Every player who participates in a multiplayer game

The helmet interface is intensively accepting specific objectives and map information for this mission.

Beep beep beep…

The map information in front of you is constantly changing.

From the vast map of galaxies, quickly zoom step by step to the star map near Typhon

Then zoom from the Typhony star map to the large map of the earth’s surface

Finally rotate the zoom to focus on one point

[Burst into the target area: Typhonstar 13 Zone].

Where have players seen such a cool way of introducing missions

One by one, in the vulture transport plane, I was hooked!

[Repeat the highest priority goal of this mission: to protect our Iron Rider and Titan, and eliminate the IMC forces in the 13th District!] 】

Uh huh… Uh-huh….

The warning red light is on, and the siren is long

Su Chen looked at the members of the noble squad around him, and they were still looking excited

Cold said:

“Sit well, fasten your seat belt and check the fixing measures one last time.”


“Yes, Captain!”

Su Chen glanced over


Myself a member of this noble squad

Except for a guy whose ID he doesn’t know, it’s a pure passerby.

Several others are the head game streamers of various live streaming platforms!

Rotten Tuan’er, Old E, afraid of the Fire Storm King Lao Ju.

This should be put in normal times, these anchors will not play together at all.

As a result, in the Titan Fall 2 game, it was all gathered into his own squad

What do these guys smell?

“A strange combination…”

“Captain, what are you talking about?”

Fu Tuan’er looked at Su Chen curiously

“Nothing. Keep your attention on the balance of your body. ”

Su Chen’s tone was as cold as ever:

“Waiting for the process of rushing into the atmosphere of Typhonium is very exciting.”

As soon as he heard Su Chen’s words, the other four team members immediately tensed up

The whole body is tense, and the seat belt is tightly clamped.

On the flagship deck of the Ninth Fleet, inside the Vulture transport planes

It’s all filled with intense air!

【Attention of each unit, attention of each unit!】 】

[Countdown to the burst attack, one minute!] 】


At the same moment, the edge of the thirteenth district of Typhon.

“It seems that this time it is impossible to get around.”

Cooper, played by Eggplant, sees that not far away, is another temporary military fortress.

Just above a pass

Stuck in your own direction.

“It seems that there are still many people in the IMC.”

The map system shows that only this road leads to your destination. 】


Eggplant inhaled and knelt on the ground in a half-squatting position

The DMR in his hand had just been fitted with a looted 6x scope.

This is the first time Eggplant has used sniper in the game.

The butt rests on the right shoulder and one eye is fixed on the 6x sight

The field of view suddenly zoomed in to unparalleled clarity!

In the sight of the crosshairs, the pores on the faces of IMC soldiers can be seen clearly!

Eggplant took a deep breath and held her breath for an instant

The barrel of the longbow DMR glowed with blue light and immediately did not move.

Pull the trigger with your fingers


A small but crisp gunshot sounded

Inside the eggplant 6x scope, the IMC soldier on the crosshairs immediately splashed a piece of dust at his feet!

“I lean on! This can be crooked! ”

“White gave WDNMD!”

Such a shot given in vain, all of them were crooked by the eggplant

Instantly awaken the CS white in the body to give the God of War memory!

The audience laughed in the live room!

“Or that familiar eggplant!”

“White to the God of War!”

“Say good middle door to sniper, never vain!?”

“The gold content of professional iron riders!”

“Bengbu lived!”

Eggplant also did not expect at all, how can the feel of this sniper be completely different from those dragon snipers in the love of Fu?

The IMC soldiers reacted immediately and made a mess.

“Someone sneaked in! There are rebels nearby! ”

“Level 1 battle readiness! Level 1 Battle Ready! ”

IMC soldiers who were still rambling,

This time all was alarmed

Into the bunker into the bunker, hide in the back of the box,

Suddenly, the entire fortress clearing, there were no figures.


However, Eggplant also fired a shot, and did not reveal his position.

Eggplant immediately put away the longbow DMR, a sliding step plus a wall jump,

Quickly moved to the flank heights of the IMC small fortress.

“Ballistics, eggplant, ballistics!”

“Calculate the drop point location! Real bullets also fall! ”

At this time, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room found a blind spot

The bullet screen immediately reminded Eggplant,

I did not estimate the trajectory just now, and I did not raise the crosshair position properly.

This is to put the big sniper experience of loving Fu directly into this game

“I didn’t expect this kind of detail to be so realistic!”

The eggplant muttered and reloaded the charge

Inside the 6x scope of the Longbow DMR, another hapless IMC soldier entered the crosshairs.

Completely different from the performance of the goose just now

Now the IMC soldiers in the crosshair range are all as hyperactive as monkeys!

Before the eggplant itself this wave of grass startled snakes,

Out of thin air, I added a lot of tactical difficulty to myself.

[Iron Drive, the combat suit stabilization system has been adapted and can be enabled.] 】

BT’s thick electronic tone came again

I was shocked to take aim at the eggplant that held my breath and was strong and strong!

“Stabilizing the system? What is that? ”

[Iron Drive, this system helps you maintain physical stability when engaging in long-range combat.] 】

[Time limit, five seconds.] 】

Eggplant reacted immediately, fingers lightly touching the helmet

“Turn on the stabilization system!”

Cooper, played by Eggplant, instantly turns into a motionless sculpture!

The longbow DMR crosshairs are precisely aimed at the heads of IMC soldiers.

The index finger is firmly buckled


Inside the scope, a wisp of blood flew out of the IMC soldier’s head

Soft and soft fell directly to the ground.

Bang Bang Bang!

In five seconds, fire three shots in a row!

Instantly knock down three unsuspecting IMC soldiers again!

Water friends in the live broadcast room, eyes wide :

“Cooper, are you hanging?!”

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