In fact, black Maria can completely throw away this group of burdens around her.

If a person escapes, the odds of success are greatly improved.

In any case, a group of people gathered to escape for their lives is certainly relatively easy to expose.

But seeing the look of despair in the eyes of the defeated soldiers around him.

Black Maria really couldn’t bear to leave these colleagues on the Ghost Island to die…

“It’s too conspicuous to flee together, and if Barrett or Shanks are summoned, we’re going to die.”

Black Maria snapped that in this case, his words had indeed calmed everyone down.

The remaining dozens of people set their sights on Black Maria.

Since she had responded to the request of her party to flee for their lives, there must have been a following.

In the eyes of everyone, Black Maria took a deep breath and said, “We must go separately, wait until we get to the shore and then meet to find a boat to leave.” ”

As soon as these words came out, the crowd immediately panicked.

They know exactly how strong they are.

If he had left the light of Black Maria, I am afraid that any shell with no long eyes would have killed him.

“Isn’t it too dangerous for us to go separately?”

“In case the people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment find out, I am afraid that we will not be able to safely walk to the shore by our own strength…”

Seeing the frightened look of these remnants of soldiers around her, Black Maria asked impatiently:

“If we don’t go separately, we’ll die if we get discovered!”

“The people of the Qiye Pirate Regiment have already left the Ghost Island with the floating fortress and the hostages, what are you afraid of?”

“And I’ve said it all, not that I don’t care about you.”

“But in order to reduce the danger of being discovered by the Qiye Pirates, our soldiers rushed to the coast in three directions in three ways.”

“The first person to arrive is not allowed to leave the boat first, and it must be confirmed that everyone has arrived before they can leave together!”

Since Black Maria had said so, how could anyone else dare to have any other objection.

Combined, this is indeed the plan with the greatest chance of escape.

“Now that you’ve decided to come down, don’t waste your time, a few of you will follow me around the north, and the others will choose their own direction to go forward.”

“No talking, no stopping, no stopping on the way to the coast.”

“Keep moving, we’ll see you on the shore.”

Black Maria was not a grinder, and after ordering a few smart-looking crew members, she took the lead in finding a forest to drill into.

The other twenty or so people did not dare to delay, and the ghost knew that something strange would fall from the sky.

Before Captain Kaido made a move eagerly to give the ghost to know that a huge magma lake was opened in the center.

If the battle situation escalates later, this ghost island is destined to be broken.

Fortunately, the group was lucky enough to meet the enthusiastic six flying compatriots such as Black Maria.

If the others had left a line of people and run away by themselves.

“We also hurry up, just as Lord Mary said.”

“As long as we remain silent, the big men won’t come to our trouble.”

“That’s right, let’s go…”

At the urging of his companions, the remaining twenty people also divided into two squads and burrowed into the woods in different directions…


The battle in the sky is getting fiercer.

Kaido’s combat strength, which was caught in a frenzy, was incredibly increased, although he still couldn’t defeat Qi Ye.

But in the battle with Barrett and Shanks has reached a terrible height.

“This guy is really hard, and my fist can’t cause any damage.”

Barrett turned his head and spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and with a vicious look on his face, he pounced on Kaido’s huge body again.

“Yeah, Kaido’s skin is very hard!”

Shanks also retreated slightly to adjust his state under Kaido’s crazy attack.

After all, Kaido was fighting with everyone with a desperate posture, and it was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat in a short period of time.

Moreover, as the most powerful combat unit of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, Qiye has not entered the battlefield since the beginning of the battle.

“Captain Qiye, aren’t you going to make a move this time?”

Shanks took advantage of his free time to look at Qi Ye.

Qi Ye slowly shook his head.

With a look of boredom in his eyes, he first looked at the destroyed Ghost Island, and then swept towards Kaido and Barrett who were fighting in the sky.

“It’s just a hundred beasts Kaido, you fight him first, and then I’ll shoot when you think it’s almost over.”

Qi Ye did not want to fight a wheel war with Barrett and Shanks, on the contrary.

Because Barrett and Shanks took the lead in taking a shot at Kaido, Qi Ye did not move.

He also disdained to beat Kaido with people.

Besides, Kaido had already lost once at his hands, and what could he prove by defeating him again?

This statement may be a bit arrogant, but anyone who has seen Qi Ye’s peak combat strength will not feel that Qi Ye is deliberately making a gesture.

He really possessed the terrible power of one man to destroy everyone in the entire Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment!

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