Green Pepper was extremely angry, and Qi Ye’s words made his head seem to be like dough, and he could become whatever he wanted.

It seems that because Karp squashed his head, people mistakenly think that his head is very soft.

“Qi Ye, I will soon let you see the hardness of my head.” But, before that, you have to see if you can resist my fists, otherwise you don’t deserve my head. ”

Most people are good at punches and kicks, few people attack with the head, and Green Pepper’s best attack is the Iron Head Gong plus the Eight Punches.

Green Pepper’s fist became pitch black and rushed upwards, and the fist roared out.

Qi Ye also rushed forward, his fist covered with armed color domineering, without any fancy and skill, a punch with physical strength.

“Eight punches!”

Green peppers are naturally different and contain extremely strong moves.

The Eight Punches Fist is a centuries-old move passed down from generation to generation by the Eight Treasures Water Army, which is unable to withstand this attack by hitting the opponent while releasing a diffuse shock wave with powerful attack power.

In addition, the Eight Punches also have a strong defense, and even swords and guns cannot hurt the users of the Eight Punches.

In the rear, the Eight Treasure Water Army felt that Qi Ye was miserable.

“I actually fought against Dong Liang instead of using a knife, I heard that his sword skills are very strong, and if he uses sword skills, it will not be very miserable, but he chose to use his fists.”

“It is indeed looking for abuse, and repeatedly satirizing the head of Dong Liang, our head of Dong Liang is the strongest and hardest, and only Na Kapu can barely squash Dong Liang’s head, which makes Qi Ye mistakenly think that Dong Liang’s head is very soft?”

“But it’s a pity that he can’t see Dong Liang use his head to cast eight punches, and his fists are enough to defeat Qi Ye.”



The two fists collided, and the terrifying air waves erupted.

In the rear, the Eight Treasure Water Army all shut up, and their faces changed dramatically.


Only to see that the terrifying air waves all rushed to the rear of the green pepper, blowing the Eight Treasures Water Army a hundred meters away from the rear of more than fifty people, issuing a scream, several important members of the strong strength could not stand firmly, and the palms of their feet were tightly tied to the ground and were all ten meters away.

They are incredible, in terms of strength, Qi Ye has the advantage?

Green Pepper frowned, let out a painful hum, and directly flew out, flying ten meters away, and then paddling ten meters away after landing before stopping.

Green Pepper’s fist was shaking, his arm was shaking, it was very painful, unbelievable.

Qi Ye raised his fist and said, “Correct, I am not underestimating your head, but my physical skills, very strong.” ”

Green Pepper couldn’t believe how he was so young and so strong.

He hadn’t felt pain for a long time, the eight punches were offensive and defensive, but Qi Ye’s fist, the power to break through his attack, broke the protective shock wave, and made his fist feel severe pain.

This kind of pain was only felt by the battle with Karp five years ago.

Obviously, so young, how can the physical skills be so strong.

Because Qi Ye’s flesh is getting stronger and stronger, and his physical skills are becoming more and more exquisite, the combination of the two, the attack power is naturally getting stronger and stronger.

Qi Ye said, “Or use your head to match your eight punches, otherwise it will be very boring.” ”

Green Pepper was not angry this time, his heart was still shocked, and he found that he was careless.

Qi Ye has a domineering aura that does not fit for age, and also has a powerful physical skill that does not fit for age.

“This boy is really a monster, I was careless.”

Green peppers are going to be serious.

In the rear, the Eight Treasure Water Army was also aware.

“Qi Ye’s physical skills are so strong.”

“It’s unbelievable, but the leader can still beat him.”

“Yes, Dong Liang’s head combined with the Eight Chong Fist, few people in this world can beat it, Dong Liang has encountered countless enemies in his life, and he has been defeated once at the hands of Kapu, and Kapu’s physical skills are the top in this world.”

“Well, after all, it’s Kapu, and although Qi Ye’s physical skills are strong, they are certainly not strong enough to reach that point.” Although Dong Liang’s head is now flat, it is not the peak period, but it is still not comparable to Qi Ye. ”

“The beam is going to go all out!”


Green Pepper folded his hands together, jumped up violently, jumped above Qi Ye’s head, covered his head with dark armed domineering, launched the Iron Head Gong, and used the Eight Punch Fist Technique, combined with his own strength.

When the green pepper reached the air, the body flipped directly over, and the head fell rapidly to the ground.

Obviously, it is the whereabouts of a person, but it is like the whereabouts of a meteorite.

Qi Ye did not dodge, but just raised his right arm and punched upwards.

“Eight punches, Wu Tou!”


The speed of falling like a meteorite, its own physical skills, the power of the Iron Head Gong plus the power of the Eight Chong Fists, all kinds of combinations, this is the really powerful attack means of Green Pepper.

With a muffled sound, a circle of ripples spread out, and the Eight Treasures Water Army in the distance had moved away, and if it affected them, they would all be injured, and the rocks and houses around them would be shattered.

Click, click, click…

The ground around Qi Ye was a large area of depression, rubble and dust.

The Eight Treasure Water Army stared closely, and the dust gradually dissipated.

“What, Qi Ye lost?”

“Won’t die, will it?” After all, we were here only to repel him. ”

“If Qi Ye dies, there will be trouble, Roger values Qi Ye very much, and the Roger Pirate Regiment will certainly not let us go.”


The dust cleared, and the two figures saw clearly, their eyes widened, their faces shocked, and they couldn’t believe it.

I saw Qi Ye standing straight, although the ground around him was sunken, the ground under his feet was intact, and his right arm was also stretched straight up, without any shaking or bending.

This scene is like Qi Ye holding a green pepper in one hand.

Qi Ye’s fist spread out, directly grabbed the small head of the green pepper, as if clasping the basketball, and then the right hand swung in a circle, and the green pepper quickly spun up, and with a whimper, it was thrown out.


The green pepper flew out, smashed down many large trees where it passed, and did not stop until it was a hundred meters away.


The Eight Treasure Water Army exhaled in surprise, a worried look on its face.


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