior of the Qi Ye Ship, it will be completely safe, and even Kaido will not be able to hurt you if he rushes over!”

Moonlight Mita was trying hard to maintain order, but the entire 30,000 captives did not calm down so easily.

Especially after hearing Kaido’s name from the mouth of Moonlight Mita, the people suddenly rioted.

The moment the crowd was about to spin out of control, an irresistible terror slammed down from the sky.

In a short period of time, everyone was completely forced to calm down!

“Is this breath Qi Ye?”

“The battle for the Oni Island is finally over!”

Moonlight Mita looked at the sky with a look of surprise, only to see that Qiye was floating in the sky like a god of war.

Many hostages on the ground also calmed down after seeing that the terrible source of coercion was Qi Ye.

“Is that the captain of the Kiye?” I heard that he was a strong man who was in a period with Lord Moonlight Mita. ”

“But why does it look so young?”

“Don’t look at people as young, but you really feel this pressure, and it is estimated that it is even stronger than Kaido.”

“I don’t think so, Captain Kiye should be a strong man of the same level as Lord Moonlight Mita.”

“I also think that the strength of Lord Moonlight Mita should be on the same level as Captain Kiba, otherwise how can we repay this favor…”

The whispers between the hostages of Wanokuni really couldn’t escape the ears of Kiba and Moonlight Oda.

After seeing and hearing and cultivating to this extent, it is simply not something you can’t hear without listening.

Fortunately, the hearts of both of them are excellent beings, and naturally they will not have abnormal emotions because of the villagers’ nonsense.

“The Ghost Island is basically under control, but now I need you to transfer the hostages to the Kiye as soon as possible.”

“There’s a good chance that there’s going to be the next battle with Kaido, and I’m afraid there won’t be more fighting power to keep these hostages safe at that time.”

“When the time comes, you will follow these hostages and return to the Kingdom of Peace on the Kiyo.”

“If you were to escort them, the hostages would be at ease.”

Seeing that Qiye had already arranged everything, Moonlight Mita nodded movingly.

“Do you need my help in the final battle with Kaido?”

“You’ve done us so much for the country, and I’d like to share some of it for you.”

Moonlight Mita’s words were definitely from the heart, after all, he was originally a person who took love and righteousness.

If it weren’t for the help of the Qi Ye Pirate Regiment, he wouldn’t have thought it would have been so easy to get to such a point as it is today.

With these 30,000 hostages on the Ghost Island alone, Moonlight Mita could not save them all by his own ability.

“If you don’t need it for the time being, just protect your people.”

“Kaido is a threat, but with me and Shanks, and Barre, it’s easy to completely control that guy.”

Qi Ye’s words were not bragging about himself, if he didn’t want his crew to be too surprised, he was going to do it directly to the Ghost Island.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to completely sink the Oni Island by his means?

Why bother with everything in front of you?

After receiving Kiba’s response, Moonlight Mita no longer hesitated, nodded to Kiba, and then directly turned around and walked into the floating boat of the Kiye with the last of the hostages.

Watch as the floating boats drill into the flight deck of the Qiye Flying Fortress one after another.

Qi Ye issued an order, and the Qi Ye suddenly floated up into the sky in the dusty and landslide takeoff.

After that, the rapid change of direction rushed towards the position of Wano Kingdom.

After seeing the Qi Ye flying away, Qi Ye turned his head to look at the lightning and thunder clouds in the center of this ghost island.

“This breath and fluctuation look a lot like Kaido’s guy.”

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