【Propulsion engine full power start】

The propulsion engine behind the BT, emitting a deafening roar,

Blazing blue ionic flames, ignited at the rear of the engine

[Engine overload].

Eggplant sits inside the BT cockpit and watches sonar lock coordinates

The red dots that symbolize the enemy are still approaching

[Iron Drive, get ready, let’s go].


There was a huge tremor under the eggplant’s butt, and a strong feeling of pushing back firmly pressed itself against the driver’s seat!

Without thinking, this is the BT starting full power propulsion mode.

Following the long and large straight, BT ran all the way to the final goal of the mission, the core node of the factory

The mechanical foot is lifted high and then falls again.


“Countdown: one minute and forty-five seconds”


“Countdown: one minute and forty-six seconds”

With the huge movement of BT every foot on the road

The task countdown jumps down one second.

Watching the tens of millions of viewers live broadcast, the heart sinks down a point!

Thick enough to completely cover the bullet screen of the public screen, there is only a simple word:

【Quick! 】

Typhon’s thunderstorm weather comes and goes fast

In front of the sprint, there is a long-lost dazzling light.

[Iron Drive, according to the system scan, Ken should be in front


Eggplant at this point consciousness has fully awakened and recovered

Iron Rider’s own top-level physical fitness setting allows players who play Cooper to recover from serious injuries in a short period of time, and short exposure to radiation will not be too much of a problem.

“It seems that this guy named Ken is the boss of this factory!”

[Boss, is it the boss?] According to the data, the ownership of this central factory is controlled by the IMC


Eggplant was speechless for a moment!

Even at the last tense moment of the mission, BT can always say all kinds of weird things!

“I mean, Ken should be the core controller of this plant.”


[Iron Drive, the flagship Dawn came the latest battle information].

Eggplant swallowed nervously, and his worst fear was coming!

If the other player troops can’t successfully capture the other three launch towers

The energy provided to the plant’s core would not be cut off, and the Holy Ark program would not be temporarily suspended.

In this case, the mysterious Sacred Cabinet plan will soon strike directly at the mother star of the Resistance Army, the Harmony Star!

Consequence…… No one knows how terrible it really is!

[Dawn’s latest battle briefing].

[The glorious Ninth Fleet of the Resistance Army has broken through the central defense line of the IMC in the thirteenth district, and four signal energy towers have been occupied by our army


[Dawn pays the highest tribute to the pilots of the Ninth Fleet, tank crews, artillerymen, and elite soldiers who have made great sacrifices!] 】


The thousand pounds of burden in Eggplant’s heart finally landed, roaring and waving a fist


“Next it’s up to us BT!” Just take Ken and take complete control of this critical factory! ”

[Theoretically, Iron Drive].

But just now, I received a faint strange signal from the IMC

Eggplant stunned, theory? Strange signals?

Come without waiting for Eggplant to think,

The front of the BT suddenly flashes of light, and the factory surface rumbles!

[Iron Drive, I detected a strong Titan signal from the enemy].

[Prepare for battle].

At the same moment that Cooper, played by Eggplant, drove the BT to the core area of the factory

Thousands of players on the periphery formed the main force of the Resistance Ninth Fleet

A furious attack is being launched against the last line of defense several kilometers in front of the IMC Zone 13 factory!

In reality, the live collection banner hanging on the homepage of the seafood station, the click heat directly rushed to billions of times!

The live broadcast perspectives of different anchors are gathered to show the final assault scene to all the audience.

All the spectators of water friends, at this time the voice has been shouted can not be more dumb!

A large banner inside the live screen,

Sima Da and Yin Zi, driving the restored Vanguard Titan, rushed to the forefront of the troops on the southern front

Withstood the IMC missile strikes,

Race against time to attack the IMC’s last line of defense.

Sima Da: “Call for air support!” Call for air support! ”

A few seconds later, the second flying squadron led by the little girl immediately circled and arrived.

“This is the fire! Here is the fire! Support is in place! ”

The Great Sima yelled at the communication channel:

“Hill 97, with IMC tank clusters, request tactical bombardment!”

In the face of the Palatine tank cluster, a single Titan is also difficult to break through.


Dumb little sister answered crisply and neatly

Then the three Hornet fighters immediately deflected their wings, one tumbling steering

The belly of the aircraft whizzed out six air-to-ground missiles

Against the IMC Palatine tank, one shot is an empowerment attack!

“Lieutenant, we have emptied the designated area!” Please keep on the rush! ”

Sima roared excitedly, pulling Yinzi’s vanguard titan, followed by the armored swarm of Saul Pigs

It is the first to break through the IMC last line of defense!

Commanding the ground player elite infantry assault mosquito coil, excitedly report to the rebel command:

“Report that the flagship of Dawn, the IMC Southern Energy Node, has been completely controlled by our side!”

The live broadcast screen turned and cut to the satellite cloud map of the flagship of Dawn.

The bright signs of the IMC in the thirteenth district quickly extinguished one by one with the final collapse of the southern line.

[Mission Progress: 95%].

Only the core of the factory where BT is located remains, and only the last control highlight of IMC remains!

[Mission countdown: one minute].

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