“It’s really ugly.”

Shanks had an indescribable disdain in his eyes.

Hundreds of meters away, Kaido, who was ready to attack, made a move, and an unprecedented anger erupted in his eyes.

“Do you think that’s what you win?” I’ll make you regret it!” ”

In the roar, Kaido directly turned into a residual shadow and slammed into Shanks.

As the most powerful and physique monster in the world, the mere impact is enough to shatter an island!

Under Kaido’s impact, a pale white wave of air slowly formed in the void in front of Kaido’s body.

“If you had been able to use this power to protect your crew, maybe the end would have been different.”

Shanks was also furious.

In front of him, this scum who abandoned the crew and gave up his responsibilities as a captain dared to appear in front of him and attack himself?!

In the face of Kaido’s attack, Shanks was not careless.

Although he does not look up to Kaido’s personality in his heart, in the face of Kaido, one of the four emperors, Shanks must also show enough coping ability.

“Ahem! Hypocritical guys, if it is you, you will definitely choose the same path! ”

Kaido naturally couldn’t bear Shanks’s insults to himself.

The lightning in his hand bloomed, and within a short period of time, the pale white air shield that enveloped him completely covered the power of thunder and lightning.

From a distance, it is very scary!


Two distinct energies violently collided in the sky, erupting into an unprecedented explosion!

In an instant, all kinds of shock waves and energy turned into shattered shrapnel and fell fiercely towards the Ghost Island.

Countless earths and oceans shattered under such a terrible energy rush.

Hundreds of meters high waves roared from the shore and swept across the Ghost Island!

Except for the towering mountains, most of the Ghost Island has been submerged by the ocean!

Such a terrible sight did not disturb any of the super strong people present.

Everyone grows up with these great devastation of the environment, and they have long been accustomed to the islands that are completely destroyed by the impact of the battle.

“Damn! This guy deliberately arranged the battlefield on the Ghost Island, just to let the aftermath of the battle destroy the foundation of the Ghost Island! ”

Kaido’s face is fierce, and the body of the dragon is like an island floating in the sky.

The weather was severely affected by Kaido’s mood changes, one moment lightning and thunder, the other wind and rain.

It is no wonder that the villagers of Wano Country, who were captured by Kaido on the Ghost Island, did not have the courage and strength to escape.

In the face of such a very powerful and terrifying strong person, I am afraid that anyone will lose the courage to resist.

“It’s really sad, do you still think of the destroyed Ghost Island?”

Shanks shook his head in disappointment, he couldn’t imagine how there could be such a cold-blooded captain as Xiang Kaido in this world.

It is entirely possible to intervene to block the attack on the Ghost Island by the Qi Ye Pirates, whether it is negotiation or formal war.

Even if the final outcome is destined to be destroyed, at least with his own crew.

Just as Shanks couldn’t understand Kaido, in Kaido’s eyes.

It’s foolish to forcibly tie yourself up with the crew for something impossible to do.

Only fools who have just gone to sea and believe in their companions will believe this!

“A little devil like you who has never suffered doesn’t understand anything at all!” You are not qualified to teach me a lesson! ”

“I’m not qualified to teach me how to be a captain!”

Kaido let out a roar, directly covering himself with the domineering and thunderous light that erupted.

The whole person was like a cannonball, and it slammed into Shanks hundreds of meters away!

Along the way, the broken sky is like a lens, refracting Kaido in the charge into dozens of doppelgangers.

“Exactly, let’s make a decision here!”

“An asshole like you who has no shackles in his heart cannot defeat me who has a partner!”

The long knife in Shanks’s hand jerked up, and a brilliant sword light slammed into the sky like mercury.

Then, in Shanks’s swinging sword, it turned into a stream of light and fell fiercely towards Kaido, who was coming at the impact!

Such a terrible scene was finally ignited violently in a dazzling flash.

An unimaginable explosion swept through the wilderness with a shock wave, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped by the dazzling white light.

No one can still hear anything from this level of explosion, just as everyone has become an actor in a mime.

It can only stiffly meet the arrival of destruction in the glare of white backlight.

“It’s a really good fight, barely reaching one-third of my full strength.”

“It seems that Shanks still has a lot of room for development in the future.”

During the Big Bang, Qi Ye did not move too much from beginning to end.

The terrifying impact that was enough to push the mountains open up the ocean silently and slowly disappeared when it killed Qi Ye’s body.

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