Before Qi Ye completed the ultimate mission, he began to carry out the ultimate mission.

The goal is to bounty the world’s first, the world’s first sea thief group, the world’s strongest three titles, after completion to get the mysterious reward.

This made Qi Ye wonder what kind of reward it was, before the ultimate mission was completed, 100,000 flesh enhancement points were obtained, so this mysterious reward was definitely worth more.

Now, Qi Ye has completed the title of the first bounty in the world, and Qi Ye feels that it is not far from the title of the strongest in the world.

Now with Whitebeard head-on, keep fighting, you can win, but your own strength is not the strongest in the world, to win Whitebeard, you have to rely on delaying the war.

However, he was only sixteen years old, and his strongest talent plus killing creatures to obtain physical enhancement points was not far from becoming the strongest in the world.

As for the world’s first sea thief group, this still has some way to go, after all, there are only four people on the ship now.

The world’s first sea pirate regiment refers to the overall strength of this pirate group.

Just like now the Qiye Pirate Regiment is fighting with the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, it is natural for the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment to win.

There is not much advantage in numbers, the key is the white beard, and the captains with good strength, and many crew members who are not weak.

Now, it is on its way to becoming the world’s first sea thief group, not far from Jessica’s island, and when Jessica boards the ship, she will begin to sail around the world to recruit suitable crews.

At this time, the whole world was shaken by the first place in the world of the Qiye Bounty.

“My God, the reward for Qi Ye has risen again?!”

“All of a sudden, it rose to 5.1 billion Baileys, which is higher than Whitebeard’s 5.046 million, and the world’s first bounty!”

“There’s no news release?” Without explaining the reason, Qi Ye suddenly raised the bounty so much because of something, reaching the first place in the world. ”

“Could it be that Qi Ye’s strength has increased again?” Has the Navy fought with Qi Ye again? ”

“Probably not, otherwise why didn’t the Navy publish the reason?” Definitely something else that has a big impact, but it’s not convenient to reveal. ”


Suddenly, everyone was very curious about what the Qiye Pirate Group had done.

New World Seas, Mobbydi.

Marko they didn’t expect Qiye’s bounty to surpass Daddy so quickly.

No longer the world’s first bounty, Whitebeard did not care, and exclaimed: “Qi Ye has surpassed me in terms of bounty, then I am afraid that it should not be far from surpassing me and becoming the strongest in the world.” ”

“Father, your shock fruit ability has the power to destroy the world, and Qi Ye can’t have the power to destroy the world by virtue of his own strength, so it is impossible to become the strongest in the world.” The strongest in the world will only be Daddy. ”

They worship and believe that as long as Daddy is still in this world, then the strongest in the world is Daddy.

The various forces were surprised and even more jealous of Qi Ye, and at the same time, not only the bounty of Qi Ye was raised, but also the bounty of Barrett, Shanks, and Hawkeye was also increased because of this matter.

Barrett bounties reached 3.2 billion baileys, Shanks 1,289 million baileys, and Hawkeye 1,258 million baileys.

At present, the four-person pirate group, the bounty adds up to more than 10 billion, but no sea thief group dares to fight the idea of the Qiye pirate group, and will not go to war because there are fewer people and more money, they are not stupid.

Because the bounty order was renewed, it caused a shock, but at this time there was a person who was not shaken, but extremely angry.

On the red earth continent, Kaido had found an island not far away and was ready to bounce over.

Dare to jump from such a height, there is not much that this world can do.

However, Kaido, who was ready to jump down and go to the capital of the Seven Waters to look for Qiye, saw the bounty order.

Qi Ye’s bounty, up to 5.1 billion Baileys, made him very unbalanced inside.

Qi Ye not only became the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, but also the strongest in single head, and even the bounty was so much higher than him.

“Qi Ye, Lao Tzu must find you and then defeat you!” Let you know I’m the best at heads-up! Let the world know who the strongest creatures on land, sea and air are! ”

However, as they were about to jump, the phone worm rang, and after connecting, Kaido knew that the Qiye Pirates had appeared on the sea of the New World.

Some islands in the New World have the territory of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, and when you look at the eyeliner, you can see the Qiye Pirate Group.

After all, the Qiye was too conspicuous to recognize it at a glance.

In order to find Qi Ye, he came all the way from the North Sea to prepare to enter the Great Passage, but found that Qi Ye was no longer in the Great Passage, but in the New World.

According to the intelligence, the Qiye Pirate Regiment crossed the windless belt and went to the West Sea.

This made Kaido angry and turned to the West Sea.

At this time, in the West Sea, the Qi Ye was sailing on the calm sea.

Qi Ye was on the crown building at the top of the pyramid, lying on a chair in the garden, basking in the sun and drinking tea, which was very pleasant.

Soon, the Kiyo docked on the shore of an island.

Qi Ye looked past and it was Jessica’s island.

Night, Barrett, and Shanks disembark, and Hawkeye is in charge of watching the ship.

At this time, on the shore of the island, many people were watching, naturally there were no civilians, because they knew that it was the ship of the Qiye Pirate Regiment, although they wanted to see it, but they did not dare, after all, they were pirates, and during this time, they repeatedly made big troubles, which made them afraid.

The rest of the mountain thieves, pirates, and bounty hunters were dumbfounded, indeed as luxurious as the rumors, huge enough to be bigger than the towns on the island.

“Brother Qiye!”

At this time, a blonde and pretty Lori came running happily.

Qi Ye looked over and it was Jessica.

Before the Qiye docked, Jessica saw it, after all, the ship was too big, and after seeing it, she knew that it was Qiye coming.

She naturally paid attention to the matter of Qi Ye and knew that the Qi Ye Pirate Group was formed.

This lets Jessica know that Kiyo has come looking for her.

Originally, I thought that Qi Ye was already so powerful, the pirate group was a powerful figure, whether he would be unqualified, and whether Qi Ye would be casually talked about before.

But unexpectedly, Qi Ye really came.

Jessica ran up, and Qi Ye looked up and down and smiled, “Jessica, I haven’t seen you for more than a year, and I’ve grown taller.” ”

“Hey, I’m growing up, right?”

Qi Ye looked up and down, especially for a short stop at Jessica Hungkou.

Previously it was flat, now it is slightly curved.

“Well, it did grow a bit. So, get on board, from now on, you are the chef of the Qiye Pirate Regiment. ”

“Mm-hmm!” Jessica was happy and excited: “Brother Qiye… No, Captain, during this time, I have worked harder to learn to cook, and I have learned more dishes, and I will cook them all for you to eat. ”

“Also, my cooking skills have improved and I am better than the food I made before.”

Qi Ye looked forward to it: “Then I can’t wait to try the food you made.” Then after getting on the boat you will start to get busy, it is almost dark, just in time for dinner. ”

“Mm-hmm! However, in the evening, I will give the captain a meal below! ”

“Huh?” Qi night is broken.

Jessica blinked and asked, “Did the captain forget?” When you left before, I said that I made noodles and it was delicious, saying that the next time we meet, I will give you something to eat. ”

“Oh, so, I remember, so let’s go.”


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