

An arc knife flashing blue flames, a knife slashed into the BT armor-piercing gun!

Mars Splash!

The IO-12 armor-piercing rifle in BT’s hand has a crack in the thick barrel

The eggplant in the cockpit, his hands were also shaking and numb, and he could hardly grasp the joystick.

BT, Titan was hit

The same will be transmitted to the iron horse.

In the eggplant live broadcast room, the arc knife of the Ronin Titan directly splits into the entire game screen!

It scared the audience a lot!

Especially those faces are pressed against the screen of the audience

Directly scared to the ground to fall!

“TNND scared the labor to death! This IMC is truly a birth! ”

“That arc knife is about to cut off the screen!”

“There’s no high-energy warning!?”

“Hold on to the eggplant!”

“I leaned on the BT gun as if it was going to crack!” Resist aaaaa

“The opposing Ronin Titan shield has fallen out as if it were so rigid?”

“Don’t you say, this ronin titan is still a little handsome, this waist and this leg!” Siha hiss! ”



[Go and die! Resistance! 】

The IMC ronin Titan driver suddenly let out a roar

【The power furnace is fully open!】 】

IMC Ronin Titan hides behind two back-to-back power stoves

Instant energy is in full swing!

Rumble…… Rumble……!

Yellow to blue, blue to white!

The flame temperature of the jet in the power furnace is getting higher and higher

The flame color was already blue to whitish.

The power output of the opposite Ronin Titan is getting bigger and bigger

The eggplant in the cockpit of BT can’t stand it on your hands!

The joystick that used to be easy to pull is now as heavy as a pound in the hand.

Of course, this is also Su Chen’s design.

After all, in reality, to drive a tank, usually change gears to pull the whole body

Now drive on the Titan, encounter this situation,

If it can still be easily operated, it is too dramatic.

[Shoulder-fired multi-target missile, recharged


“Here it comes!”

Eggplant slammed the missile mount button hard with his right hand

Uh-huh… Click!

BT on the left shoulder of the shoulder-fired missile mount, quickly lifted.

Again, close range is fully aimed at covering enemy Titans.

The eggplant pulls the BT lever with full force in his left hand, and holds the missile lock button with his right hand.

Drip…… Drip…… Drip!

On the display, a small red circle quickly locks on to each weak part of the IMC Ronin Titan.


The eggplant hand finally let go,

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Left shoulder missile launcher, flying out of the three-shot quadruple armor-piercing missile

At the same moment, BT was holding the Titan armor-piercing rifle

Finally could not withstand the cutting of the charged arc knife

Bang a loud bang!

Break straight in half!

Fly out countless gun alloy pieces!

Snap in front of BT’s cockpit door.

However, in the end, it is still BT’s shoulder-fired missiles that are one step ahead

The weakness on the Ronin Titan is a wild bombardment



The terrifying tens of millions of volts arc knife did not cut into the BT after all.

The IMC’s Ronin Titan, on the contrary, took all of BT’s missiles squarely

Immediately fell into a short downtime, that is, was hit by BT hard straight!

That arc knife, a bang

Also fell to the ground.

[IMC Titan Shield Detected: 0%].

Just now BT’s rifle has broken

Eggplant did not want to think, directly the driver BT picked up the arc knife on the ground

“BT, how does this thing work?”

[Weapon system adaptation in progress].

On the head-up display of the eggplant, lines of code quickly flashed

BT’s artificial intelligence core is rapidly adapting to this arc knife

However, just for a few seconds

Ronin Titans like,


Whoops! Whoops!

Just now the frontal missile is fully connected, IMC this ronin Titan,

Now there was black smoke coming from his body, weak joints, and a ball of fire

The core position of the head, a flash!

Flashing a dangerous red light!

“This cargo is going to blow itself up?!”

“IMC self-detonator I rely on!”

The thought flashed through Eggplant’s mind

Now BT is still initializing the weapon adaptation system, and it can’t get out of the fast maneuver for a while!


The Ronin Titan, covered in black smoke and flashing dangerous red lights

Just stumbled towards BT and rushed over!

The audience in the eggplant live broadcast room, facing the screen, shouted a sentence almost at the same time:

“BT Run!!!”

As for eggplant, who is that? It’s unfamiliar!

BT Big Cute is fine!

The eggplant pulls back the lever

No response!

Adaptation with arc knives, to the final stage,

[Initialization Progress: 90%].

“To send!!”


Stumbling over the IMC Ronin Titan,

Suddenly a knife was stabbed in the waist!

An anti-Titan armor-piercing rocket fired from behind right in the energy bunker area.

Although it failed to directly burst the energy warehouse, it briefly destroyed the energy transmission line

Same as when the BT was low on power before

IMC ronin titan is still sprinting body, abruptly stopped!

Stop halfway in a somewhat comical position.

Just such a meal,

[Arc weapon system adaptation progress: 100%].

Multiply…… Multiply…… Multiply!

【Sword core is connected】

BT holds the arc knife in his hand, illuminating the dazzling blue light

The thick current that was stirring was rushing through the sword!

【The sword core is fully charged, and the explosion starts!】 】

The dark alloy sword body was completely covered by the blue current

BT holds a sword in one hand, and an arrow steps up


With an arc knife in your hand, you will slash at the Ronin Titan like a storm!

Eight knives in a row, up and down, left and right, horizontal and vertical eight

Boom boom boom!

Cut the Ronin Titan clean like a watermelon!

Every knife brings a fiery flame!

Every knife, the knife into the body, sounded a loud bang!

The sword light flashed and exploded immediately!

The tube was what alloy armor it was, and it all went up in smoke.

Until the last knife!

“BT This is the execution that triggers the execution!” ,

“I lean on, this is the legendary Xia Ji Eight Cuts!”

“Handsome handsome!”

“I can’t see it, ah, ah, ah!”

“Coach I also want to start the sword core!”

The live broadcast room exploded together!

BT’s last knife execution move,

Take a step back with the back foot, and the arc knife receives behind you

One step brings up the kinetic energy of the whole body

Swing the arc knife and chop it down!


Deafening bang!

IMC ronin titan, instantly exploded into a ball of fireworks!

[Iron Drive, IMC ronin-class Titan, annihilated].



I heard that no iron driver can resist the coolness of the sword core start, please flower evaluation votes, burst more!

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